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Ephemera from Hello, Dolly with Betty Grable, at the Riviera Hotel


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    Y0 NKSRS Message: COMPLETE FACILITIES FOR SALES MEETINGS AND CONVENTIONS HELLO, DOLLY! UNANIMOUSLY ACCLAIMED NEW YORK DAILY NEWSPAPERS NATIONAL MAGAZINES Jn? 1 1VIERA H <) T E L L AS V E G A S , NEVADA^ COLUMNISTS A MARVELOUS, MAGICAL MUSICAL.? ?Leonard Lyons SEASON?S F IR S T MUSICAL SMASH.? ?Walter Winchell MAGNIFICENT MUSICAL M IRACLE.? ?Ed Sullivan A ROUSING H IT .? - E a r l Wilson ? m g?i! ? A MUSICAL COMEDY DREAM .? ?K err, N .Y . Herald Tribune ? A MUSICAL SH O T THROUGH W ITH EN?CHANTMENT.? ?Taubman, N. Y. Times ? A GLORIOUS JE W E L O F A MUSICAL.? ?Nadel, N .Y . W. Telegram & Sun ? A COLOSSAL H IT .? ?McClain, Journal American ? A RESOUNDING H IT .? -W atts, N .Y . Post ? A HANDSOME B IG MUSICAL.? ?Chapman, N .Y . Daily News ? D E L IG H T F U L , FU N N Y, M E L O D IO U S, SMASHING SH OW .? ?Bolton, M. Telegraph ? HAS E Y E A PPEA L, EA R A PPEA L, LOVE A PPEA L AND LAUGH A PPEA L.? ?Tim e Magazine ? SPEC TA C U LA R GO IN GS-ON. AN E V E ?NING O F GOOD FUN.? - T h e New Yorker ? WON H O T-D IG GETY N O TICES. A S E T ?T L E D H IT .? ?Newsweek ? GA Y, CHARMING, TU N EFU L VALEN-T IN E .? ?Lewis, Cue DAVID MERRICK presents BETTY GRABLE * HELLO,DOLLYr Book by Music and Lyrics by M IC H A EL S T E W A R T J E R R Y H ERM A N B ased on the O riginal P la y by T hornton W ilder Also Starring M A X SHOW A L T E R with BILLIE HAYES ARTHUR BARTOW JUNE HELMERS DANNY LOCKIN BEVERLEE WEIR MARK ALDEN ROBERT HOCKNELL PATRICIA SAUERS SKEDGE MILLER Settings Designed by Costumes by OLIVER SMITH FREDDY WITTOP Lighting by Dance and Incidental Music Arrangements by JEAN ROSENTHAL PETER HOWARD Musical Direction by Orchestrations by Vocal Arrangements by JACK CATHCART PHILIP J. LANG SHEPARD COLEMAN Assistant to the D irector LUCIA V'ICTOR Dance Assistant LOWELL PURVIS D irected and C horeographed by GOWER CHAMPION A DAVID MERRICK and CHAMPION-FIVE, INC. PRODUCTION CAST O F CHARACTERS Mrs. Dolly Gallagher Levi .......................................................................... Betty Grable Ernestiria ........................................................................................................... Patricia Sauers Ambrose Kemper ................................................................................................ Mark Alden Horse ................................................................................. Eileen Barbaris, Debra Lyman Horace Vandergelder ................................................................................... Max Showalter Ermengarde ..................................................................................... .................Beverlee W eir Cornelius Hackl ............................................................ ..............,__-.............Arthur Bartow Barnaby Tucker .............................................................................................. Danny Lockin Minnie Fay ............................................................................ ;............................. Billie Hayes Irene Molloy ................... ................................................................................. June Helmers Mrs. Rose ...................................................................................................Charlise Mallory Rudolph ....................................................................................................... Robert Hocknell Judge .................................................................................................................... Skedge Miller Court C lerk ......................................................................................................Alexander Orfaly Scene 1: Along Fourth Avenue, New York City Scene 2 : Grand Central Station ?I Put M y H and In" ..........................................................................Dolly and Company Scene 3: A Street in Yonkers Scene 4 : Vandergelder?s Hay and Feed Store, Yonkers ?I t T akes a W om an? .............................Vandergelder, and the Instant G lee Club ?P ut on Your Sunday C lo th es" ...........................................Cornelius, Barnaby, Dolly, Ambrose, Ermengarde Scene 5: T h e Yonkers Depot ?Put on Your Sunday C lothes"..................................................T he People o f Yonkers Scene 6 : Outside Mrs. Molloy?s Hat Shop ? W ater Street, New York City ?M otherhood" ............................................................. Dolly, Vandergelder, Mrs. Molloy, Minnie Fay, Cornelius, Barnaby ?D ancing" ......... .................................... ......................................Dolly, Cornelius, Bamaby, Minnie Fay, Mrs. Molloy, and Dancers S cene 7 : A Quiet Street Scene 8 : 14th Street ?B efore th e Parade Passes By" ..........................Dolly, Vandergelder and Company Scene 9 : Outside the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant, on the Battery ?Elegance" ................................... Mrs. Molloy, Cornelius, Minnie Fay, and Bamaby Scene 10: Inside the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant ?T he W aiters? G allop" ..................................................................... Rudolph and Waiters ?H ello, Dolly!" ....................... ...............................Dolly, Rudolph, Waiters and Cooks Scene 11: T h e Polka Contest ..........................Ambrose, Ermengarde, Mrs. Molloy, Cornelius, Scene 12: A Courtroom on Centre Street Minnie Fay, Bamaby and the Contestants ?It Only T akes a M om ent" ......................................................... Cornelius, Mrs. Malloy ?So Long D earie? ...... ............ ....................... .......... ..................... Dolly and Vandergelder Scene 13: T he Hay and Feed Store, Yonkers ?H ello, Dolly!" Reprise ................................................................ Dolly and Vandergelder ?Finale? ........................................... ...... .......... ................ ........................... .......................Company TO W N SPEO PLE, W A ITER S, E T C . Eileen Barbaris, Eileen Casey, Polly Dawson. Susan Freeman, Barbara Gregory, Caryl Hinchee Kathryn Humphreys, Leslie Kimble, Debra Lyman, Charlise Mallory, Ellen Mitchell, Susan Mora, Diane Nels, Janyce Nyman, Julie Sargant Betty Stowell Robert Avian, Alvin Beam, Edmund Belson, Wayne Boyd, Gene Coopgr, Jack Craig, Nonnan Fredericks, Richard Gingrich, Ed Goldsmid, Mickey Hinton, Jim Hovis. Robert L . Hultman. Sean Nolan J erry Norman, Alexander Orfaly, Rudy Rajkovich, Bob Rcinick, Dana Thompson, Charles Vick, Standby for Miss Grable ? Anne Russell UNDERSTUDIES V andergelder ? Skedge Miller; Cornelius ? Robert Hocknell; Mrs. M olloy ? Julie Sargant; M innie Fay ? Debra Lyman; Barnaby ? Ed Goldsmid; Ambrose-, Dana Thompson; Erm engarde ? Betty Stowell; R udolph ? Alexander Orfaly; Ernestina ? Barbara Gregory; Mrs. R ose ? Polly Dawson; T he Judge ? Norman Fredericks.