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    \ L a s V e g a s L a n d a n d W a t e r C o m p a n y W . M. J E F F E R S , p r e s i d e n t . O m a h a , N e b r . F R A N K S T R O N G . v i c e -p r e s .. L o s A n g e l e s . C a l . W . H. J O H N S O N , s e c r e t a r y . L o s A n g e l e s . C a l . C. B. M A T T H A I . A s s i s t a n t s e c r e t a r y . O m a h a . N e b r . P A U L R I G D O N . a s s i s t a n t S e c r e t a r y . O m a h a . N e b r . R. W I P P R E C H T . A u d i t o r . O m a h a , n e b r . S C O T T L O R D . T r e a s u r e r . O m a h a , n e b r . C H A R L E S A D A M S , a g e n t , L o s A n g e l e s . C a l . W A L T E R R. B R A C K E N . V i c e -P r e s . a n d A c t . L a s V e g a s . N e v . A. M. F O L G E R . S u p e r i n t e n d e n t . L a s V e g a s . N e v . February 16, 1943 W 16-3-1 Mr. C. R. Clark Police and Fire Commissioner Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Sir: Attention is respectfully invited to the lack of adequate fire protection in some of the new subdivisions in which water mains have recently been installed. There seems to be some question as to whether the subdivisions or the City should assume the cost of such installation. I understand the City has on hand about 25 new fire hydrants and while I do not know whether they were Intended as replacements of existing hydrants or for installation in new subdivisions, I respectfully suggest that in either event a definite program should be outlined and work started before the heat of the summer commences. Probably the most important thing right now would be to provide adequate fire protection in the new subdivisions. You appreciate the difficulty of securing labor at the present time and because of this fact and also from the standpoint of economy, it is suggested that the excavat-ing for fire hydrant te@s could be performed by prisoners then when Water Company has a full gang available, possibly Saturdays, installation of fire hydrants actual cost. could be made at I feel that this program should be started as promptly as possible and if you concur, please furnish a list of the locations where the City desires fire hydrants installed. WALTER R. BRACKEN