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    fsotf ffetiMM #ootti#??.«t«rly along #®it « ? l 141.87 t m % % fhosgo t a & m & t to #&M ear#* ft* 4 # 16* It* K. U n .01 foots three* H* 4«# 46* 60*6. 1110.33 foot to tfe* southerly lit** of flotlllo atrootj along said otro«t lino 0. 03® §3* 30* K. 841.04 foot to ift* fouttnootorly lino of Lonoro stroot; thonoo along «8-16 oontlwootorljr lino S. 43® 16* It* I. 700.06 foot* thoaoo *. 46° 43* «©* s, 60.O0 foot to o .point on tho northoootiFrlf lino of ionooo Street vhtgii to Sis# two point @f <? -v i-i .-./f. i thoikoo along noli northoootorljr lino of Lonooo stroot I. 43® 16* It* w. 848.S0 foot to Shi iMg^bpntisi of ft iwfs esnosvo ooottrly, tonsont to •aid loot nontloso6 tows# uni boring o roftins'of SO foot I % i % m m along o«i6 w m 7t*t§ foots ttaisnoe tongont to a»16 ©unr# I. #3® 63* &$* S* foots thonoo 0* 43® 16• 10* 6« 140.84 foots then®* f« 46® 43* St* w* 600.0© foot to th* trvo point of feogiuiiing, loootod tM this 0«Mspaaf*f Industrial front *6. 4 at lap Angtloo, California,, and th* oonttruotion tfe#r#eii of o ton-story vorolMNiat out off too building M&ri»#§ a ground floor luroo of opiowxlnntoly 60 foot fey M # foot* «n4 « second floor area of S ig W P K iS M k tt& y § 0 f o o t fey H i f o o t * a n d « s p u r t r u n k , t o s e r v e t h o promises* togothor with to purchase certain m U m ® n % pmmloto 1 onto 0. €•* tiurocll, too* to pay for said lout and feulldiog, mod that portion of «*I6 industry spur trank loot.tod upon sold fronts##* th# fallowing, W i t 1* For sold land, th# #*» of iowntcom thousand fiv# .Hundred Sellers (fl?#80O«0D)s i* for i p # building to SO* oonotnuotM actual toot thereof to tho tbsroon* %jfj Los fog*# Land and m % m €#«p* ny, feat in no event in exees# of t n o n t y F o u r tfe o u n o ik i M g i i i H u n d r e d s a o l lo m f#a4«m.oo)s 3. For fill portion of t#M industry trank to fee pold for fey salt 0 # S. sarooll* f m * $ tS# ootnnl 6oot ifeoroof. 4. ftio total owes goo fpon os 14 t. 0* M r m t l , In#* u n d e r u n i t s h a l l 1® p t y o f e i t , n o f o l l o w * t