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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, January 24, 1984






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about amendments to the senate bylaws.

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    uac000414. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS AGENDA SENATE MEETING #12 SESSION 14 JANUARY 24, 198 4 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11 IV. Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of Student Services Committee Chairman - Robert Eglet B. Approval of Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman - Bob Compan C. Admissions Committee - Mark Doubrava, Randy Colquitt D. Chairman of Elections Board - Bill DiBenedetto E. Judicial Council - Joe Buczyet(2/3) V. Old Business A. Appointment of Senate President Pro Tempore 1. James Ohriner 2. Robert Eglet B. Approval of Resolution #121383-01(to be renumbered 012484-1) Reorganization of Nevada Student Affairs and Student Services Shaffer C. Approval of Senate Bill #22 - Reorganization of Nevada Stu-dent Affairs and Student Services - Shaffer D. Transfer Budget Authority and Fund Balance of Student Ser-vices Account(904) to Contingency(90 6) effective upon approval - Shaffer E. Approval of Kwik-Kopy On-Campus Copier Service Contract - Shaffer and Eglet F. Discussion/Action/Approval of New CSUN Election Policy and Procedure - Friedman G. Nominations for Senate Seats 1. Education College(2) a. Liz Cory(application not turned in) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 b. Nanda Briggs(grade sheet not turned in) 2. Health Sciences College a. Sunny Shelley(okay) b. Renee Bielby(okay) 3. Academic Advisement College a. Mona Borsellino(okay) b. Doug Arone(okay) - Business and Economics College c. Tom Verma(application not turned in) d. Vykky Cave(application not turned in) H. Approval of Senate Bill #19, Interpretation of "Closed Personnel Session" - Ohriner I. Approval of Senate Bill #20, "Public Information Act" - Ohriner(table) J. Request for Monthly Stipend Increase from $200.00 to $285.00 for the (D-l) Position of KUNV Program Director - Hawley VI. New Business A. Appointment of Senators 1. Education College a. Liz Cory b. Nanda Briggs 2. Health Sciences College a. Sunny Shelley b. Renee Bielby 3. Academic Advisement College a. Mona Borsellino b. Doug Arone c. Tom Verma d. Vykky Cave B. Approval of Resolution #012484-02(originally numbered 14-1) Laboratory Science for Night Students - Eglet C. Amendment of Item C, Old Business, Senate Bill #22, Amend by Substitution, That: N.S.A. Become a Subcommittee of the Student Services Committee - This Amendment is Contin-gent upon Approval of Senator Eglet as Chairman of Student Services D. Submission of Stipend Increase from $285.00 to $325.00 for the D-l Position of Yellin' Rebel Editor - Dimick E. Appointment of Academic Advisement Senator - Doug Arone - Lee F. Appointment of Allied Health Senator - Sunny Shelley - Lee MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 G. Appointment of Education Senator - Nanda Briggs - Lee*** H. Discussion/Action Concerning Dismissal of Nevada Student Affairs Director and Removal of Stipend and Fee Waiver for Mini Term 1984 and Spring 1984 - Eckert I. Approval of Executive Board Election Dates 1. Primary Election - March 28 and 29, 1984 2. General Election - April 11 and 12, 1984 J. Approval of Executive Board Election Filing Dates 1. OPEN FILING 8:00 a.m. March 5, 1984 2. CLOSE FILING 5:00 p.m. March 16, 1984 K. Donation $2000.00 to UNLV Student Chapter ACM for the purpose of Attending 19 8 4 ACM Programming Contest - Eckert L. Amendment to Senate Bill 016 - Eckert M. Directive to the CSUN Senate President to Adhere to Senate Absentee Policy Dated 10/26/83 - Eckert N. Discussion/Action on Distribution of Spring 1984 Regents1/CSUN Grants-in-Aid - Business Manager Levins 0. Amendments to CSUN Beverage Policy - Beverage Manager Shields (see attached) P. Approval of University Vehicle for January 25, 1984 for Yellin' Rebel - Dimick Q. Directive to the Senate President to Adhere to Senate Absentee Policy dated May 11, 1983 and October 25, 1983 - Eckert R. Approval of Rescheduling of the April 17, 1984 Senate Meeting to Friday, April 13, 1984 for the Purpose of Certifying Execu-tive Board Elections Prior to the Beginning of Spring Recess - Cohen S. Directive to the Elections Board to meeting April 13, 1984, no later than 1:00 p.m., to certify Executive Board Elections - Cohen T. Report from N.S.A. Director on Actions Taken at January Board of Regents Meeting Affecting UNLV Students - Dimick U. Report from N.S.A. Director on N.S.A. Activities During Fall 1983 Semester - Dimick V. Report from N.S.A. Director on Location and Currency of Public Records of Faculty Senate Minutes, of Board of Regents Meetings, and of Nevada Legislative Activities - Dimick W. Report from N.S.A. Director on Plans and Objectives of N.S.A. During Spring 1984 Semester - Dimick X. Approval of Reopening Nominations for Senate President Pro Tempore - Clay Y. Report of/ Discussion on Senate Bylaw #23(Role of the CSUN Business Manager) - Dimick ***Ms. Briggs has not turned in a new application or grade release form, until such time, a motion to approve must be ruled out of order! MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 VII. Board, Committee and Director Reports A. Public Relation Committee(Faculty Senate) B. Entertainment and Programming Board C. General Education Committee(Faculty Senate) D. Academic Budget Committee(Faculty Senate) E. Elections Board F. Bylaws Committee(attached) VIII. Open Discussion IX. Adjournment present policy CSUN BEVERAGE POLICY as of January 19, 1984 PURPOSE OF POLICY The purpose of this policy is to set the procedures, expectations, chain-of-command, and responsibility, including: the CSUN Executive Board, Beverage personnel, Entertainment and Programming Board, and the CSUN Business Manager. PURPOSE OF THE BEVERAGE PROGRAM The beverage staff and its related equipment are designed to cater to the students Of UNLV in regard to the distribution of alcoholic beverages, accompained by non-alcoholic beverages, on campus at CSUN scheduled events. While performing this service, the beverage program will be responsible for strict adherence to state, local and university liquor procedures and requirements. PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED 11 _ Beverage management must work in conjuction with the CSUN Executive Board, Entertainment and Programming Board and CSUN Business Manager. The Beverage Manager must have the date and time of each event, the type of event and number of people for an event at least two weeks in advance of said event. Cancellation of an event must be communicated to the Beverage Manager as soon as possible when beverage service is being provided. . ^ ^ Liquor license for CSUN events is to be obtained fehr-e^gh—the . The Beverage Manager will retain a copy in his possession at the event. "Within three working days after an event at which the CSUN Bar is used, the Beverage Manager shall conduct an invenstory of all the Beverage stock a^nd supplies and-shall submit the inventory with the re-ceipts of s±a«s and compus. The" Business Manager shall submit the re-sults of the audit to the Appropriations Board within seven working days after the event. - v> . RESPONSIBILITIES Beverage Manager: SALES AND DISTRIBUTION Liquor will be sold and distributed in accordance with University Liquor procedures. A price schedule will Be set up for drinks, after di#ussion of the event, type of bar set-up, number of camp drinks and percentage of ~ -""'..';• co-sponsor. A list of comp drinks to be issued must be given to the Beverage Manager at least one day prior to the event. After the review of the comp list, with input "from Entertainment and Programming Chairman and the Executive Board, the Beverage Manager will submit his financial recommendati as per comp liquor request to CSUN Business Manager no later than 3:00 p.m. on the last working day prior to the event. Net profit from beverage services may be denoted in whole, or in part, to a not-for-profit organiztion outside of the university community. For co-sponsored events, "up to 15% of net profit from beverage sales will be shared..Any increase in proceedsharing above 15% musthave theapproval of theExecutive Board, and Beverage Manager. The Business Manager shall have the ultimate authority to determine the distribution of an the guanity of complimentary liquor requests per event. No comps will be served without a ticket. 1. To insure adeauate staffing. -N 1.. .Must have completed HOA 165X or equivalent. 3. Answers directly to CSUN -Senate who, in turn, informs the Executive Board / • • J Wu/MU 4. Will be paid a hcooxAyf-wage, subject to Executive Board and CSUN Senate approval. This wage will be paid out of CSUN Bar Account #910. 5. The Beverage Manager will adhere to University Purchasing guide-lines. He is responsible for correctly ordering all adequate supplies needed for the smooth operation of beverage service at CSUN events. 6. For the purpose of inventory, receiving and policy control, he is the only person authorized to purchase liquor and related supplies for CSUN and co-sponsored events. 7. Receiving is the sole function of Beverage Manager and CSUN Business Manager. 8. The Beverage Manager is responsible to CSUN Business Manager for inventory control procedures. Spot checks may be made by CSUN Business Manager without notice. STAFFING First consideration will be given to students who have enrolled in or completed HOA 165X. ASSISTANT BEVERAGE MANAGER 1. Answers directly to CSUN Beverage Manager. All actions taken L by him are answerable to the CSUN Executive Board by the Beverage Manager. 2. Will be paid a hourly wage at the Beverage Manager's discretion. This wage will be paid out of CSUN Bar Account #910. 3. Assists Beverage Manager in the performance of all duties as set fourth in this policy. 4. In absence of Beverage Manager, the Assistant will perform his duties with full authority and responsibility. BARTENDERS 1. Are responsible directly to Beverage Manager add his assistant. 2. Will be paid a hourly wage, unless enrolled in HOA 165X at the Beverage Manager's Discretion and Senate's approval. This wage will be paid out of CSUN Bar Account #910. 31 The hourly wage to be paid to CSUN bartenders shall be $4.00 per hour. 4. No bartender working for the CSUN bar shall be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages while working during an event. policy if amended at Senate Meeting #12 January 24, 1984 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS CSUN BEVERAGE POLICY PURPOSE OF POLICY The purpose of this policy is to set the procedures, expec-tations, chain-of-command, and responsibility, including: the CSUN Executive Board, Beverage personnel, Entertainment and Programming Board, and the CSUN Business Manager. PURPOSE OF THE BEVERAGE PROGRAM The beverage staff and its related equipment are designed to cater to the students of UNLV in regard to the distribution of alcoholic beverages, accompanied by non-alcoholic beverages, on campus at CSUN scheduled events. While performing this ser-vice, the beverage program will be responsible for strict adher-ence to state, local and university liquor procedures and re-quirements . PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED Beverage management must work in conjunction with the CSUN Executive Board, Entertainment and Programming Board and CSUN Business Manager. The Beverage Manager must have the date and time of each event, the type of event and number of people for an event at least two weeks in advance of said event. Cancellation of an event must be communicated to the Beverage Manager as soon as possible when beverage service is being provided. Liquor license for CSUN events is to be obtained by the * CSUN Beverage Department. The Beverage Manager will retain a copy in his possession at the event. "Within three working days after an event at which the CSUN Bar is used, the Beverage Manager shall conduct an inven-tory of all the Beverage stock and supplies and shall submit the inventory with the receipts of sales and comps. The Busi-ness Manager shall submit the results of the audit to the Appropriations Board within seven working days after the event. RESPONSIBILITIES Beverage Manager: 1. To insure adequate staffing. *amended paragraph UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 2. Must have completed HOA 165X or equivalent. 3. Answers directly to CSUN Senate who, in turn, informs the Executive Board. ** 4. Will be paid a monthly stipend, subject to Executive Board and CSUN Senate approval. This wage will be paid out of CSUN Bar Account #910. 5. The Beverage Manager will adhere to University Purchas-ing guidelines. He is responsible for correctly order-ing all adequate supplies needed for the smooth opera-tion of beverage service at CSUN events. 6. For the purpose of inventory, receiving and policy control, he is the only person authorized to purchase liquor and related supplies for CSUN and co-sponsored events. 7. Receiving is the sole function of Beverage Manager and CSUN Business Manager. 8. The Beverage Manager is responsible to CSUN Business Manager for inventory control procedures. Spot checks may be made by CSUN Business Manager without notice. SALES AND DISTRIBUTION Liquor will be sold and distributed in accordance with University Liquor procedures. A price schedule will be set up for drinks, after discus-sion of the event, type of bar set-up, number of comp drinks and percentage of co-sponsor. A list of comp drinks to be issued must be given to the Beverage Manager at least one day prior to the event. After the review of the comp list, with input from Entertainment and Programming Chairman and the Executive Board, the Beverage Manager will submit his financial recommendation as per comp liquor request to CSUN Business Manager no later than 3:00 p.m. on the last working day prior to the event. Net profit from beverage services may be denoted in whole, or in part, to a not-for-profit organization outside of the university community. For co-sponsored events, up to 15% of net profit from beverage sales will be shared. Any increase in proceed sharing above 15% must have the approval of the Executive Board, and Beverage Manager. The Business Manager shall have the ultimate authority to determine the distribution of and the quantity of complimentary liquor requests per event. No comps will be served without a ticket. ** amended paragraph STAFFING First consideration will be given to students who have enrolled in or completed HOA 165X. ASSISTANT BEVERAGE MANAGER 1. Answers directly to CSUN Beverage Manager. All actions taken by him are answerable to the CSUN Executive Board by the Beverage Manager. 2. Will be paid an hourly wage at the Beverage Manager's discretion. This wage will be paid out of CSUN Bar Account #910. 3. Assists Beverage Manager in the performance of all duties as set forth in this policy. 4. In absence of Beverage Manager, the Assistant will perform his dut ies will full authority and responsi-bility . BARTENDERS 1. Are responsible directly to Beverage Manager and his assistant. 2. Will be paid an hourly wage, unless enrolled in HOA 165X at the Beverage Manager's Discretion and Senate's approval. This wage will be paid out of CSUN Bar Account #910. 3. The hourly wage to be paid to CSUN bartenders shall be $4.00 per hour. 4. No bartender working for the CSUN bar shall be allowed to drink alcoholic beverages while working during an event. January 16, 1984 CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 SESSION 14 JANUARY 24, 1984 4:00 P.M. MSU 201 I. Call to Order Senate President Clay called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. in MSU 203. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Sari Bloom Jay Lezcano Steve Dimick Bill Haldeman Tom Hawley James Ohriner Karen Cohen Robert Eglet John Fazi Gus Varona Rian Flourens Hal Friedman Mark Doubrava Karen Eckert Cara Iddings Senate President Clay announced that there was a sign posted outside MSU 203 stating the room change and that there was also a person standing outside the door notify-ing members of the change. III. Approval of Minutes #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11 Senator Hawley moved to approve senate minutes #7 and to disapprove senate minutes #8, #9, #10 and #11. Sena-tor Dimick seconded the motion. Senator Hawley spoke in favor. Senator Hawley withdrew his motion, and the second(Dimick) concurred. Senator Ohriner moved to approve senate minutes #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11. Senator Dimick seconded the motion* Senator Cohen corrected the minutes from senate meeting #9 on page 2 to state that Senator Hawley left the meeting before Vice President Shaffer's statement. Members Absent Patrick Adams - unexcused UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NV 89154/(702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 Senator Cohen moved to correct the minutes from senate meeting #9 on page 12, the last sentence, to change the word "nice" to "wise." Senate President Clay corrected the minutes from senate meeting #11, under roll call, Mark Doubrava should be listed as excused absent. Senator Cohen corrected senate minutes #7, page 4 to read at ithe top of the page that Senate President Clay passed the gavel to Lynn Best. There being no objections the minutes for senate meetings #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11 stood approved as corrected. IV. Executive Board Nominations A. Approval of Student Services Committee Chairman - Robert Eglet Senator Eglet moved to approve Executive Board Nominations items A through D as a whole. Senator Lezcano seconded the motion. Senator Haldeman objected to the consideration of that motion. Senators Eckert and Ohriner objected. There were 7 in favor of the objection, 7 opposed and 1 abstaining(Hawley). Senator Cohen moved to divide the question to consider each nomination on an individual basis. Senator Eckert seconded the motion which passed with 8 in favor and 7 opposed. A. Approval of Student Services Committee Chairman - Robert Eglet Senator Lezcano moved to approve Robert Eglet as Student Services Chairman. Senator Bloom seconded the motion. Senator Cohen stated that the motion to approve was already on the floor and the same motion was unnecessary. Senator Cohen spoke against the motion. Senator Friedman spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Ohriner requested a roll call vote and spoke against the motion. Senator Eglet spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Dimick stated, "I hate that son-of-a-bitch. I'm not going to vote for this motion." Senator Lezcano requested that Dimick's statement be recorded in the minutes. Lezcano spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Cohen pointed out that in Robert's Rules of Order on page 72, the first sentence of the last paragraph, a person cannot vote on a question affecting himself. Senator Cohen stated that according to this rule, Senator Eglet cannot vote on the motion under consideration. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 Senator Varona spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Haldeman spoke against the motion. Senator Eglet spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Dimick moved the previous question. Senator Flourens spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Dimick moved the previous question. Senator Fazi seconded the motion which passed with 11 in favor and 4 opposed. The following Senators voted in favor of appointing Robert Eglet as Student Services Chairman: Sari Bloom Jay Lezcano Tom Hawley Gus Varona Rian Flourens Hal Friedman Mark Doubrava The following Senators voted against appointing Robert Eglet as Student Services Chairman: Steve Dimick Bill Haldeman James Ohriner Karen Cohen John Fazi Karen Eckert Cara Iddings Robert Eglet abstained from the vote. There were 7 in favor, 7 opposed and 1 abstaining. The chair cast her vote in favor of the motion to appoint Robert Eglet as Student Services Chairman. The motion passed with 8 in favor, 7 opposed and 1 abstaining. B. Approval of Entertainment and Programming Board Chair-man - Bob Compan The motion on the floor was to approve Bob Compan as the chairman of the Entertainment and Programming Board. Senator Eglet spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Cohen requested that the minutes reflect the fact that she agreed with Robert Eglet on this motion. The motion to approve Bob Compan as Entertainment and Pro-gramming Board Chairman passed with all in favor. C. Admissions Committee - Mark Doubrava, Randy Colquitt The motion to approve Mark Doubrava as a member of the Admissions Committee was approved with no objections. The motion to approve Randy Colquitt as a member of the Admissions Committee was approved with 12 in favor, 1 opposed(Eckert), and 2 abstaining(Doubrava, Ohriner). MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 D. Chairman of Elections Board - Bill DiBenedetto Senator Eglet spoke in favor of the motion to approve Bill DiBenedetto as the Elections Board Chairman. Bill DiBenedetto addressed questions from the Senators. The motion to approve Bill DiBenedetto as the Elections Board Chairman passed with all in favor. E. Judicial Council - Joe Buczyet(2/3) Senator Ohriner moved to approve Joe Buczyet as a Justice of the Judicial Council. Senator Eglet seconded the motion. There was discussion. Senator Eglet withdrew his second. Senator Ohriner with-drew his motion. V. Old Business A. Appointment of Senate President Pro Tempore 1. James Ohriner 2. Robert Eglet Vice President Shaffer moved to approve Robert Eglet as Senate President Pro Tempore. Senator Cohen seconded the motion. Vice President Shaffer withdrew his motion. Senator Cohen objected to the withdrawal of the motion. There were 8 in favor of the objection and 7 opposed. The motion to object was approved. The motion to approve Robert Eglet as Senate President Pro Tempore was the motion on the floor. Senator Cohen spoke against the motion. Senator Eglet raised a point of order and withdrew his name from consideration for Senate President Pro Tempore. Senator Haldeman moved to approve James Ohriner as Senate President Pro Tempore. President Lee seconded the motion. Senator Ohriner withdrew his name from consideration for Senate President Pro Tempore. B. Approval of Resolution #121383-01(to be renumbered 012484-1) Reorganization of Nevada Student Affairs and Student Services - Shaffer Senator Ohriner moved to suspend the rules and move into Board, Committee and Director Reports, item F. Senator Haldeman seconded the motion. The chair stated the motion as passing with 9 in favor, 6 opposed and 0 abstaining. Senator Eglet raised a point of information stating that a motion to suspend the rules requires a two-thirds vote. The chair stated that the motion to suspend the rules had failed with 9 in favor, 6 opposed and 0 abstaining. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 B. Approval of Resolution #121383-01(to be renumbered 012484-1) Reorganization of Nevada Student Affairs and Student Services - Shaffer Senator Eglet moved to approve Resolution #121383-01 Reorganization of Nevada Student Affairs and Student Services. Senator Flourens seconded the motion. Senator Cohen informed the Senate of the Bylaws Committee's opinion regarding the Resolution #121383-01 and Bill #22. The committee has found that consideration of these items is illegal, because they conflict with previous legislation (Bylaw #21). Action concerning these items may be taken through amendment of the bylaw. Senator Eglet moved to refer item B, Resolution #121383-01 Reorganization of Nevada Student Affairs and Student Ser-vices to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Ohriner seconded the motion which passed with all in favor. C. Approval of Senate Bill #22 - Reorganization of Nevada Student Affairs and Student Services - Shaffer Senator Eglet moved to refer Senate Bill #22, Reorganiza-tion of Nevada Student Affairs and Student Services to the Bylaws Committee. Senator Ohriner seconded the motion. There being no objections the motion stood approved. D. Transfer Budget Authority and Fund Balance of Student Services Account(904) to Contingency(906) effective upon approval - Shaffer Senator Eglet moved to table the transfer of budget authority and fund balance of Student SErvices Account(904) to Contin-gency (906) for one week. Vice President Shaffer seconded the motion. Senator Haldeman stated that this motion was not necessary. There was no action taken on this item. E. Approval of Kwik-Kopy On-Campus Copier Service Contract - Shaffer and Eglet Senator Eglet requested that the Senate return to this item when he received his materials. F. Discussion/Action/Approval of New CSUN Election Policy and Procedure - Friedman Senator Friedman moved to discuss a new CSUN Election Policy and Procedure. There was a second. Senator Dimick left the meeting for a minute to ask Bill DiBenedetto to return to the meeting for this discus-sion . There being no objections the Senate moved into discussion of the new CSUN Election Policy and Procedure. Senator Friedman discussed the use of voting machines for the CSUN Executive Election. Costs are $810 for two days of voting machine use. The Executive Board elections are four days totalling $1620. Discussion took place. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 Senator Haldeman moved to refer the concept of the use of voting machines for the elections to the Elections Board. Senator Eckert seconded the motion. Senator Eglet spoke in favor of the motion. Senator Lezcano spoke in favor of the motion. The motion to refer the concept of the use of voting machines for the elections to the Elections Board passed with ail in favor. Senator Eglet requested that the Senate move back into item E, Approval of Kwik-Kopy On-Campus Copier Service Contract. There being no objections the Senate moved into item E. E. Approval of Kwik-Kopy On- Campus Copier Service Con-tract - Shaffer and Eglet Senator Eglet moved to approve the Kwik-Kopy On-Campus Copier Service Contract. Senator Haldeman seconded the motion. Senator Eglet discussed the Copier Service Proposal by Kwik-Kopy. Senator Eglet entertained questions from the Senators. Senator Cohen stated that the motion should not include the approval of a contract since no contract has been submitted. Senator Eglet changed his motion to read approval of the Kwik-Kopy On-Campus Copier Service. The approval of the Kwik-Kopy On-Campus Copier Service passed with 14 in favor, 1 opposed(Iddings) and 0 abstaining. Senator Eckert moved for a five minutes recess. The chair recessed the meeting for five minutes at 5:13 p.m. The meeting was called back to order at 5:21 p.m. Second Roll Call Members in Attendance Members Absent Sari Bloom Patrick Adams - unexcused Jay Lezcano Steve Dimick Bill Haldeman Tom Hawley James Ohriner Karen Cohen Robert Eglet John Fazi Gus Varona Rian Flourens Hal Friedman Mark Doubrava Karen Eckert Cara Iddings Senate President Clay introduced Joe Buczyet. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 V. Old Business G. Nominations for Senate Seats 1. Education College(2) a. Liz Cory(application not turned in) Senatbo.r NEagnldeat Bnroimigngast Iegdr adDee,b sPheeette rsnoont. turned in) Senate President Clay stated that the nominees must submit new grade release forms. 2. Health Sciences College a. Sunny Shelley(okay) b. Renee Bielby(okay) 3. Academic Advisement College a. Mona Borsellino b. Doug Arone c. Tom Verma d. Vykky Cave Senator Bloom nominated Robin Blitz. Senator Eckert removed the nomination of Tom Verma. H. Approval of Senate Bill #19, Interpretation of "Closed Personnel Session" - Ohriner Senator Ohriner moved to approve Senate Bill #19. Senator Eckert seconded the motion. Senator Ohriner briefly explained the bill. Senator Cohen moved to amend Senate Bill 019 in the first sentence to add the word "place" after the word "take." Senator Cohen also corrected the first sentence to change "Open Nevada Meeting Law" to "Nevada Open Meeting Law." Senator Cohen moved to amend section 1 of Senate Bill 019 to delete the words "or in lieu" and insert the words "in the case." The motion to approve Senate Bill 019 as amended passed with all in favor. Senate Bill 019 as approved reads as follows: Senate Bill 019 IN THE SENATE OF THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 13 DECEMBER 19 8 3 SENATOR JAMES OHRINER INTRODUCED THE FOLLOWING BILL: A BILL TO ESTABLISH CRITERIA FOR CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSIONS. In accordance with the Nevada Open Meeting Law (NRS 2 41) and the CSUN Constitution, a Closed Personnel Session shall be MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 permitted to take place if and only if the following criteria are met: Section 1. WRITTEN REQUEST. The person under scrutiny or a body of or by the authority of CSUN shall sub-mit a written request for any session to be "closed" where his character, competence, or performance will be reviewed to the presiding officer of that body no later than 72 hours prior to the meeting at which such review may occur, or a CSUN official may submit such a request on behalf of the person under review in the case of his absence. Section 2. VOTING PROCEDURES. The president officer of the body, upon receipt of a request filed according to Section 1 shall distribute copies of such a request to the members of the body and to the CSUN President, Vice-President, Senate President, and Senate President Pro Tempore. A. The presiding officer shall submit to the body the Request and shall then entertain a motion to refer the request to the committee of the whole for recommendation, and shall then allow the matter to be referred to that committee. B. Upon the rise and report of the committee of the whole, a motion may be entertained to approve or disapprove the request for a Closed Personnel Session and to place such an item on the agenda for the next meeting of the body, with a two-thirds majority vote required to pass such a motion. C. The item of Closed Personnel Session shall then be ordered by the body to appear on the agenda for the next meeting of the body that occurs no sooner than 7 2 hours after adjournment of the meeting in which such an item is ordered. Section 3. It shall be the policy of CSUN and bodies therein to refrain from an order for a Closed Per-sonnel Session unless and until such is requested by the person being reviewed, and such request is for reasons set forth herein and approved in the manner set forth herein. Section 4. This act shall become effective upon passage and approval. I. Approval of Senate Bill #20, "Public Information Act" - Ohriner(table) Senator Ohriner moved to remove Senate Bill #20 from the table. Senator Cohen seconded the motion. Senator Eglet asked whether the agreement which the Senate had requested previously had been met. MINUTES SENATE MEETING #12 JANUARY 24, 19 8 4 PAGE 2 0 Senator Ohriner stated that the agreement had been met. The motion to remove Senate Bill #20 from the table passed with all in favor. Senator Ohriner moved to approve with the amendments to delete the words "the Yell in' Rebel" and insert the words "a campus publication" wherever it appears in sec-tion 3, subsection C. Senator Haldeman seconded the amendment which passed with all in favor. Senator Hawley spoke against the motion to approve Senate Bill #20. There was discussion on Senate Bill #20. Senator Eglet moved the previous question. Senator Ohriner moved to amend Section 3, Subsection C,4, to delete ten dollars and insert twenty dollars. President Lee seconded the motion which passed with 12 in favor, 2 opposed(Friedman, Doubrava) and 1 abstain-ing (Dimick). The motion to approve Senate Bill #20 as amended passed with 11 in favor, 2 opposed(Friedman, Doubrava) and 2 abstaining(Bloom, Dimick). Senate Bill #20 as amended reads as follows: Senate Bill 020 IN THE SENATE OF THE CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 6 DECEMBER 19 8 3 INTRODUCED BY SENATOR OHRINER A BILL TO ESTABLISH THE "PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT," CREATING AN OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION, AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS PROP