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upr000216 165


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ;9 B©f- X . ** flE 7 . A. 7 'Prank Strong: LOS ANGELES - August 14, 1945 42-SD-4853-W-A / * it (oo - Mr. P. E. Cragin) Your requisition 64-114, purchase requisition 42-SD-4853-W-A placed with the National Cast Iron Pipe Company. The item of a 14" Bell end Elbow 11-1/4 degree which was originally ordered and which we have now requested the vendor to furnish a 30 degree elbow, the National Cast Iron Pipe Company advise that they can furnish this fitting in either ^ r\ 22% degree or 45 degree but they cannot furnish a 30 degree. $111 you please advise if we must have the 30 degree y > r or if either the 22% or 45 degree will be satisfactory. ^ r w m m I*fe