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    3prln gville, Utah Co., Utah te r r ito r y , A pril 28th, 188?. This is to decree that we the undersigned heirs o f the Estate o f W illie s jii Stewart of Springville deceased, having been asked to give our opinion in relation to the matter o f Arbitration eubaitted to the decision o f our father in relation to water and the division thereof cosingfrora the Spring known as the Cheeney Spring situated in Juab County, Utah T erritory. The parties outsitting the Matter to the decision o f the la ter Wm« J. Stewart Sen were Uel Stewart Melchi Stewart, Albert Starr and Wa. J.Stewart Sen i t being agreed that each should bind h is s e lf to abide the decission rendered by aaid I s * J.Stewart Sea and as Wia.J. Stewart Sen decided the matter each party was sa tisfie d . And now we the hoira render tho following decree, that as Is * J. Stewart was a party interest in the water and did render tho deeission to the satisfaction o f a l l interested, and they did adhere to said decission that being made In the following manner. That Uel Stewart was en titled to one h alf of the water cosing fro® the Cheeney Spring, Melehi was en titled to one fourth, Albert Starr was en titled to one fourth excepting the right o f I s , J. Stewart which he retained out o f the whole entire flow o f the water froia said spring proportionately to the aaount o f land watered from eaid spring. And we do hereby decree that to a l l intents and purposes that our Rather did intend to retain enough water out o f the whole amount to water or irrig a te the land owned by him consisting of Meadow land the land he situated at the Cheeney Bench, Juab C o., Utah Ter. and we further decree from relia b le information that i t w ill re­quire one fif t h of a l l the water flowing from the Cheeney Spring to irigjate said tract o f land, Uri Stewart E s li Stewart per Uri Stewart aty in fact. W .J.Stewart Per Jas. E.Gardner aty in fact Erie Stewart Eunice A.Jordan. file d and Recorded at the request o f Albert Starr, July 2nd A.D.1887 at 4:30 RLU. Copied from Book 1?, page 10 and 11. Wm,A*C.Bryan, County Recorder