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    {&} Ml water production and transmission facilities constructed by te ¥irsb Parties, or any of thw, or H any affiliated atfNMMhife to September 1, lift#«M prior to the sale date outside of the boundaries of the land referred to is paragraph (a) of this Seation 1 which connect with of the facilities referred to in subpar­agraph {b) of this Section i or are extensions of or ad* dltlons and bettermsats to the facilities referred to in subparagraph (d) of this Section 1 and which additional water production and transmission facilities mm con* strueted for the purpose of producing er transsitting wa­ter for distribution by the Water Company, or any succes­sor Is ownership thereof* as a public utility la the fiff of las Yogas, Hevada, it being understood that the facil­ities referred to in this subparagraph (e) shall not In­clude any water product ion, tiansaieslon or distribution facilities constructed by the Eailroad Companies subse­quent to September X, 1952, far use by said Ballrcad Can- panies as a part of their water facilities for railroad use vmm specifically referred to in Section 4 of this (f) ill of fte water distribution mains and facil­ities, together with all i^purtenance©. thereto, complet­ed and In use or in the course of construction by Water Oospany a& September 1, Ifgi, as*& M the Water £o»$>»ny, or any successor In ownership thereof, in the distribu- lt*