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    N I Lao Vogaa, IJora&a, January 2d, 1921. K». 0, P* 'Smith, Loo isgoloo, Calif. Personal Lettor. I3y dear Carls I acknowledge your Lotto*, fUIl enclosure, and would &©fc that you give so doddon |1 III® of ©oiling the piooo of ground ®#ntlosi©d, as you will | ms talking to you poroomXly shout till®. ir%#|| Is Loo Angoloa a few days .ago* md-w© are fossa- ||lf a little oosapary within the W0k Leva to sake as off or OH thi$ certain pioo© of -ground. Until that le dose 1 would rather that you hold mitt am up. > 1 have a few other mat tore of ii«o?©rtaEOo vdifoh tms% ho taken up with you, and I will try to run is %Qm for a day Tory shortly. Tour© vary truly, Yieo-^rofs. &’" 'IgbhtV .... muLD