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M B. s ' EC 31 1937 \ Mr* Leo A. McNamee: R e fe rrin g to your l e t t e r December 20th, r e la t iv e to the R a ilro a d Company fu rn ish in g water to the CCC Camp a t Logan-d a le , Nevada* Due to the numerous communities served by the Union P a c ific R a ilro a d Company, i t has been n ecessary , as a matter o f p o lic y , to d e c lin e to make c o n trib u tio n s to such p u b lic e n te rp ris e s * I know you w i l l a p p re c ia te , when you consider th at we have over 10,000 m iles o f r a ilr o a d and serve hundreds o f communities, that we cannot make co n tribu tio n s o f th is ch aracter w ithout i t becoming so burdensome that i t would p resen t an Im possible s itu a tio n , and to make a donation In one case and not in another would create i l l - w i l l and charges o f d isc rim in a tio n * In a d d itio n , these camps are maintained from taxes paid in to the Government by the taxpayers throughout the country, and the Union P a c ific pays, a very s u b s ta n tia l p o rtio n o f the taxes in the t e r r it o r y through which we op erate, th e re fo re , I do not f e e l that we are j u s t i f i e d in asking f o r a u th o rity to make an exception in th is case to our e sta b lish e d p o lic y * You should e x p la in th is s itu a tio n to Mr* M arsh all in d e t a i l so that he w i l l f u l l y understand our p o s itio n in these matters and hold no i l l - f e e l i n g towards the R ailro ad Company, As a matter o f in fo rm ation , we have ju s t re c e iv e d a copy o f an agreement, executed by the Government, coverin g the fu rn ish in g o f water to th is p a r t ic u la r camp fo r the p eriod Oct, / CO-Mr* E* E. Bennett 1, 1937, to June 30ti H. J