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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    \3e& \ San P edro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad C ompany March..21st upon the su bject o f securing water rig h ts at Moapa. R eplying th ereto I have to say I b e lie v e we should buy the Harris esta te being the 40 acres in the undivided h a lf o f lo t s Uos. other h a lf belonging to P ic k e tt. This land c a r rie s a water r ig h t o f about 60 inches, I b e lie v e . I t would also be w e ll probably to record fo r ourselves 25 or 30 inches. We have already sunk s e ve ra l w e lls near the crossin g o f the 0 Moapa and in each case found water that was u t t e r ly u n fit fo r b o ile r use and very much worse than water from the stream. E. G. T I L T O N , Chief Engineer. E N G I N E E R I N G D E P A R T ME N T Land at Moapa fo r water r ig h t. Los Angeles, Cal., Mar. 24, 1905. F ile No. 715 * * Mr. J. Ross Clark OC*econd Vice President Lear S ir : I am in re c e ip t o f your l e t t e r o f March 23rd, f i l e 12-M, enclosin g a le t t e r from Mr. Gibbon and another from Mr. Waters o f 2 and 3, Sec. 6, T.15 S . , R.65 E . , M.D.B.& M ., con tainin g 80 acres, the Yours tr u ly , C hief Engineer. enc