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Program from Confirmation exercises at Temple Beth Sholom, June 9, 1978



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    Confirmation Exercises 1978 * 5738 Temple Beth Sholom L as Vegas, N evada Confirmands TERI LYNN AARON daughter o f MR. & MRS. FRED AARON LINDA ABRAMSON daughter o f MR. & MRS. DENNIS MULHERIN SHERYL CHENIN daughter o f MR. & MRS. SIMON CHENIN JONATHAN GATHRID son o f MR. & MRS. SIDNEY GATHRID RICHARD GOTTLIEB son o f MR. & MRS. LAWRENCE GOTTLIEB ANDREW S. KATZ son o f MR. & MRS. MIKE KATZ ABBE LEVINEd aughter o f MR. & MRS. RALPH LEVINE NANCI LUBER daughter o f MR. & MRS. M AX LUBER RHONDA QUAGLIANA daughter o f DR. & MRS. JOSEPH QUAGLIANA DAVID ROLAND son o f MR. & MRS. BOB ROLAND The honor o f your presence is cordially requested at the Confirmation Exercises Class of 1978 to be held on Friday, the ninth day of June In the Main Sanctuary Sabbath Services at 8:00 p.m. The Oneg Shabbat reception will take place in the Entratter Social Hall following the services, and will be hosted by the Parents of the Confirmands. LEO A. WILNER Executive Director GERALD WELT Chairman, Board o f Education Committee JOSEPH KOHN Cantor & Educational Director DANIEL GOLDFARB President