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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 9, 1986






Includes meeting agenda and minutes. CSUN Session 16 (Part 2) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000530. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-3S-3S THURSDAY OCTOBER 9, 1986 MSU 201 4:00 PM I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes from senate meeting 16-37, 16-38 IV. Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Gus Varona to Judicial Council VI. Old Business A. Approval of Contract with Sound Specialist for $250 for party on October 15, 1986 VII. New Business A. Introduction of Gus Varona to Judicial Council B. Approval of Entertainment contract(s) for party on October 18, 1986 C. Approval of contract with Kings Charles Troupe for $300 for October 17, 1986 VIII. Open Discussion IX. Adj ournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-3* THURSDAY OCTOBER 9, 1986 MSU 201 4:00 PM VII. New Business D. Day of Protest - Apartheid Resolution Not to be considered after 4:30 E. Senate Candidates Not to be considered after 4:30 UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING 16-3 9 THURSDAY OCTOBER 9, 1986 MSU 201 4:00 PM EMERGENCY ITEMS VIII. NEW BUSINESS F. Approval of contract betweeen CSUN/KUNV and Herd of Lemmings for $100.00, on Oct 4, 1986 G. Approval of contract between CSUN/KUNV and Yardspace for $100.00, on Oct 4, 1986 H. Approval of clean up contract with Schleprocks for Wed Oct 15, 1986, for $75.00 I. Approval of clean up contract with Sigma Phi Epsilon for Thursday Oct 16, 1986 in the amount of $75.00 J. Approval of clean up contract with Sigma Kappa Kappa for Friday Oct 17, 1986 in the amount of $75.00 K. Approval of contract with UNLV Jazz Band on Wed Oct 15, 1986, from 11:30 - 12:30 no charge. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING 16-39 THURSDAY OCTOBER 9, 1986 MSU 201 4PM I. Call to Order Senate President Protempore Jack Spicer called the meeting to order at 4pm. Absent Senator Burke Senator Harrington Senator Zayas Roll Call Present Senator Anderson Senator Brown Senator Davis Senator Gottschalk Senator Leroy Senator Lieberman Senator Loxton Senator Miller Senator Novak Senator Parker Senator Popadak Senator Retke Senator Sarnelli Senator Spicer Senator Susman (late) Senator Tangredi Senator Windolph III. Approval of minutes from Senate Meetings 16-37 and 16-38 There were no minutes. IV. Announcements The Elections Board meet Oct. 8 and came up with fines. The Elections Board ran thru the fines to be charged; he also announced a bar-b-que for two weeks from this Saturday. Dibenedetto also said he would resign for the Homecoming elections if people wanted him to. V. Board, Committee and Director Reports Denise Sarnelli, Entertainment and Programming chair, said Homecoming was set for Wed., Thurs. and Friday. Several organizations were recognized now: The Aikido Club; Club Managers Association; Phi Beta Theta Fraternity UNIVERSITY SUP iflftRtf^CFPARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 Senate Minutes cont. Meeting 16-39 page 2 Sara Lieberman, Publication Board chair, said we are going to have a yearbook this year. Rob Rosenthal, KUNV, said theyonly made $300 on the major concert. He is introducing stipend for the program director and assistant program director. VI. Executive Board Nominations A. Gus Varona to Judicial Council VII. Old Business A. Approval of contract with Sound Specialist for $250 for party on October 15, 1986 Senator Leroy moved to approve; Senator Anderson seconded. The motion passed unanimously. VIII. Introduction of Gus Varona to Judicial Council This item was introduced. B. Approval of Entertainment and Programming contracts for party on Oct. 18, 1986 Due to the fact there is no party—this item was withdrawn C. Approval of contract with King Charles Troupe for $300 for Oct. 17 This item was postponed for the next meeting. ' il/..i- £' 6 D. Day of Protest — Apartheid Resolution. Not to be considered after 4:30pm This motion was not considered E. Senate Candidates. Not to be considered after 4:30pm This item was Out of Order "' cif >f A,1 ' :> : !.' o O'i f ». 1 Ml- •(• 1 F. Senator Lieberman moved to approve Item' F thru K as a Whole; Senator Novak seconded. F. Approval of Contract between CSUN/KUNV and Herd of Lemmings for $100 on October 4, 1986.' G. Approval of contract between CSUN/KUNV and Yardspace for $100 on October 4, 1986. f r< l rrv; m.)I • t< > H. Approval of clean up contract with Schleprocks for Wed. Oct. 15, 1986, for $75. tfMJVd I'.' s n o *r if'; : f \, f . 'i >.( I. Approval of clekn up contract with Sigma Phi Epsilon for Thursday, Oct. 16, 1986 in the amount of $75. J. Approval of clean up contract with Sigma Kappa Kappa for Friday, Oct. 17, 1986, in the amount of $75. 4 J- C1 ' L ' . 1 [ ; L ' [ . / . K. Approval of contract with UNLV Jazz Band on Wed., Oct. 15, 1986, from 11:30 -12:30 no charge. Senator Tangredi left at 4:50pm The motion passed by unanimous acclaimation. Senate Minutes cont. Meeting 16-39 Page 3 IX. Open Discussion A. Senator Lieberman, in expressing his disgust and disappointment that Alfred Gomez went to the Board of Regents meeting in Reno without the Senate's approval asked rhetoricaly, "If people were going to go to the Board of Regents meeting without approval from the senate, why should anyone be approved?" B. Many senators expressed their approval with what senator Lieberman said. C. Senator Gottschalk explained that because he would not be on the newly elected senate and he had a lot of studying to do over the weekend, he did not go to the Board of Regents meeting. D. Senator Lieberman then added that if a change was to be made, there should have been a memo in everyone's box. E. Senator Miller pointed out that the Executive Board can approve travel allowances without the Senate's approval. F. Senator Gottschalk said that it is wront to publish a student paper on the day of the election because it offers no chance to rebuttal. Gottschalk also expressed his disappointment at the behavior of certain members of the Yellin' Rebel staff who hung banners deriding senate candidate Jim Santini, when he spoke at a Tau Kappa Espsilon fraternity meeting, and made no effort to interview the man even though he could be the next senator for Nevada. G. Senator Sarnelli wished to clarify Oktoberfest. H. Before she could continue there was an introduction of Approval of $500 for Rob Rosenthal for travel expenses. I. Senator Sarnelli continued: On Wednesday everything was 100 percent set food, entertainment, etc. There was a conflict with security, with the paperwork lost in the University shuffle. Purchasing said everything was ready but, there was not official paperwork. Along with this there was talk that the Fox would not reflect the right image for the University. With the problems with paperwork the event was concelled. She said that she felt Senate Minutes cont Meeting 16-39 Page 4 Oktoberfest should have gone ahead anyway but it was out of her control now. Senator Sarnelli then said she is concentrating on Homecoming now. J. Senator Parker said CSUN President Kirk Hendrick is always dumping on Senator Sarnelli; Senator Parker added, "If our own CSUN Presdient thinks its always CSUN who is at fault, what are the rest of the students to think. Senator Retke agreed with Senator Parker and added he thinks Kirk let everything fall through to make Senator Sarnelli look bad. K. Senator Sarnelli spoke again, saying the Fox had been approved weeks ago. L. Senate President Protempore Spicer then thanked all the senators for showing up for the meeting. X. Adj ournment The meeting was adjourned by Senate President Protempore Spicer at 5:08pm gl