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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ihmt objection has been made to the proposed drilling of several rolls In the last few years; Just what they were, I don't remem­ber* Q* This morning, I Interrogated Mr* Jameson concerning the Rogers and Smith well, the Miller well, the Searle® well and the Kaltenborn and Griffith wells. Will you state whether or not you, of your own knowledge, know whether any objection was made by yemr Company to the issuance of a permit to any of those wells? A* Wo, and I also have no knowledge, of ®y own knowledge, of whore those wells are or anything about them; never heard of them before. q. Hever particularly interested where they were? A* I wouldn't say that. I Just never have heard of them. q* Mow, you stated that you would recommend the lnstalla* tlen of meters by your Company if permissible by law, even though It constituted a substantial investment; is that correct? A. Tes, sir. Q* And would you also recommend to your Company that they secure an additional supply of water if available, to tide the Company over until Lake Mead water could be made available, even though It necessitated a substantial Investment? A. That depends ©a hew substantial your investment Is going to be, and how effective. That's a question you cannot answer Tes or I© because there are to© many things involved in it, a. Do you know whether or not a lease of the well was