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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER PROOF OF COMPLETION OF WORK H Permit No. 7200 STATE O F rNfiVADA-,- CALIFORNIA County of Los Angeles FILED Dec. 4, 1927 State Engineer’s Office ss. BEFORE ME, Personally appeared___ R. L. ADAMSON er’s Engineer in Charge the subscribed', who being duly sworn saith that at least Seventy-five. Ttimiflanri_____________________dollars (f7 5.00 0.00 ) has been expended in work or improvements performed or made under the conditions provided in Permit No. 7200 T in the completion of said works, and at the expense of the applicant, Said improvements consisted of a 12w drilled well 6 ^ ’ deep with__ 12M casing: reinforced concrete settling basin 15’ x 41’_with— ------ composition roof and 6” drain with all necessary fittings; 6.’ woven___ wire fence around well and basin: 12” pipe from well to basin; Pipe--- ine frrm settling basin to Railroad Company yards at Las Vegas_1,8,2— miles long consisting of 24” ana l^11 pipe; stand pi p.a lines,.;— fire lipes ; nnar-h hvri-»nt. line; stock yards water lines, roundhouse and shop watex linpe and rn f |j 11 11 nenu s winter lines to various Railroad Company------- * --» • station facilities, end were made ai the applicant'Vs .terminal and.^---- property at Vegas, Kiev. , ------------- —-------- --—— — — ----— — and being work essential to the actual diversion of the water applied for and in the completion of the work required under said permit. Said improvements were begun prior to August 2J?-----, 19^A_, and were completed prior to November ,1----- , 19iL2_. Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company Bv: R. L. Adamson (Signed)_____ Engineer in Charge• Applicant SEAL Subscribed and sworn to before me 2nd 8 | II December____ I isJLL Amelia Guest Piss (Signed)_________ Notary public in and r for theC aCloiufnotryn i.a o-p Los Angeles ? state of-Nevada. My Commission expires ^-ay \jLx— ----- — [On* dollar fllln * fee must accompany ibis proof] 260