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I agree.XX30Q00CXXXXXX30Q0CJ0C3C 401 South 2nd Street t o Vegas, Nevada August 1 6 , 1951 Franklin & Lasr R ealty St Development Company In o. 1734 South Main stre e t Las Vegas, Nevada Oentlenent X am enclosing o rig in a l and one extra oopy of B i l l of Sale conveying t i t l e to m t f lin e s oonstruoted by you pursuant to agreement *M*h#B* 2460 dated May 5* 1951 to serve a portion of Block 4 , Tra c t 3 , Boulder Dan Homes!tee A ddition, Lae Vegaa, Nevada* In order that we may oonmenoe making refunds of 50# of the revenues pursuant to the terms of the agreement, w ill you please execute the o rig in a l of the B il l of S ale, have your signatures acknowledged before a Notary Public and re tu rn to me fo r fu rth e r handling* The extra copy o f the document may he retained fo r your file * Very tru ly yours, Secretary