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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    990-10,000 WATTS BOX 5585 ?╟÷ TUCSON, ARIZ. /t^U^onaX Modi P&w&iju July 25, 1957 Mr. A1 Freeman Hotel Sanda Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Al: This is in reply to your letter of July 18. I am enclosing a copy of one of the promotional announcements, which we put on at least 4 times per day. Also, the accompanying announcement about the Sands is presented everyday, 7 days a week .. not to mention our Newscasts each time we have a winner. Al, I think you will agree that this is a solid promotion. The number of people we reach each day with this station is very gratifying to us, and I know you will eventually feel the reaction. We are very sincere in wanting to preserve this nice relationship with you and The Sands, and are doing everything we can to keep this promotion on a very high plane. We subscribe to Fabulous Magazine, which keeps us filled in on all talent changes. Best regards, Tom Wallace Owner TW:db