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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 05, 1983






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about the executive board meeting and transcript of Senator Robert Eglet's speech. CSUN Session 13 (Part 1) Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000383. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA Senate Meeting #33 Session #13 07/05/83 MSU 20 3 5:00 p.m. 'I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #32 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive "Board ^Nominations'r^seesattachment) VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Bylaws Committee B. Entertainment and Programming Board C. Nevada Student Affairs D. Publications Board E. Other F. Appropriations Board VII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Hotel College 2. Academic Advisement(3) 3. Education College(1) VIII. New Business A. Approval of legal agreement between CSUN and artists - Lee B. Approval of CSUN 1983-84 Budget C. Approval of Yell Editor Nomination and Waiver of Publi-cations Board Policv - Griffith D. Appointment of Education College Senator 1. Nanda Briggs F. Approval of S.B. #14 - Clay IX. Open Discussion X. Adiournment UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS 29 JUNE 1983 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING #13 1. Appropriations Board a. Senator Zimmer (SAL) 2. Bylaws Committee a. Richard Riedy (SAL) b. Senator Chadwell (SEN) c. Senator Zimmer (SEN) 3. Curriculum Committee a. Mark Doubrava b. Karen Musselman 4. Elections Board a. Senator Long (SEN) 5. Entertainment and Programming Board a. Yvonne Mancuso b. Steve LoPresti 6. Financial Aid Committee a. Jack McClary 7. Grievance Committee ba.. SSeunzaatnonre NJoaucnknsao n c. Senator McGuire 8. Judicial Council a. Nick Skrinjarie b. Michael Schumacher 9. Organizations Board a. Senator Mounts 10. Parking and Traffic Committee a. Senator Eells 11. Performing Arts Council a. John Mroz EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS 29 JUNE 19 8 3 CONTINUED PAGE 2 12. Publications Board a. Steven Dantzig (SAL) b. Christine Lorentz-(SAL) c. Mojgan Sobhani (SAL) d. Senator Pettit (SEN) 13. Radio Board a. Charles Martin (SAL) b. Rafael Villanueva (SAL) c. Tony West (SAL) 14. Student Services Committee a. Karen Musselman (SAL) b. Sari Bloom (SAL) c. Gus Varona (SAL) d. Kai Fischer (SAL) e. Richard Phillips (SAL) f. Senator Glasgow (SEN) q. Senator Jackson (SEN) 15. Intramurals Director a. Jim Gilbert 16. Professional Programming Department a. Chairman: Senator Mounts b. Senator McGuire (SEN) c. Mark Doubrava (SEN) d. James Ohriner (SAL) 17. Compensation for Yell Editor _ $285 per month stipend year round, effective on date of appointment 18. Compensation for Appropriations Board Chairman Grant in aid for Summer Session II ('83), Fall 1983, Mini-Term 1984, Spring 1984 not to exceed 42 credits as specified in Senate Bill 010. 3 AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this dav of 19 between: NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: ("the Artist") and CSUN, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The parties agree as follows: 1. AGENCY. The Artist appoints CSUN his/her agent for the purpose of exhibition and sale of the consigned works of art set forth below to be exhibited in 2. CONSIGNMENT. The Artist shall consign to CSUN and CSUN shall accept consignment of the following works of art during the term of this Agreement: TITLE PRICE 3. DISPLAY. CSUN shall make reasonable good faith effort to display and sell the works of art on behalf of the artist and shall only display these pieces within the secured confines of the a&ove indicated rooms and locations. 4. SALES PRICE. CSUN shall sell the consigned works at the price designated and specified in writing in this Agreement. Upon payment of said price, CSUN will be responsible for insuring that this sum is in turn paid to the artist. 5. REMOVAL OF ART WORK. CSUN shall not permit any work to be removed from the premises, other than by the artist, without first receiving written consent from the artist. 6. LOSS OR DAMAGE. CSUN shall be responsible for loss of or damage to the consigned work from the date of delivery until either removed by the purchaser of repossession by the Artist. 7. DURATION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall remain in effect until the consigned work has been sold or it is repossessed by the Artist. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year first above written. THE ARTIST FOR CSUN Transcript of Senator Robert Eglet's Speech Given in Support of Senate Resolution #062883-01 on June 28, 1983 at Senate Meeting #32 As you guys all know, I'm going to stand on this, because I tell you, I've got a lot of anxiety inside of me and to put it very bluntly, I'm pissed off. A lot of you know that Vice President Shaffer, President Lee and myself went up to Reno yesterday for the Board of Regents Meeting to discuss this fee increase that was jammed down our throats these last two weeks. As was said before, the students had absolutely no input on this whatsoever. We found out about this fee increase from the local newspapers. And we were not contacted by the President's office or anybody in his cabinet concerning this fee increase which directly affects us as students. In my mind, and I think in a lot of other people's minds, primarily students, this is a case of taxation without representation. There's no other way to say it. And as far as I know this is still America we're living in and that was one of the principles this country was founded on. To have taxation by representation, and I think if you have to point the finger at any one person to blame for this, it's President Goodall. He stated to us when we questioned him on why we were not included in this, that he found out about this 24 hours before we did. It seems odd to me that the student government officials at all the other community colleges and University of Nevada, Reno have been working on this fee increase for over a month now, slitting in on committees, discussing and putting student input into wnere their money is going to go and at UNLV, the student government had absolutely no contact and no idea that this was going to take place. I'd like to point out a few things about this Regent's Meeting. When we went up there yesterday, President Lee talked and then Vice President Shaffer talked. They said some things to the Regents and then we had some other things we wanted to present, and they did not allow us to present those facts. While at the same meeting, a faculty senate member was allowed to yield the floor to a person to talk on this issue. That, right there, was wrong. I don't understand why a privilege like that is given to the faculty and not to the students. In less than three years, tuition at UNLV has increased by 50%. In this year alone, it has increased by over 16%. The national average is 6%. 6%! And we're increased this year alone by 16%. There are a couple of things that I want to point out about this fee increase that none of you are aware of. I would not be opposed to it if this money was going back into instruction, benefitting the students, but it's not! The first line in the breakdown given by President Goodall of how the additional revenue from this fee increase would be distributed shows that $146,150,000 would go into Grants-in-Aid. Besides scholarships that the university gives out, a large portion of this goes for classified employees of the university to be able to take classes for free at the expense of the students. Beginning with the fall semester, you pay $36.00 a credit to pay for some Vice President or President or Administrator's secretary to be able to take classes free at the university. Families of faculty and administration, their wives, their kids, pay $7.00 a credit for fall and spring semesters, and $5.00 a credit for the summer sessions. These people are going to school at extremely reduced rates at the expense of the student body. If these times are so tough on the university system that we have to ask the students for more money, then I think it's time they cut out some of these faculty and admin-istrative perks and have them carry some of the load. At UNR, where the student government officials were in total contact from the very beginning on this fee increase, the breakdown of their budget at $5.00 per credit, 77% of the revenue generated off this fee increase at UNR is going back into instruction. Well, I guess it's no wonder that the students were not included in the decision making-process here at UNLV, because only 15.5% of the revenue generated from this increase is going back into instruction, back into the classroom, back into the educational process of this university. The rest of it is going for administrative costs, such as new furniture and new carpeting for our new vice president here at the university. This is not the first time President Goodall has misled this body and individual student government officials and I'd like to point to the Housing Resolution that we passed not too long ago. It was implied, to me, Vice President Shaffer and anybody else that had anything to do with student housing at this university that if the Senate passed a resolution stating that we support mandatory housing for incoming freshmen and sophomore students, out of state, under the age of 21 here at UNLV in a resolution form, that they would accept a proposal from Cardona Corporation to construct more on-campus student housing. Well, Vice President Shaffer wrote that resolution, this Senate passed it by an overwhelming majority and the next day President Goodall released information that they are turning down the Cardona proposal and implementing this mandatory student housing, anyway. And I think that was a blatant example of taking advantage of the students. Getting what he wants and not coming through where the students' interests are concerned. In the one meeting that Clarence, Mark and I had with President Goodall on this fee increase, we asked him for the breakdown of the budget. He said he didn't have it. He did give us something that was outdated that he said he had just gotten. It was dated three days earlier. And he claimed he just got it. The day before that we met with Vice President Westfall and he wrote it and he said, "Well, President Goodall doesn't want me to give it to you." Why is it that President Goodall does not want to disclose this kind of information to the students? That's what I'd like to know. One of the things that we asked President Goodall when we met with him is what if the fee increases aren't increased to $5.00? One of the things they had down here is utilities costs are going up. By $444,000 and if there is only a one dollar increase, that portion of that dollar increase would only be $199,000 to $200,000. I asked, well, where is the difference going to come from? He said the base budget. Well, right off that tells me there's money in the base budget for them to cut some of these expenses. And I'd like to point to one of these examples. Yesterday, at the Regents' meeting just after they passed this $5.00 increase, they came to an item, a referendum item, where they passed a master's degree in the nursing program here at UNLV. In the first year, this program is going to cost $100,000 and by year four it's going to be costing over $213,000 a year for this program. They have this exact same program at UNR. It can hold 60 students and it has never been filled. It's not filled now and they don't have any projection of it being filled. Why did they need the same master's degree program at two universities within the same system? They're just competing with themselves. If you're an employee from Eastern Airlines and you get a salary cut and interest rates are high, and you've got two kids and you can't afford to feed your kids or you can't afford to pay your utility bills on the salary you make, you don't add an addition onto your house. Not if you're smart, you don't. This is garbage. I don't understand why the students were not included in this decision process. We approached him, we tried, it was like pulling teeth. It was like Clarence said yesterday, "It's like pulling teeth to get anything oti.t of this man." Obviously, this man does not want to cooperate with the students. I'd like to read the following resolution, that I strongly recommend that this Senate pass today. It's titled "Voice of the Conscientious Objection," as submitted by Senator Eglet, President Lee, Vice President Shaffer, Senate President Clay, Senators Chadwell, Corrales, Dow, Glasgow, Mounts, Wild, Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino and Vice President Pro Tempore Best. Whereas, the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (.CSUN) Senate is the governing and representative body of the student body, and, whereas, the CSUN Constitution has established that the highest priority of the student government is to represent and defend student rights, and, whereas, Leonard Goodall, President of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, has ignored the request of the Consolidated Students to be allowed input on issues directly affecting students' welfare, has withheld from the students infor-mation pertinent to student interests; has misled student government officials; has misrepresented students' interests to the Board of Regents; and has continued to consider student interests a low priority within his administration, therefore, be it resolved that the Consolidated Students, the representative body of over 11,000 UNLV students, expresses a lack of confidence in President Goodall as a university administrator and in no manner endorses his actions concerning student affairs, and, be it further resolved, that the Consolidated Students requests that the Board of Regents investigate and take immediate corrective action to alleviate this undesirable situation. Madam Chairman, I move to approve. Senator Mounts seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved, 10-0- 0 . CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES Senate Meeting #33 Session #13 07/05/83 5:00 p.m. MSU 203 I. Call to Order Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 5:03 p.m. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance John Pasquantino Jef Wild Barbara Zimmer Robert Eglet Virgil Jackson David Mounts Matthew McGuire Jeff Chadwell Mark Doubrava Members Absent Stephanie Pettit - excused August Corrales - unexcused Sindy Glasgow - unexcused Murray Long - excused Jim Eells - excused Quorum was not achieved. Senate President Clay recessed the meeting to the call of the chair at 5:05 p.m. Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 5:17 p.m. Members in Attendance John Pasquantino Jef Wild" Barbara Zimmer Robert Eglet Sindy Glasgow Virgil Jackson David Mounts Matthew McGuire Jeff Chadwell Mark Doubrava Members Absent Stephanie Pettit - excused August Corrales - unexcused Murray Long - excused Jim Eells - excused As quorum was achieved the senate proceeded. ! III. Approval of Minutes #32 Senator Eglet moved to delete from the minutes of meeting #32, page 13, the entire section beginning with "Senator Eglet moved to amend the budget to include the following transfers" to the end of the paragraph beginning "The UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #33 CONTINUED PAGE 2 motion to approve the CSUN budget..." Senator Jackson sec-onded the motion. Discussion took place. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and o abstaining. Senator McGuire moved to correct the minutes of meeting #32 by changing the description of his absence from un-excused the excused. President Lee seconded the motion. Discussion took place. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed (Wild) and 0 abstaining. There were no further additions or corrections. The minutes of meeting #32 as amended and corrected were approved with 9 in favor, 1 opposed (Wild) and 0 abstaining. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Senate President Clay 1. Senate President Clay announced Nick Skrinjarie, nominee for judicial council, could not be present at this meeting but sent a letter to the senate and is still very much interested in serving on the council. 2. Nanda Briggs, nominee for Education College senate seat, was very ill and could not stay for the remain-der of the meeting. She will attend next week's meet-ing. 3. A two-thirds vote is necessary for approval of a judicial council nomination. 4. Items 18 and 19 under Executive Board Nominations are submission, not approval, items. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Appropriations Board Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approve the nomination of Senator Zimmer for a student at large position on the appropriations board. Senator Mounts seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. B. Bylaws Committee Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approve the nominations of Richard Riedy for a student at large position and Senators Chadwell and Zimmer for senator positions on the bylaws committee. Senator Eglet sec-onded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed (Wild) and 0 abstain-ing . C. Curriculum Committee Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approve the nominations of Mark Doubrava and Karen Musselman for positions on the curriculum committee. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. D. Elections Board Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approve the nomination of Senator Long for a senator position on MINUTES SENATE MEETING #33 CONTINUED PAGE 3 the elections board with the provision that Senator Long would not automatically assume chairmanship of the board upon approval of the nomination. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. E. Entertainment and Programming Board Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approve the nominations of Yvonne Mancuso and Steve LoPresti for student at large positions on the entertainment and pro-gramming board. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed (Wild) and 0 abstaining. F. Financial Aid Committee Senator Mounts moved to approve the nomination of Jack McClary for a position on the financial aid committee. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. There was no dis-cussion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. G. Grievance Committee Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approve the nominations of Suzanne Nounna and Senators Jackson and McGuire for positions on the grievance committee. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. There was no discus-sion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. H. Judicial Council Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino move to approve the nominations of Nick SkrinjariC and Michael Schumacher for positions as justices. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. Senator Mounts moved to divide the question to consider each nominee individually. Senator Chadwell seconded the motion to divide the question. The motion to divide the question passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. The motion to approve the nomination of Nick Skrinjarie as a justice passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. The motion to approve the nominations of Michael Schumacher as a justice failed with 5 in favor, 4 opposed and 1 abstaining.(Approval requires two-thirds vote.) I. Organizations Board Senator Eglet moved to approve the nomination of Senator Mounts for membership on the organizations board. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. There was no dis-cussion. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed (Wild) and 0 abstaining. J. Parking and Traffic Committee Senator Eglet moved to approve the nomination of Senator Eells for a position on the parking and traffic commit-tee. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 op-posed and 0 abstaining. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #33 CONTINUED PAGE 4 K. Performing Arts Council Senator Eglet moved to approve the nomination of John Mroz for a position on the performing arts council. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. There was no dis-cussion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. L. Publications Board Senate President Clay announced the application of Christine Lorentz had been withdrawn. Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approve the nomina-tions of Steven Dantzig and Mojgan Sobhani for student at large positions on the publications board and the nominations of Senator Pettit for a senator position on the publications board. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining (Wild). M. Radio Board Senator Mounts moved to approve the nominations of Charles Martin, Rafael Villanueva and Tony West for student at large positions on the radio board. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. N. Student Services Committee Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approye the nominations of Karen Musselman, Sari Bloom, Gus Varona, Kai Fischer and Richard Phillips for student at large positions on the student services committee and Senators Glasgow and Jackson for senator positions on the student services committee. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. 0. Intramurals Director President Lee moved to approve the nomination of Jim Gilbert for the position of Intramurals Director. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion. Discussion took place. Vice President Shaffer yielded the floor to Jim Gilbert who addressed the senate. Vice President Shaffer requested the vote on the motion be taken by roll call. Pasquantino: no Wild: yes abstention no abstention Zimmer: Eglet: Glasgow: Jackson: Mounts: McGuire: Chadwell Doubrava no no no no abstention MINUTES SENATE MEETING #33 CONTINUED PAGE 5 The motion failed with 1 in favor, 6 opposed and 3 abstaining. P. Professional Programming Department Senator Eglet moved to approve the nominations of Senator Mounts for the position of director, James Ohriner for the position of student at large member and Senators McGuire and Doubrava for positions as senator members of the professional programming department. Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino seconded the motion. Senator Wild requested the vote be taken by roll call. Pasquantino: yes Wild: no Zimmer: yes Eglet: yes Glasgow: yes Jackson: yes Mounts: yes McGuire: yes Chadwell: yes Doubrava: yes The motion passed with 9 in favor, 1 opposed and 0 abstaining. Q. Compensation for Yell Editor Senator Mounts moved to approve the submission of the nomination of a $2 85 per month year-round stipend for Yell editor, effective on date of appointment. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstaining (Wild, Eglet). R. Compensation for Appropriations Board Chairman Senator Wild moved to approve the submission of the nomination of a grant in aid for the appropriations board chairman for summer session II 1983, fall semester 1983, miniterm 1984 and spring semester 1984, not to exceed a total of 42 credits as per SB 010. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. Discussion took place. The motion passed with 9 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstaining (McGuire). VI. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Bylaws Committee There was no report. B. Entertainment and Programming Board There was no report. C. Nevada Student Affairs Director Eglet announced there will be a voter regi-stration drive on campus from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on 29 August. Eglet will keep the senate informed on this event and will be asking senators for assistance. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #33 CONTINUED PAGE 6 D. Publications Board There was no report. E. Other There were no reports. F. Appropriations Board There was no report. VII. Old Business A. Nominations for Vacant Senate Seats 1. Hotel College Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino nominated Paul Grande, Kai Fischer and Julie Worth. There was no other action on this item. 2. Academic Advisement Senator Eglet nominated Sari Bloom. 3. Education College There were no nominations. VIII. New Business A. Approval of Legal Agreement Between CSUN and Artists President Lee made a presentation to the senate. Vice President Shaffer moved to approve the legal agree-ment submitted by President Lee. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. There was no discussion. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 0 opposed and 2 abstaining (Mounts, McGuire). B. Approval of 19 8 3-84 Budget Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to approve the seventh draft of the FY8 3-4 budget as submitted by Appropriations Board Chairman Eckert. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. Discussion took place. The mo-tion passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstain-ing. A copy of the approved budget is attached. C. Approval of Yell Editor Nomination and Waiver of Publications Board Policy Senate President Clay announced it was not necessary to consider this item as the senate had already taken action on it. D. Appointment of Education College Senator 1. Nanda Briggs Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino moved to appoint Nanda Briggs to the position of Education College Senator. Senator Jackson seconded the mo-tion. Discussion took place. The motion passed with 7 in favor, 0 opposed and 3 abstaining (Mounts, McGuire, Wild). MINUTES SENATE MEETING #33 CONTINUED PAGE 7 Senator Briggs was absent from the meeting due to illness. Her absence v/as excused. E. Approval of S.B. #14 Senator Mounts moved to approve Senate Bill #14. Senator Jackson seconded the motion. Discussion took place. Senator Mounts moved to amend the motion by deleting-i sections III and IV, deleting from section II the words "a minimum semester credit requirement and" and deleting from section VII the words "the prescribed minimum semester credit load and." Senator Jackson seconded the motion to amend. Discussion on the motion to amend took place. Senate President Clay suggested the motion also include the deletion of the words "for the Senate" in section II and the addition of the words "for Senators" in their place and the deletion of the words "for the Senate" from section V and the addition of the words "for Senators" in their place. Senator Mounts accepted these changes as additions to his motion to amend. Senator Jackson concurred. The motion to amend passed with 7 in favor , 3 opposed (Eglet, Pasquantino, Jackson) and 0 abstaining. Dis-cussion on the principle motion as amended took place. Senate President Pro Tempore Pasquantino suggested the motion be amended to include the definition of fall semester as summer session II and fall semester and the definition of spring semester as miniterm, spring semester and summer session I. Senator Mounts accepted these changes as a friendly amendment to his motion and Senator Jackson concurred. Discussion on the principle motion took place. Senator Eglet moved to lay this item on the table for one week. Senator Wild seconded the motion to lay on the table. The motion to lay this item on the table passed with 10 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstaining. Senate Bill #14 as amended thus far reads as follows: Senate Bill 014 IN THE SENATE OF THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA July 5, 1983 Senate President Pro Tempore John Pasquantino introduced the following Senate Bill: A BILL To establish a system for creating and maintaining academic requirements for CSUN officers. I. Be it enacted by the Senate assembled that this bill be designated as the "Maintenance of Qualifications Bill." II. Upon passage of this bill, the Senate shall establish a minimum semester grade point average for Senators, for appointees to the Senate and for the Executive Officers. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #33 CONTINUED PAGE 8 III. Upon passage of this bill, the Senate shall establish the minimum semester grade point average for Senators, for Senate appointees and for Executive Officers as 2.4 on a 4.0 scale. IV. Upon passage of this bill, verification of these require ments shall be in accordance with Senate Bill 012. V. Upon passage of this bill, failure to maintain the pre-scribed minimum semester grade point average by any member of the Senate, any Senate appointee or by any Executive Officer shall result in the immediate dis-missal of that officer from his or her office. VI. For the purpose of interpretation of this bill, the fall semester shall be defined as summer session II and the regular fall semester and the spring semester shall be defined as mini term, the regular spring semester and summer session I. IX. Open Discussion Senator Jackson noted he does not like to receive paper-work at senate meetings and requested information be dis-tributed beforehand. He also suggested the senate should approve or disapprove items and not hash them out on the senate floor. Senator Chadwell explained the comments he made during discussion on Senate Bill 014. He said now is as good a time as any to adopt the bill as it will always be un-fair to someone. Senator Eglet disagreed with Senator Jackson and said he thinks it is the job of the senate to hash out proposals. Senator Wild discussed Senate Bill 014. He explained the authors of the constitution included a minimum GPA re-quirement out of concern for those CSUN officers who neglected academics because of their involvement in CSUN. Senator Pasquantino explained he wrote Senate Bill 014 in order to clear up ambiguities. He intended the require ments not to exclude students but to make CSUN officers more responsible to their constituencies. X. Adjournment Senate President Clay adjourned the meeting at 6:08 P.m. to the call of the chair. Respectfully submitted by Respectfully prepared by Karen Cohen Senate President Executive Secretary