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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    MCNAMEE & MCNAMEE Attorneys at Law EL PORTAL BUILDING LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Telephone 1888 O’Melveny & Myers Title Insurance Building 433 South Spring Street Los Angeles 13, California Attention; Mr. Franklin T, Hamilton Dear Mr. Hamilton: Re: Las Vegas Valley W ater District After receiving your letter of May 22nd, 1 realised that I went off half cocked in my letter of May 20th., The form of deed marked Exhibit B attached to and made a part of the agreement (draft 5-8-53) is ample in my opinion to convey the water rights. I got off on the wrong track by reading at the Title Company the form of instrument transferring real and personal property which was sent to the title company by Mr. Renwick, to ascertain if in the Title Company's opinion the wording thereof affected any of the property that was being retained by the railroad company. The first draft of the contract did not have an Exhibit 3 attached thereto, although it was mentioned as being attached. Very truly yours, LAM:bcs Leo A. McNamee Copy to: Mr. Thos A. Campbell Las Vegas, Nevada Mr. £, E. Bennett c/o Union Pacific Railroad Co. 422 West 6th Street Los Angeles 14, California