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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-61


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    and his honor the Mayor Peter Buol voting aye. An ordinance to prevent Minors from Frequenting Saloons and Disreputable places, in the City of Las Vegas was then read before the Board for second reading it was after due consideration upon the part of the Board and upon motion of Stewart and seconded by Von Tobel and duly carried ordered that said ordinance be passed as read, as appears more fully in ordinance book of said City. the vote being cast as follows towit:- Coughlin, aye, Stewart aye, McGovern aye, and Von Tobel, aye, and his Honor the Mayor Peter Buol. aye. At this time the question of abolishing the paid fire department in and for the City of Las Vegas Coming on before the Board, it was after due consideration ordered that the following be adopted: Whereas, The City of Las Vegas is paying each member of said fire department of said City the sum of two dollars for each and every fire attended, and one dollar for attending one meeting each month, and the further sum of three dollars to each captain attending a fire and the further sum of two dollars to each captain attending the regular monthly meeting, and, Whereas, it appears to this Board that it is to the best interest of the City to abandoned said paid system and place said fire Department upon a voluntary basis it is upon motion of Stewart and seconded by McGovern and duly carried, Ordered that the above resolution be passed, With the following exceptions that the Chief be allowed the sum of Five dollars for each fire attended, the vote being cast as follows towlt:- Coughlin, No, Stewart aye, McGovern aye, Von Tobel, No, and his honor the Mayor Peter Buol. aye. At this time a ordinance regulating and prohibiting displays in moving pictures shows was read before the Board, after due consideration upon the part of the Board, and the necessity appearing to the Board that an emergency existed it was upon motion of McGovern and seconded by Stewart ordered that this ordinance be passed as an emergency ordinance, the vote being cast as follows towit:- Coughlin aye, Stewart aye, McGovern aye, von Tobel, aye, and his honor the Mayor Peter Buol voting aye, as appears more fully in ordinance book one of said City under ordinance No. 28 of said City. Board adjourned until the next regular, meeting in May, l912. Office of the City Clerk, Las Vegas, Nevada. May 1st, A.D. 1912. At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada held pursuant to adjournment, Present Hon. Peter Buol. Mayor and Commissioners Stewart, Coughlin, McGovern, & Von Tobel, with City Clerk and City Attorney. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved as read. Reports of Officers and conditions of funds read before the Board and approved as read. At this time the Las Vegas Land and water Company filed its acceptance to the permit granted by the City Counsel at its meeting of March 26th, 1912. as follows towit:- To The non. Board of Commissioners City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada. " Las Vegas Land and Water Company, a corporation, hereby accepts the license and permission to construct and maintain for its private use and benefit a line of poles, wires and appurtenances for the transmission of electricity for light and power and for telephone and telegraph purposes along