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The Shofar newsletter of Temple Beth Am, September 2000



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    The House of the People Tbe Shofar Monthly Newsletter of Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Volume 10, Issue 9 September 2000 COMING EVENTS September 29 Eriv Rosh Hashana September 30 Rosh Hashana, I st day October I Rosh Hashana, 2nd day October 7 Tashlich On Lake Mead October 8 Kol Nidre, Y om Kippur October 9 Yom Kippur Yizkor EVERY WEEK Shabbat Services Friday 7:30 pm Torah Study Saturday 9:30 am Followed by Traditional Shabbat service at 10:30 am Picnic at the Shores The sun was shining, the water was pleasantly warm, the watermelon and so-das were icy cold. Those who came had a grand time, but we really wonder where the rest of the congregation was hiding out. We missed you and you missed a wonderful afternoon. Inside this Issue Jerusalem and Peace 2 Rabbi Mel Hecht Religious School Events 4 Birthdays & Anniversaries 5 High Holy Season Calen- 6 dar of Religious Activities Yartzeits 7 2 THESHOFAR September 2000 Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL,DD Spiritual Leader Rebbetzen Micki D. Hecht BToeamrdp olef DBiertehc tAomrs EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arteen Turok President Larry Steckler First VP Mort Friedlander Second VP Carin Bachant Treasurer Julie Pearlman Recording Secretary Linda York Corresponding Secretary TRUSTEES Steve Aizenberg Gary Bordman Craig Friedberg Lelia Friedlander Becky Grill Geri Lynn Grossan Hazel Gold Dr. Steve Konowalow Mark Rich Allison Berman Education Director Amy Stein...Sisterhood Representative Stuart Stein Brotherhood President THE SHOFAR Larry and Lorraine Steckler, Editors Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat, Friday at 7:00pm Shabbat, Friday at 7:30pm Child Care Provided Saturday Services Torah Study, 9:30am Services, 10:30am Jerusalem and It's Prospects for Peace Rabbinic Reflections by Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL, DD # 1 group of reporters once asked Elie Weisel to name his favorite ^ ^ P H place in the world. He thought for a moment and then replied, V "Jerusalem," He paused yet another moment, and added when I'm not there.. Micki, Melissa and I have just returned from Jerusalem and from tour-ing the greater part of IsraeL We were with a small group of friends who chose to make this Pilgrimage with us. We were few in number, but to-gether, we comprised a most unique minyon (quorum), if by minyon you mean a group of individuals who have bonded because of a common ex-perience ? the kind of experience that can influence your life forever. Our sincere gratitude goes out to the local travel agency Micki repre-sents ? Carlson Wagonlit-Five Star Travel; and most particularly, to IS-RAM Tours of IsraeL By the time of travel we had lost a third of our original group; but ISRAM still provided us with our own bus, driver, guide and an overall "private" package usually granted only to much larger groups. We have made a commitment to alternate pilgrimages to Israel and to tours of Jewish Heritage in Europe, annually. It was an 11-day tour. And yet, when we returned, we felt as if we had never left. It became a surrealistic dream, a vision that came to us through the grace of G-d! Perhaps, that's what Elie Weisel meant when he talked about the gift of memory elevating an experience beyond the reality of it. No matter how many times you go, Jerusalem becomes an idealized ex-perience, which is better longed for or remembered than actually lived "If I forget thee O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget it's cunning; let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, if I remember thee not," pro-claimed a poet of our people as he sat and wept by the rivers of Babylon. Jerusalem ? Israel ? is an aspiration of the Jew of the Golah (exile). It represents our fondest dreams, our greatest longing to become physically and spiritualty whole again, very much as we imagined it to be in the be- ginning. A look at history reminds us that the City of David never lived up to our dreams or our memories of it. It has always been "Something More" than it actu-ally was. Rather than our idealized picture, Jerusalem has remained a place of strife, intrigue, factionalism, misplaced priority and of war. And it doesn't matter whether you're referring to just Jews or to the various World Religions and Peoples who have laid both Spiritual and Political claim to Jerusalem at one time or another. It may be that the very ideas and aspirations that Jerusalem represents is the very cause of her woes: we speak in terms of Peace and Harmony in our words. All great religions aspire to it We speak of love, un-derstanding and tolerance. All religions affirm i t Yet, we fail to understand that no one religion or people or nation possesses the Whole Truth by itself. G-d had made many covenants knowing that the gift of Free Will mandates multiple expressions of the same basic truths. These individual truths are all part of the same puzzle, part of an all encompassing Divine Plan. They are not meant to be at odds with one another, but to be in sync with each other. In reality, however, lip service is paid to these reve-lations, leaving them suspended in Limbo, creating a vast chasm between the Dream and its Realization. Each religion or people or nation or denominations zealously guards its own definition of Truth; each de-sires to be the Sole Guardian of the Holy spaces, the only Definer of truths. So instead of love, there is hatred; instead of under-standing, there is prejudice; instead of Peace, there is accusation and confrontation. But Humanity cannot survive without its dreams. And Jerusalem represents the dream of a perfected world. It is both the Blessing and the Curse; it is Eden Restored and Armageddon Realized. Out of Jerusalem will go forth the Law along with the Word of G-d; for if we finally bring peace to "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 3 Jerusalem we will ultimately discover the way to bring peace to the rest of the world. As a Jew, I firmly be-lieve that Jerusalem is the key to world peace. The words of the prophet Isaiah tell us that Jerusalem is meant to be a "place for all peoples," not just for the Jew. We have served as its conqueror and its guardian. But so have other peoples; the Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Muslim, Crusader, Turk, British...and the Israeli Now perhaps in the not too distant future, the Palestinian will share in that guardianship as well. Jerusalem ? idealized ? belongs to the world. It should be established as an International Spiritual City, belonging to no one particular religion or people. Let the Israeli and the Palestinian serve as joint care-takers on behalf of the rest of the world. Let them jointly administer the city and call it their respective capitals. No one people should "own" Jerusalem or claim it only for themselves alone. The City of Peace is meant to belong to everyone, at least in a messianic sense. We Jews do have a unique claim to and relationship with Jerusalem! No one should deny this. But the pro-phetic claims for Jerusalem substantiate that it is to be a place for all new peoples. Perhaps the Messianic Dream is now within our grasp. Let it make it a place for all peoples. Let this newly created people, the Pal-estinians, become joint stewards of Jerusalem along with the Israelis. Let Esau Finally make peace with his brother Jacob; let Ishmael return to his father's house. Let there truly be a reconciliation that will reunite the House of Jacob, bringing peace to Jerusalem and to the rest of the world! B'Shalom, Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL, DD 4 THESHOFAR September 2000 Religious School Events Religious School Begins Sunday September 10th Hebrew ( 1 0 year olds and up) 9 am to l o am K to Confirmation 10 am to noon Rosh Hashana Children's Service 12:30 pm in LDS Church Immediately following Adult Services Babysitting will be available at Temple Beth Am for all High Holiday Services. (Snacks & Crafts planned for children) Consecration for Kinder's Friday October 20th, 7:30 pm 28 days of Religious School Scheduled May 20, 2001 Final Ceremonies Friday May 25, 2001 Confirmation Religious School Wish List r% mWid you know that we have a Wish List? Here ^ ^ are some things we would like for our school this year. Maybe you can help! A Book and Video and Music Library Two VCR/TV Combos Donations can be made specifically to the Reli-gious School. A book, video and music library can be as easy as donating ones you and your family have outgrown. We need the VCR/TV combos for our classrooms. Our Religious School gladly accepts all monetary donations for these items as well. Any and all con-tributions will be proudly posted in each issue of The Shofar. Thank you so much! L 'Shana Tova Back to School 7here are several new things we will be adding to our school curriculum this year. One is a monthly Friday night class service. This actually won't begin until November. We have so many holiday projects to do before the chil-dren can brush up on their Baruchas'. We also are planning monthly after religious school activi-ties. This year we thought we would divide ac-tivities into age groups: K-l and 2 - 3 , and 4 - 5 and up. Planned activities will include bowling, roller skating, mini-grand prix and Scandia. There will be many more activities during the year. It's very important to have volunteers to help set up and break down. Everyone will be asked to help. I hope that each family will be able to help in at least 2 activities during the year. This will enable us to deliver a more cohesive and productive year for everyone. I would like to remind all of the parents and children of our dress code. We ask for no bare bellies, spaghetti straps, halter tops or holes in jeans. The older children set an example for the younger ones. Please be aware of this code and have your children dress appropriately. To teach more about Tzedakah this year, we ask that you bring in one or two cans or boxed for a month for the Jewish Families food drive that will be active all year. It's a reminder of how fortunate we are to have plenty to share. Also, if you forgot to bring in your Tzedakah can at the end of last year, you can still bring it in now. Teachers and Staff will be happy to accept it. We will hold a teacher meeting Sunday Sep-tember 24th at 12:15 pm. Teachers and Staff mark your calendars. If you have any questions I can be reached through the office at 254-5110. Leila Friedlander Program Director "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 5 Happy Birthday Illene Zukermandel Mrs. Elaine Galatz Jared Kash (9th Birthday) Craig Holtzman (16th Birthday) Willi Artman (5th Birthday) Jesseca Zwerg (10th Birthday) Mrs. Rhonda A. Weisbein Jacqueline Arager Daniel Master Mr. David Kanarek Erron Present Sydney Hamilton (6th Birthday) Louis Esbin Mrs. Tanya Kash Mr. Lon Jaffe Lisa Rowins Laura Keating Mrs. Tobie Buccieri Terry Konowalo (16th Birthday) Jennifer Cohen (16th Birthday) Harrison Shaw (6th Birthday) Dr. Paul Smith Tara Rubin (9 th Birthday) Patricia Ritter Benjamin David Greenbaum (11 th Birthday) Lisa Cohen (19th Birthday) Jill Hanlon Mark Altschuler Mrs. Linda York Mrs. Mary Winer Mrs. Lelia Friedlander Samantha Morgan Weisbein (5th Birthday) Mrs. Hazel Gold Mr. Aurelio Carrillo Mrs. Barbara Klein Alyssa Epstein (1st Birthday) Allison Schwartz Dr. Steven henick Fran Fine Richard Present Rochelle Wilson Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 10 Sept. 10 Sept. 12 Sept. 13 Sept. IS Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Sept. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 17 Sept. 18 Sept. 19 Sept. 21 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 25 Sept. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 28 Sept. 29 Sept. 30 Happy Anniversary to: Dr. & Mrs. Steven Henick ??th Anniv Sept. 2 Mr. & Mrs. John Keator 23rd Anniv Sept. 10 William Aaron Cohen & Lauara Edith Cohen, M.D. 31st Anniv Sept. 12 Mr. & Mrs. Yale Cohen ??th Anniv Sept. 14 Rhoda & Martin Bibicoff 44th Anniv Sept. 16 Mel & Jay Chabrow 23rd Anniv Sept. 17 Mr. & Mrs. Brian Myers 17th Anniv Sept. 19 Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bird ??th Anniv Sept. 21 Hazel & Raymond Gold 57th Anniv Sept. 24 Mr. & Mrs. Dave Allazetta ??th Anniv Sept. 30 Summertime is Over It is a wonderful time of the year. The sun shines, but the temperature has cooled down a bit. The kids are back in school and vacation trips are memories, photographs and videotape. But don't forget, services are still held every Friday evening at 7:30 pm. So come and join us. To-gether we can celebrate the joy of each and every Shabbat. You might also consider coming by on Saturday morning for Torah Study at 9:30 am. A little snack, a cup of fresh-brewed coffee, and Rabbi Hecht to lead us through a discussion of the parsha of the week. Following Torah study, at 10:30 am, a conven-tional Shabbat service is held. Looking Ahead SEPTEMBER Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited Rosh Hashana Services. Religious School resumes Board Meeting?All Congregants Invited OCTOBER Tashlich on the paddlewheeler on Lake Mead Yom Kippur Services Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited Sisterhood Italian Feast NOVEMBER Family Pot Luck Shabbat Service ? Nov. 3 Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited DECEMBER Board Meeting ? All Congregants Invited Channukah 6 THESHOFAR September 2000 2000 HIGH HOLIDAY SEASON CALENDAR OF RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES September 23 September 29 September SO October 1 October 4 October 7 October 8 October 8 October 9 October 9 October IS October 14 October 15 October 20 October 21 October 22 December 21 Midnight Selichot ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 7:S0pm Rosh Hashana ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am 9:S0am Rosh Hashana ?- LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am 9:S0am Rosh Hashana -2nd Day ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 8:00pm Service of Healing ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 4:S0pm Bus leaves for Tashlich on Lake Mead from Temple Beth Am 12 Noon Tashlich: Religious School 7:SOpm Kol Nidre/Yom Kippur ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am 9:30am Yom Kippur ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am Afternoon Yizkor Service ? LDS Sanctuary adjacent Temple Beth Am 7:S0pm Sukkot ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 10:30am Sukkot ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 12 noon Sukkot/Religious School Blessing of the Animals Picnic?Lone Mountain Park 10:30am Simchas Torah/Yizkor ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary 9:30am Simchas Torah/Yizkor ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuaiy 9:30am Simchas Torah/Yizkor ? Temple Beth Am Sanctuary Sunset Chanukah, Light the First Candle o 2000 Temple Beth Am SEPTEMBER 5760 - 5761 o Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat Service 7:30pm 2 Torah Study 9:30am Traditional Shabbat Service 10:30am 3 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:00am B'Nai Mitzvah 10:00am 4 Labor Day 5 6 Temple Board Meeting 6:30pm All Congregants Invited Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 7 Sisterhood Board Meeting 7pm 8 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat Service 7:30pm 9 Torah Study 9:30am Traditional Shabbat Service 10:30am 10 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:00am B'Nai Mitzvah 10:00am 11 12 13 14 15 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat Service 7:30pm 16 Torah Study 9:30am Traditional Shabbat Service 10:30am 17 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:00am B'Nai Mitzvah 10:00am 18 19 20 Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 21 22 Tot Shabbat 7pm Torah Service 7:30pm 23 Selichot Night Torah Study 9:30am Traditional Shabbat Service 10:30am 24 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:00am B'Nai Mitzvah 10:00am 25 26 27 28 29 Eve of New Year Rosh Hashana LDS Sanctuary 7:30pm 30 1" Day Rosh Hashana LDS Sanctuary 9:30am 1 2nd Day Rosh Hashana TBA Sanctuary 9:30am ocr?s 2 f * 3 4 Service of Healing 8:00pm Temple Board Meeting 6:30pm All Congregants Invited Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 5 6 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat Service 7:30pm 7 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am Tashlich Service aboard Desert Princess on Lake Mead Call TBA Office for info, 254-5110 Aia, (TAUAN FBA<ST Sponsored by Temple Beth Am Sisterhood as their first event of the New Year. Featuring a multi-course spaghetti dinner prepared by Chef James Metrick, a prestigious, professional chef of Shadow Creek, Our menu includes Marinara (meatless) andBolognese (meat) sauces, a Classic tossed salad, Italian bread, and both hot and cold beverages and of course no dinner would be complete without dessert If you have ever attended a Sisterhood sponsored dinner you know how we serve! The food is always plentiful, delicious and attractively presented. Ladies - take advantage of a night out! Bring your man and join us for this delicious Italian dinner. DATE: Thursday, October 12, 2000 TIME: 6:30 P.M. PLACE: Temple Beth Am EVERYONE IS INVITED!!! DONATION$5.00 PER PERSON Please RSVP by calling the Temple office at 254-5110 or Hazel Gold at 871-0069 "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 7 REMEMBERING LOVED ONES WITH THIS MONTH'S YARTZEITS Sept 2 Addie Fox Corn... Mother of Jean Tobman, Herb & Jean Sept. 13 Sam Greenstein Father Morris Greenstein Sept. 4 Nathan Hoffman Grandfather Greene, Gerald & Elynne Sept 14 Rebecca Kurtz... Mother of Art Cohen, Arthur & Anne Sept. 5 Sylvia Lowe... Mother of Shelli Lowe, Shelli & Wara, George Sept. 15 Chil Kampinski... .Father ofMeta Doran, Gerald & Meta Sept 5 Alfred Myers Father of Brian Myers, Brian & Randy Sept. 15 Pauls Kempmski... Mother ofMeta Doran, Gerald & Meta Sept. 5 Hyman Ullian Grandfather of Nancy Stone, Martin & Nancy Sept. 17 Rose Wade. Mother ofDebra Shaiken, Steven & Debra Sept 6 Barry Pearlman... .Father of Lisa Rowms, Keith & Lisa Sept. 18 Jack Levant... JBrother of Hazel Gold, Raymond & Hazel Sept. 7 Ella Golden Sister of Hyman Forkos, Hyman & Helen Sept. 19 Chaim Roth... .Father Schwartz, Judith Sept. 7 Alan Joseph Martin... .Grandson Tobman, Herb & Jean Sept. 22 Irving Holtz... .Father of Stella Blaiac, Stella Sept. 8 Cornelius Reckterrwald... .Grandfather Flassman, Irwin & Michele Sept 26 Abraham Robinson Grandfather of Lynda Delgado, Lynda & Pablo Sept. 10 Harold Palmer... .Father of Arvajune Hailpern, Ben & Arvajune Sept. 28 Sept 29 Joseph Feinhandler... .Father ofMyrna Bird, Allan & Myrna Derwin HartstalL .. .Father of Susan Master, Frank NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER, MD. FACC, FACP BERGE ). DADOURIAN, MD. FACC SEAN S. AMELI. MD. FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD. FACC SAMUEL E. GREEN, MD. FACC JEFFREY B. GITLIN, MD PATRICK C. HSU, MD 3121 S Maryland Pkwy Suite 512 Las Vegas. NV 89100 1702) 706-7150 3150 N Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas. NV 80128 (702) 233-1000 REMEMBER YOUR LOVED ONES AT YIZKOR SERVICES ON YOM KIPPUR Temple Beth Am is pleased to announce the continuing publication of our YIZKOR MEMORIAL & SERVICE BOOK for the HIGH HOLY DAYS. Jewish Tradition encourages remembering in a way that affirms life. We invite you to consider making one of your donations for the Holy Day Season in the form of a tribute in memory of your loved ones. The following is a list of minimum donation amounts required based on the size space you wish to use to honor your loved ones: FULL PAGE $100.00 HALF PAGE $ 55.00 (maximum 10 names) 1/4 PAGE $ 36.00 (maximum 8 names) 1/8 PAGE $ 18.00 (maximum 3 names) NAME LIST $ 5.00 (per name) Please fill out the memorial form information below and mail with payment POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 8, 2000. Mail to TEMPLE BETH AM, 9001 Hillpointe Road, Las Vegas, NV 89134, No inclusions will be made until full payment is received. An entry of "Mr. and Mrs. " will count as two names. Please direct any questions you may have to the Temple Beth Am office, 254-5110 or Lorraine Steckler, 240- 0183. Don't delay! Send your form in now so that ample time can be devoted to the arrangement of your remembrance. YIZKOR MEMORIAL FORM YOUR NAME: YOUR ADDRESS: HOME PHONE: BUSINESS PHONE:. SIZE OF TRIBUTE FULL HALF 1/4 1/8 NAME LIST AMOUNT OF DONATION ENCLOSED $ PLEASE WRITE OUT THE WORDING OF YOUR TRIBUTE AND THE NAMES OF THOSE HONORED AS YOU WOULD LIKE IT TO APPEAR (for names listed in the Scroll or Remembrance, please just list the names). Please attach an additional sheet of paper if needed. Tashlich Service Aboard the Desert Princess October 7, 2000 You'll be eager to join us for a very special and very unique Tashlich service that will be held aboard the Desert Princess paddlewheel boat on Lake Mead. The date is October 7, 2000. The Brotherhood of Temple Beth Am has chartered the Desert Princess for a 2- hour cruise, during which time both Rabbi Mel Hecht and Cantorial Soloist, David Auerbach will conduct a memorable "Casting off of Sins." The bus will depart the Temple parking lot at 4:30pm. Music and a light meal will be served onboard the boat. This is our 3rd joyful and meaningful event of this kind. Reservations fill quickly so please make your reservation now! The cost of $50 per person includes: Round-trip bus transportation from Temple Beth Am to Lake Mead, the Tashlich service, the 2-hour cruise, the music and the light meal. For more information, please call Sandy at the Temple Office, 254-5110. Be sure to join us for this wonderful experience. Please fill out and return this coupon to the Temple Beth Am Office with your check before it's too late. r -j i Tashlich Service on the Desert Princess ) October 7, 2000, bus departs TBA 4:30pm ! Number of Reservations: @$50 per person. Total $ ? i Name: i Address: 1 Telephone: \ Your cancelled check is your receipt. ? \ Temple Beth Am, 9100 Hillpointe Road, Las Vegas, NV 89134 > j 1 0 THESHOFAR September 2000 Special Guest Speaker Look forward to meeting Mr. Michael Nitzami at Shabbat Services on Friday, September 8th. Mr. Nitzami is the Jewish National Fund's Israel Emissary to the Western United States. He will bring our congregation up to date on the how Israel will meet the challenges of the 21st century. Chief among them is water. Critical water shortages will be ex-acerbated as Israel shares its limited natural water re-sources with its regional partners in peace. The relentless demand to provide more land for urban development, as the country continues its historic absorption of new immi-grants, will increasingly put pressure on the remaining green spaces. There are solutions. Come and enjoy a Shabbat of prayer and learning. Introduction to Judaism You are cordially invited to participate in Rabbi Mel Hecht's Introduction to Judaism class beginning Tues-day, September 5, 2000. It will start at 7:30 pm at Temple Beth Am. This informative class will include and "overview" of the origins, practices, and philosophy of Judaism and the Jewish People. Whether you are a Jew who would like to know more about your own religion, a Non-Jew married to a Jew, a Christian desiring a better understanding of the origins of your own re-ligion, or someone who is thinking about conversion, this is the class for you. Adult Hebrew & B'Nai Mitzvah Class Why not come and learn to read (or reread) Hebrew? This class is especially tailored for the adult wishing to become Bar or Bat Mitzvah. Participants will be taught to read Hebrew and learn the prayers and their meanings, as well as some general Conversa-tional Hebrew words and phrases. If you are inter-ested in becoming a participant in this most mean-ingful class, please phone the Temple office at 254- 5110 and leave your name and contact number. SJiALOM Sistergrams by Roz Ring 656-7003 To: Rabbi Mel Hecht From: Sisterhood A speedy recovery from your recent knee surgery. We want to see you standing tall on the beemah soon. To: Rabbi Mel Hecht From: Amy & Stu Stein Our -wishes for your full and rapid recovery. May good health walk with you. To: Rabbi Mel Hecht From: Roz & A1 Ring May you have a speedy and full recovery from your re-cent surgery. Bricks To: Arleen Turok From: Sisterhood We wish you a quick and complete recovery from your recent surgery. Jewish Genealogy Society Michael Brenner, past president of the Jewish Genea-logical Society Inc. of New York, will be the guest speaker when the Jewish Genealogical Society of South-ern Nevada-West meets at 1 pm Sunday, September 17, in the multi-purpose room of the Sahara West Library, 9600 West Sahara. His topic will be "Researching New York City " For additional information call 363-8230 daytime or 871-9773 after 6 pm. My Grandmother, My Mother; and Me This one-woman show featuring Ruth Kaye is an inter-generational program where Ruth dramatizes 100 years in a Jewish family, (from 19th Century Russia to the present), using narrative, monologues and songs. The songs include Yiddish and Israeli folk melodies, liturgi-cal pieces, and Broadway show times with a Jewish fla-vor. Sponsored by the Jewish Community Center of Southern Las Vegas, Ruth Kaye will appear on Monday, September 14th, at 7:00 pm, at the Clark County Li-brary, 1401 East Flamingo. Tickets are $8 and $10 for JCC Members; and $10 and $15 for non members. Call the JCC at 794-0090 for reservations. Please tell our advertisers you saw their ad in "The Shofar" Single Jewish Senior Male looking to share your residence. Enjoys Sports, movies and cooking, Reliable?Call David 732-1103 ^ SPANISH HILL-J H L "EXCEEblNCi YOUZ expect/wow" Call for a free no obligation Ed Weisel, ABR market analysis of your home Realtor or a buyer's evaluation. CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE: 4955 So. Durango DR., Suite 116 Las Vegas, Nevada 89113 e-mail: Phone: 702-521-6302 ES^^B* y i : ^ MAIL BOXES ETC* 7065 W. Ann Rd ? ? ? ? ? off 95 MAKING BUSINESS EASIER: WORLDWIDE. Part Time Help Wanted for a New Store Opening in September 8am - 1pm Weekdays 9am - 2pm Saturday Call 240-0183 for Information Larry or Lorraine Steckler PROFESSIONAL NUTRITION SERVICES ATTORNEY AT LAW Weight Management ? Cholesterol Reduction Diabetes Meal Planning ? Group Presentations 619 S. 6th Street Telephone (702) 384-8900 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Facsimile (707)384-6900 EMAIL: FRANFINE@WORLDNET.ATT.NEr 7721 Leavorite Drive Las Vegas, NV 89128 Geri Lynn Grossan, R.D., C.D.E. 702.242.5730 Fax 242.1417 Nutrition Consultant ALLSTATE PRINTING Mort Friedlander Meditation and Arbitration Services Providing Las Vegas with prompt, courteous, & economical service since 1972 Dan & Meggan Debevac 3111 S. Valley View, #U-104 (702) 253-9448 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Fax (702) 253-5547 Tel (702) 645-1288 ? Fax (702) 645-1149 E-Mail: TEMPLE BETH AM ONEGS: Contact Amy Stein at 233-6230 to sponsor an Oneg. DATE SPONSOR OCCASION Sept 1 Open Sept 8 Shelly & Keith Lewis In celebration of their daughter Arielle's 10th birthday Sept 15 Linda & Robert York In celebration of their daughter Alexis becoming a Bat Mitzvah Sept 22 Amy & Stuart Stein In celebration of the marriage of their son Jason to Joanne The Shofar Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.Postage PAID Las Vegas, NV Permit No. 395 702-254-5110