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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, March 2002



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    Congregation Ner Tatpid Tan u n?ns The Reform Jewish Congregation of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong March 2002 - Vol. XVI No. 6 17 Adar - 18 Nissan 5762 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer C. Weiner Assistant Rabbi Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Stewart Blumenfeld President Eileen Kollins, former long-time congregant and past president of Congregation Ner Tamid, will be speaking at Shabbat evening services on March 15, 2002. Eileen is currently the Assistant Director of the Midwest Council, UAHC, and is ^ed in St. Louis, Missouri. She has held the position for 3 Vi years. During that time she has visited most of the 70 congregations in her region, which encompasses twelve states and goes from Grand Junction, Colorado to Cincinnati, Ohio. Temple memberships range from 6 households (Trinidad, CO) to 2300 households (Denver, CO). Approximately half of the temples in her region have less than 100 memberships; many are over 100 years old with lovely small temple facilities and dedicated congregants. Along the way, she has had lots of interesting experiences she will share at services. Last year she served Temple Beth El in Dubuque, Iowa (32 households) and is currently at United Hebrew Congregation in Slin, Missouri (45 households) as r interim synagogue leader, due to the shortage of student rabbis. Traditional Passover Seder March 27, 2002 6:00 FM Congregation Ner Tamid Social Hall MENU Seder Plate Gefilte Fish Chicken Soup with Matzah Ball Brisket Matzah Farfel Roasted Chicken Roasted Potatoes Glazed Carrots Roasted Asparagus Dessert Buffet Coffee, Tea, Wine Members: Adults $55.00 Children Under 12 $15.00 No charge under 4 years old Non-Members: $65.00 Seating is Limited to 200 Temple Members and Guests will have priority on reservations. Please RSVP by March 18 to the Temple, 733-6292. Non-Members can make reservations after March 6, 2002. Leon Marco Interim Executive Director Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Lois Bergman Preschool Director Andrea Brunner Bulletin Editor Rabbi Moshe Drain will be here March 3-7, and will camp out in the Library while working up to 12 hours per day on his task. Rabbi Drain will read each Torah aloud as part of his duties in repairing the Sifrei Torah (plural for Torah). When he discovers letters or words that are damaged, he will repair them. How he accomplishes that task will be explained during the educational programs he will present while he is here. Energetic and enthusiastic about his profession, the rabbi will meet with groups from pre-school to adults. Little has changed in his profession during the past two- or three-thou?sand years. From sharpening his feather quill to mixing a scant amount of ink at a time, his routine comes from ancient tradition. From chanting the familiar blessings to blotting out the name of our wretched enemy Amelak, he follows our ancestors? continues on page 13 In This Issue... Worship Services 2 Rabbi's Message 2 Message from our President 3 Religious School/Preschool 5-6 Auxiliaries 7-8 March B'nai Mitzvahs 8 Birthdays & Anniversaries 18 Tributes 19-20 In Memoriam 21 Yahrzeits 21 (the Bulletin is published monthly) A SpeciaC Bface (To BetongWorship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner, & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman March 1 Tot Shabbat 6:30 PM Shabbat Service with singer Sam Glaser Service 7:30 PM sponsored by Jacqueline Fleekop Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood March 2 Bible Study 9:00 AM Minyon and Torah Study 10:00 AM March 8 Shabbat Dinner 6:00 PM Shabbat Across America and Family Service with Shabba-Tones 7:30 PM Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood March 9 Bible Study 9:00 AM Minyon and Torah Study 10:00 AM March 15 Shabbat Services with Guest Speaker Eileen Kollins 7:30 PM Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood March 16 Bible Study 9:00 AM Alexander Roitman Bar Mitzvah 10:00 AM Kiddush sponsored by Anita Getzler Minyon and Torah Study 10:00 AM March 22 Pre School & Kindergarten Shabbat 7:00 PM Shabbat Service 7:30PM Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood March 23 Bible Study 9:00 AM Hannah Lardent Bat Mitzvah 10:00 AM Kiddush sponsored by Dennis & Laurel Lardent Minyon and Torah Study 10:00 AM March 28 Passover Morning Service 10:00 AM March 29 Shabbat Services 7:30 PM Oneg sponsored by CNT Sisterhood March 30 Bible Study 9:00 AM Minyon and Torah Study 10:00 AM Rabbis Mbssace# "Life's Precious Gifts" a # Sometimes in one?s life we are giv?en a very precious gift that we are unaware we are receiving. That is what happened to me during my first year of college. As an undergradu?ate, I attended Barnard College of Columbia University in New York City. Going to college so far away from home meant that I was not al?ways able to celebrate the holidays with my immediate family. Fortu?nately, my Grandma Fanny and oth?er family members lived close by on Long Island. As my first Passover away from home rapidly approached, I made plans to be with my Grandma, my aunt and uncle, and my cousins. I was excited about spending the holi?day with my relatives but sad about not being with my parents and my sister. Early in the morning before the first seder, I arrived at my aunt?s home. Preparations were already going fast and furious. No time to talk, just cook, cook, cook, and clean, clean, clean. And then came the seder. 1 remember wanting to sit with my cousins my age, but they were all seated at the other end of the table. My aunt seated me with my Grand?ma and her cronies. The age differ?ence was overwhelming, and I started to feel very left out of the conversation with the cousins my age. Then it happened. During the meal after reading from the Hag- gaddah, my Grandma Fanny and her contemporaries started to talk about Passovers gone by. The memories started flowing, and I was in the midst of hearing family stories that were new to me. As I sat listening to the tales of my Grandma and older rela?tives, I suddenly realized what a gift I was receiving. The were passing down the heritage of Judaism ?L?Dor V?Dor... From generation to generation.? I was witnessing what I had learned about for so many years. The seder came alive for me. No longer was I just a guest at a seder. I was part of the seder. I left Egypt and traveled through the desert and arrived in the Promised Land. Along with my Grandma Fanny and my older cousins, I made the journey and learned what it meant to go from being a slave to being free. Through the stories oL my family, I had been freed from nf| disappointment of not sitting with my contemporaries and I had gone on a journey. That was the last Passover that I spent with my Grandma Fanny. The follow?ing year, I made the physical journey to Israel and participated in actually being able to say, ?This year in Jerusalem.? My Grandma Fanny died a couple of months after I returned home from Is?rael. Yet, we were able to share our thoughts and love through our many let?ters. I am so grateful for having been able to spend that Passover with her. She truly gave me a precious gift. May we all be able to experience many journeys in our lifetime and realize how special they are. May our journeys be fruitful and fulfilling. And, may we all have a happy and healthy Passover. Hag Kasher Pesach- Happy Passove^ ?Rabbi Jennifer ?Weiner Congregation N e r Tam id March 2002 Temple Board Members Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld President Scott Stolberg VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action Ira Miller Richard Granich Ira Spector Hilary Torchin Mindy Wadkins Scott Dockswell Leon Marco Lynn Sasso Esther Saltzman Jacky Rosen Robb Worth Beth Bromberg Cookie Olshein Esq. Cecilia Schafler Gina Polovina Doug Unger Esq. Ruth Urban Michael Milano Samantha Saltzman Sid Garber Drew Levy Bob Unger Esq. Jerry Gordon Esq. Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman ?Dr. Steve Kollins BIichael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow Eugene Kirshbaum* David Goldwater* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Rabbi Jennifer Weiner Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY Golden Chai PastPresident Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio Ex Officio ?March 'Torah Study ?Dates ?Tuesdays zuith Rah Si Ahsefrad 12pm-lpm/ ?Board?Room March 5 & 19 Saturdays zuith Rah Si Weiner Study & Minyon 9am /Library Briery Saturday ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT KEEPING MUM Last month I wrote about the joyful and uplifting experience of attend?ing the UAHC Biennial in Boston in December. Even as I wrote that, I was thinking of a serious?and rea?sonable?question I was asked at a Board meeting a few months ago. It was a moment when the Board was combing through our prospective bud?get looking for expenses that could be cut back or even eliminated. More than one pair of eyes settled on the budget item called MUM and the $71,000 listed alongside it. Some?one asked, "What the heck is MUM?" I explained that it stands for "Main?tenance of Union Membership" and that those are our fair share dues to support the Union. The next ques?tion was, "Why are our dues $71,000?" The answer is that there is a formula that takes into account the size of a congregation and vari?ous aspects of its income and its ex?penses. The formula is reviewed every few years to assure that it is equitable and reasonable in terms of the services UAHC provides its 913 member congregations. (FYI, one of our past presidents, Gerry Gordon, is a member of the national MUM Committee.) The next question was?you guessed it?"What do we get for all that mon?ey?" It's a question worth answering for everybody. Last month I pointed out that the Union of American He?brew Congregations (UAHC) is the umbrella organization by which the Reform congregations of North Amer?ica collectively determine their re?sponses to spiritual and ethical issues that arise in the course of Jewish life nowadays. It also provides mech?anisms of direct exchange of infor?mation between congregations, as well as professional assistance in syn?agogue management and clergy place?ment. As of the end of 2001, UAHC comprises 913 member congregations representing more than 1.5 million congregants, making it the largest Jewish movement in North America. Okay, so why is that helpful to us? First, being part of the Union en?ables us to contribute to, and learn from, the most cogent discussions of important issues relevant to Amer?ican Jews, issues such as intermar?riage and outreach, Jewish education for children and adults, relations with other religions in the US and the world, the state of reli?gious pluralism in Israel (i.e., afford?ing Israeli Jews a choice between Orthodoxy and secularism), and new approaches to prayer and obser?vance. As a movement, UAHC af?fords the best possible connection to a very large segment of North American Jewry, as well as a solid bridge to Progressive Jewish com?munities all over the world. Second, the Union, along with its affiliate, the National Association of Temple Administrators, offers its member temples practical help with synagogue management in the areas of membership (recruitment and re?tention), financial management (in?cluding fundraising), personnel management, and facility manage?ment. UAHC has many publications covering these topics in great de?tail, as well as offering actual on?site consulting help in these areas. An old issue with new emphasis is that of facility security; UAHC has materials available that we are look?ing at ourselves. Third, the Union facilitates commu?nication and sharing of new ap?proaches to worship and other continues on page 15 A Special March 2002 Place To Belong w Congregation Ner Tamid HOSTS ?SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA / CANADA? ? Participants Join Over 75,000 North American Jews in Major Ejfort To Revitalize Sabbath Obser\?ance ? On Friday night, March 8th, members of CNT will gather in an unparalleled display of Jewish revitalization and unity. Conceived and organized by the National Jewish Outreach Program (NJOP), ?Shabbat Across America/Canada? represents a united effort by Judaism?s four major movements to renew interest in celebrat?ing the fourth of the Ten Commandments - observing Shabbat. CNT will be one of approximately 750 synagogues across the continent that will simultaneously open its doors to practicing and non-practicing Jews alike, so they may join together to experience and rejoice in a Shabbat service and festive meal. Led by Rabbis Sanford Akselrad and Jennifer Weiner, attendees will experience a Friday night service and a traditional Shabbat dinner with all the rituals explained. Dinner will take place beginning at 6:00 p.m. followed by services at 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald, founder and director of NJOP, said, ?While it is true that the vast majority of Jews in this country have never experienced a traditional Sabbath experience and do not feel a connection to the Judaism that their grandparents practiced only half a century ago ? this should not be! Shabbat Across America/Canada is an exciting and modem way of reintroducing friends and family members to a practice that has been with, and unified, our people for over 5,000 years, and which we hope will be with us for at least 5,000 more.? This year for Shabbat Across America, CNT is offering a special Italian style Shabbat dinner before services at 6:00 p.m. Our congregation will also be combining our celebration of Shabbat Across America with Invite- A-Friend Shabbat organized by our Membership Committee. The Shabba-Tones will also be featured during Shabbat services since it is the second Shabbat of the month. So, bring your family and bring a friend and come celebrate Shabbat Across America with your CNT family! R.S.V.P. for the dinner with Mary @ 733-6292. FROM THE INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR I never embarked on any fund raising effort during my tenure in this office, because the need to address other pressing issues had a much higher priority. However, now I do have a short wish list. As you are aware we have many functions in the Temple, mainly in the Social Hall. These for the most part require the use of Round Tables for dinner seating and 6 and 8 foot rectangular tables for fairs and bazaars, etc. The round tables we have are completely refurbished thanks to Howard Skolnik, and are now in good condition. The rectangular tables we have are in pretty bad shape and the cost to repair them exceeds the cost of a new table. I would like to replace all the rectangular tables with new. We would need 6 - 6 ft. tables and 20 - 8ft. tables. The cost of this replacement would be about $3,500. I know we are currently involved in fund raising for our Capital Campaign and I do not want to disturb that effort in even the smallest way. So, if there is one or more of you who feel that you could help out with this project I would be very grateful. Leon ?Ma.rco Congregation N e r Tam id CNT MITZVAH DAY March 3"' 9:30 to 11:00 am We will be collecting and separating clothing, toys, games and food. Donations will be made to Shade Tree, Safe Nest, UMC and the Jew?ish Family Service Food Bai^? PLEASE support this program W bringing any of the mentioned items to the Temple. March 2002 Religious School News Religious School Calendar March 2002 Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3 5 6 7 10 12 13 14 17 19 20 21 24 No R/S 31 No R/S 26 No R/S 27 No R/S 20 No R/S 3rd Mitzvah Day, 15th Music Season Shabbat 24th - 31st Spring Break <& Passover NOT ENOUGH TIME It seems that every month we have a holiday or vacation |ijie that limits the amount of religious school sessions. In Warch we meet on Sunday the 3rd, 10th, & 17th and then we are off for Spring Break. If your child misses once during these three weeks, they will be actually be missing three weeks during the month of March. Attendance is not what it should be! We cannot teach your child what they need to know on such a limited time frame. I know we are all busy & tired on Sunday morning or after school for weekday Hebrew. I am aware that extra-curricular activi?ties limit the hours we have for after school programs. All of these are important stimuli, and so is Religious Educa?tion, to have a well-rounded Jewish child. Please help us give it all to your child and your family. Ask for flyers that your child is supposed to bring home so that you can be aware of upcoming family programs. Check your E-mail for temple happenings. Torah. I decided that every child deserves a Jewish Edu?cation. I'm an educator that offers your child the opportu?nity to come and take the candy?the sweetness of studying Torah?bring your child regularly to school, services & activities. Shalom, Jac/(ie ffeefyp CAMP FAIR 2002 Be a part of your congregational family?We are ?A Spe?cial Place to Belong?, but it is not enough to belong. You have to be an active part of our congregation with your family to help make us special. ta small child, I cried when my grandfather (who was a isidic Jew) told me girls could not go to religious school. I watched the boys be lifted on the shoulders of men and have candy thrown at them as they began their study of March 2002 A Special Place To Belong CUT ME/CHeei AND KIMHERCARTEN February was another fast paced month here at the Preschool and Kindergarten .. We all enjoyed looking for the Ground Hog?s shadow (which he really did see and so did the children). Of course we all learned about Presidents Lincoln and Washington. We even baked our own Challah to enhance our Sabbath experience. We had our Pennies for Pasta fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which was a huge success. Our students enjoyed our Bike safety program. Purim was celebrated, by baking Hamentashen and exchanging Shaloch Manot baskets with our friends and teachers. Our students loved dressing up as the Purim characters, a puppet show for our friends was the highlight of our festivities. This month of March will also be an active one here at our school. On Friday March 22nd our students will display their talents at the Friday evening service at 7:00 PM. On Friday March 25th we will hold our annual Passover Seder. The boys and girls will do some Passover cleaning and cooking and of course learn the traditional songs and prayers associated with this spring festival of freedom Next month, April will bring La B? Omer and we will have our traditional picnic and track and field day activities. We are continuing our preparations for next year?s Kindergarten and Preschool programs.. We are already in the enrollment phase. If you are considering a preschool or kindergarten for your child or grandchild, don?t be left out because you waited too long.. . Look for exciting news in the next few weeks about our Camp Chaverium program. We are gearing up for our summer program for youngsters 2 Vi- 9. It looks like this year will offer a fun filled summer for our youngsters here at Ner Tamid. Lois Bergman Early Childhood Director Clay Ladd A Nikki Korer are having fun in the playhouse Pre K L-R Back: Ethan Russo, Nicole Sadikoff, Yair Marciano, Romi Sinay, Miss Lois L-R Front: Nikki Korer, Braden Pleggenkuhle, Micaela Shulman, Jordan Carter, Bailey Goldstein Micaela A Lewis Shulman are the Shabbat Emma A Abba Kindergarten L-R Back: Victor Ariaza, Avi Feldman, Jacob Gordon, Kerian Chacon, Miss Lois A Front L-R: Elisabeth Ruskin, Arie Charles, John^ Widmeyer, Clay Ladd, Azriella Colen March 2002 Auxiliaries czA/eUTi iiiiiiiiiii January was a terrific month for Sisterhood. We tried two new programs that were very well received, the Chai Life program, celebrating Jewish women artists in the community and Rosh Chodesh, a spiritual program coinciding with the new moon. Later in the month, Sandy Stolberg arranged a very fun ceramic painting program that attracted about 40 women. Thanks to committee members Yvonne Gordon, Debbie Levy and Rita Malkin the Chai Life program was a big success. In an atmosphere of chocolate and champagne, 23 talented and multi-generational artists, whose ages ranged from 15 to 80+ years old, had an opportunity to show a portion of their work, and discuss their art with the more that 200 members of the community in attendance. While many of the artists have won recognition individually in juried shows, this was the first time Jewish women artists in southern Nevada have ?|pn honored as a group. For some of these gifted women is was the first time they have publicly shown their art. The artists? work ranged from oil and water colors to glass and bronze sculpture and everything in between, including photography, silver sculptured jewelry pieces, batik and mixed media. The artists who participated were Joni Akselrad, Iris Bernikow, Florence Bolatin, Gerri Braun, Diane Bush, Susanne Forestieri, Anita Getzler, Sandra Gottfried, Shirley Seifman Harrison, Debby Kaner, Jenna Levy, Sarah Levy, Wendy Lee Meoz, Rita Moses Malkin, Jessica Marshall, Rachael Martin, D?vorre Ober, Leslie Rips, Mikki Rossin, Phyllis Sperber, Reva Schwartz, Esther Surany, and Bonnie Winkelman. Rita Malkin and other committee members worked hard to search out the Jewish women artists in the community and make this a very special event. The social hall of Congregation Ner Tamid was beautifully transformed by Yvonne Gordon into a cabaret atmosphere that added to the ambiance of the Chai Life experience. Debbie Levy skillfully displayed all the artists? work to maximize the array and appeal. The entire committee can be commended for the success of this event. A special thanks goes to Darlene Vaturi for the delicious chocolate fondue and dipped nuts and fruit, and her assistant, Cookie Olshein, Ellen Sternhill for her heavenly fudge, Neiman Marcus for their donation of Godiva Chocolates and Debbie Hallerman for donating brownies and sugar free chocolate. Irv Weinberger?s beautiful guitar playing added just the right touch to this fun and elegant affair. The inaugural Rosh Chodesh program was wonderful and very well planned by Fern Percheski who spent a great deal of time making sure it was just perfect. Fifteen women attended, just the right number to make this a very intimate program that touched our spirit. It centered around Tubishvat and important women in Judaism. Thank you to Katherine Scott and Rabbi Weiner for their assistance in this special program. In honor of this ?first? for our Sisterhood, Fern donated a beautiful set of candlesticks and decorative candles for Sisterhood to use each month as we continue the Rosh Chodesh program on February 1 l,h at 6pm in the Beit Teffillah. You won?t want to miss it! Please mark you calendars for Sisterhood?s Book Review and lunch conducted by Rabbi Akselrad scheduled for March 14, 2002 at 11am. Bee Season by Myla Goldberg is available in the CNT office. Also, please make plans to attend Sisterhood?s All Women Seder April 3, 2002. If you are interested in finding out more about Sisterhood, please join us at our regular board meetings, the second Thursday of each month. The board meetings are open to any Sisterhood member. We meet in the CNT library at 7:00pm. We will hold a very brief business meeting before each program event. Please feel free to call me at 768-8529, or email me at if you have any questions about Sisterhood. I welcome your input and questions. My best, %utk Urban Sisterhood President March 2002 Sisterhood Congregation 9\[er ?Tamicf A Special Place To Belong Auxiliaries Continued Men s Shalom. Our Kiddush brunch for the Scholar in Residence was a huge success. Men?s Club takes great pleasure in hosting these types of events. It was also our pleasure to participate in the most successful Purim Carnival ever. The Men?s Club provided the beverages, as usual, and also turned out in droves to provide the manpower Hillary Torchin needed to make the carnival a huge success. I?m still loving those funnel cakes. Our speaker for March will be Bob Unger, President of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas and a member of our Congregation. We got the go ahead from Rabbi Akselrad and so Men?s Club Weekend is full steam ahead. Once again we will sponsor the Oneg and host another boatride. Be on the lookout for information. The weekend will be May 10-11, Friday and Saturday. We look forward to seeing everyone back again. April we will be having our annual golf tournament. This is our biggest fundraiser. It will be Sunday, April 7, 2002 at Desert Willow Golf Club at Sun City MacDonald Ranch. It is open to men and women so please get your registration forms in to Howard Layfer. $100 includes all plus a great lunch. Membership has surpassed last year and I am very proud of all of my members and Board Members who have made all of these great successes possible. I am now nearing the end of my term. June a new president will be taking over. As I come down the home stretch I want to thank every?one for all of their support. It has been wonderful for me to be on the receiving end of so many accolades, locally and nationally. And I must admit I did have a couple of good ideas, but none of this would have happened if it weren?t for all of you out there. Every breakfast, every kiddush, every class and every event was made successful by the amazing support of our Congregation. I want to thank Rab?bi Weiner for her support all through her first year. While still adjusting herself, Rabbi Weiner has always made her?self available as needed. And to Rabbi Akselrad, you are not only a great spiritual leader but you have been a great friend to me at times when everything didn?t always seem clear. Thank all of you for what you have helped us achieve. I?ll be forever greatful for these two wonderful years. Shalom, Uvticfimf ?Mifano Hannah Lardent Bat Mitzvah March 23, 2002 Alexander Roitman Bar Mitzvah March 16, 2002 Hi, my name is Hannah Lardent. I am a 7th grade straight A student and a cheerleader at Greenspun Junior High. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, making artwork, and cheering for my two squads. I will become a Bat Mitzvah on March 23, 2002. I am looking forward to sharing this special day with all my friends and family. Congregation N e r Tam id Hi, my name is Alex Roitman. I am 13 years old and in the 7th grade at Las Vegas Day School. At school, I like to play football and enjoy going to Computer Club. On the weekends I like to go to the movies, play on my computer and hang out with my friends. I love to reaiL especially science-fiction novels. I am looking forward w being called to the Torah on March 16th and celebrating my Bar Mitzvah with family and friends. March 2002 Youth & Education Committee e Youth & Education Committee did a super job with the Barton?s Kosher for Passover Candy Sale! A round of applause for chairperson Elaine Burke. She researched many companies and chose a winner. Our profit ex?ceeded our expectations and we provided a very sweet service to our congregants. We will definitely have Bar?ton?s for sale next year. We wish you a very good Passover. Our Annual Purim Carnival was held on Feb?ruary 24th and there are so many people to thank. First, Trish Messinger for her dedication to the children of our Temple. She planned the Carnival always thinking about new ways to improve the entire experience. Secondly, to Lisa B., Sue, Bonnie, Lisa R., Ann, Carol, Sheri, Alan, Sandra, Dan F., Dan S., Mary, Debbie, Lori, Rob?erta and Jackie - you gave heart and devotion by giving your time and energy - Thank You! To the Teachers and Parent who ran the booths. To Ruth Urban and the members of Sisterhood, for provid?ing coffee, nachos and the delicious hamentaschen in?cluding the giant one used in the ?Guess the Weight of the Hamentaschen? booth. To Mike Milano and the great (^ys of Men?s Club, for the soda and general manpower. To our NTTY group for helping with set-up and provid?ing the car wash service. To Rabbi Akselrad & Rabbi Weiner for providing spiritual guidance. To Leon and the office staff for keeping us within budget and for helping with the set-up. To all of our vendors and volunteer congregants who helped keep our kids entertained. Thank you to the entire congregation for supporting this event with your donations, raffle prizes, silent auction donations and attendance. Next on our agenda is an End-Of-Year Wet?N?Wild Day on Sunday, May 19th after Religious School. Please keep the date open to enjoy spending some time with your Temple Family. We?re on the lookout for new ideas for next year. We?ll be planning our calendar for next year at our monthly meeting on April 7th at 9:15 AM in the Board Room. Everyone is invited to attend. If you need more informa?tion, please call me at 702-242-9068 JfiUary (Torc(iin Vice President, Youth & Education Dear Rabbi Akselrad and Congregants, Jewish Family Service Agency would like to thank you for your continuous donation of food to our food pantry. Your donation is being used to assist needy families in the Las Vegas community. Thank you for providing this very> special mitzvah to our agency. We are able to help families in need because of donations like yours. With your continued support we hope to make Jewish Family Service Agency of Las Vegas better eveiy year. Thank you once again. I ^ Sincerely, y Sue Levinsfy Case Manager Annual All-Women's Seder April 3 Rabbi Jennifer Weiner will join with Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman this year to conduct Sisterhood's annual All- Women's Seder on Wednesday, April 3. This popular event is enjoyed each year by women of all ages. Mothers, daughters, and grandmothers often come to?gether. Sisterhood's Party Shop is again preparing a full, traditional seder meal. The cost is $18 for Sisterhood members and $24 for non-members. Girls 12 and under are $10. Please mail your checks to Maxine Gratz at 5610 Neosho St., Las Vegas, NV 89120. The custom of an All-Women's Seder has been popular across the country and our own celebration has evolved and grown. More than 100 women have participated the past several years. A Women's Seder follows the traditional seder format while celebrating the contributions of women in our history. The saga of the Exodus and what it means to us is told from a woman's point of view. We welcome all women to join us for this year's All- Women's Seder. March 2002 TM cmf %Ve-lt Mazel Tov to Juliann and David Shapin on the birth of their new daughter Marie! Marie was born January 11 and weighed 9 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 Vi inches long! Proud grandfather is Allen. Proud siblings are Ian and Kaitlin Best wishes to Dotty and Gene Henkin on the birth of their new great granddaughter, Chloe Rebecca. Chloe was bom on December 7 and weighed 6.6. Proud parents are Ariela and Josh. Congratulations to Marc and Jin Fenster on the birth of Madeline Park born January 8. Proud grandparents are Richard and Gloria Fenster and Barbara Fenster. A hearty Mazel Tov to Roberta and Michael Unger on the engagement of their daughter, Julie to Brook Stanford! SIMCHA FAIR 2002 April 7, 2002 12:15 pm-2:00 pm CNT Social Hall Vendors will be present to help you Plan the perfect party B' nai Mitzvah Anniversary Wedding Birth Occasion Birthday Save The Date!! Schdar-in Residence Scholar-in-Residence Rabbi Elliott Kleinman, CNT President Stewart Blumenfeld, Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman & Rabbi Sanford Akselrad This Passover, I let one who is hungry ? enter and eat. 1JTP? ?parn to We begin our Passover seders with the words, ?Let all who are hungry enter and eat." Again this year, MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hanger asks you to give meaning and life to those ancient words by letting one who is hungry enter and eat, A gift to MAZON of chat ($18), or whatever you would spend to invite one extra person to your seder, will bring food, help and hope to poor and hungry people in our own country, in Israel and around the world. As we celebrate our freedom during Passover, we must remember those millions still enslaved by hunger and poverty. In a world with more than enough food to feed everyone, we can work toward a day when everyone has enough food. Through MAZON, you can fulfill our ancient Jewish tradition of feeding the hungry. As the poor are fulfilled, so too will you be. MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger 1990 South Burnty Drive. Suite 260 ? Los Angeles. CA 80025-2052 i PASSOVER 57*2/2002 I YES, I (we) will "let one who is hungry enter and cat.