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Program and invitation for the dedication and reception for Dorothy Eisenberg Elementary School, May 6, 1991



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    DEDICATION MAY 6, 1991 DOROTHY EISENBERG ELEMENTARY (SCHOOL 7770 RUBY VALLEY AVENUE LAS VEGAS, NEVADA DOROTHY EISENBERG SCHOOL DEDICATION A close friend to Dorothy recently remarked, "I have never heard any person ever offer a negative comment about Dorothy Eisenberg." These words resound the value of the life of this outstanding wife, mother, community activist, and humani-tarian. There is more to this statement when we consider that Dorothy has not taken on the easy tasks; she has looked at all social problems, challenged these with honesty of conviction, and sought resolution to each community problem that she encountered. Dorothy Eisenberg was born in Cleveland, the daughter of Jewish immigrant parents. Her mother was of Russian decent and her father, Austrian. The family moved to Philadelphia when she was a year old. Dorothy married Ralph Weinstein at age 19. They became the proud parents of four children and all was well until Ralph was suddenly lost to the family in a plane crash. Dorothy notes, "I was alone at 32 and this was a frightening time." The fear lasted but a brief moment, for this woman decided to attend college and gain the skills needed to rear and support her family. She completed her degree in education from Temple University while caring for the family. The time was difficult, however, from these years of dedication, Dorothy fostered her talents and became self-reliant and determined to complete any task she set for herself. In 1964, Dorothy came to Las Vegas with her new husband, Paul Eisenberg. Paul had two children; now there was a family of six young minds to train and mold. Her time to teach in the schools had been replaced with the need to teach a family. Yet in these years, a wonderful new career emerged, one that today stands by merit and deed. Dorothy Eisenberg was enlisted into the cause of "making a difference" for the community that she had come to cherish. In 1971-73, she was president of the League of Women Voters of the Las Vegas Valley. Governor Mike O'Callaghan appointed Dorothy to the Employee Management Relations Board in 1974. From 1977-81, Dorothy served as the chairman of this prestigious state governing body. One, two, or even three different positions then came in rapid succession for her. The community had found a champion. The Jewish Federation of Las Vegas elected her to the post of president in 1979. She was the first woman to hold this office and continued her duties with the federation as president until 1981; however, the United Way had asked that she become a member of their long-range planning team. From this beginning, she chaired the United Way Community Planning Council and has been a member of the Executive Board for United Way since 1983. Today Dorothy's work continues as president of the Women's Democratic Club of Clark County. She has worked in an untiring manner to help elect two U.S. Senators and countless state officials. Always performing any task to further the causes where she sees harm to individuals, the environment, or to our social order. Dorothy has become a truly' "unique" person. There is no more noble work than to give our talents to others. Such is the life of Dorothy Eisenberg. The students who attend this school may learn from her the values that have made our country great; hard work, pride in accomplishment, dedication to each other, and love of this great country. Dorothy has made a difference, her legacy is before us to follow. DOROTHY EISENBERG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DEDICATION CEREMONY DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES Fredric W. Watson Principal INVOCATION Rabbi Louis Lederman PRESENTATION OF COLORS Brownie Troop #427 MUSIC Eisenberg Chorus "We Are Eisenberg" Written by Steve Esbeck Paula Johnson, Director INTRODUCTIONS Fredric W. Watson Principal WELCOME Dr. Lois Tarkanian Vice President, Board of School Trustees REMARKS Martin J. Kravitz, Esq. Clerk, Board of School Trustees OPENING REMARKS Dr. Brian Cram Superintendent of Schools FAMILY REMARKS Dr. Herbert Adler, Brother Ann Zorn, Friend MUSIC Eisenberg Chorus "America My Home" Paula Johnson, Director "TUrn the World Around" Eisenberg Chorus Instrument Group TRIBUTE Jerome Countess, Friend SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS Congressional Delegation Governor's Office County Delegation DEDICATION OF SCHOOL Students. Eisenberg School INTRODUCTION OF FAMILY Beth Weinstein, Daughter FAMILY REMARKS Dorothy Eisenberg MUSIC Eisenberg Chorus "How 'bout Eisenberg" Instrument Group Paula Johnson, Director CLOSING REMARKS Fredric W. Watson Principal D O R O T H Y EISENBERG ELEMENTARY S C H O O L STAFF L I S T 1990-91 Fredric W. Watson Carol |. Lark Principal Assistant Principal Sharleen Albarran Kindergarten Aide Efua Atta Fifth Grade Instructor Barbara Bannister Kindergarten Instructor Lars Blomstrom Third Grade Instructor Shawn Blunk RE. Instructor Fredris Breen Second Grade Instructor Karen Brinkley Kindergarten Aide Ken Campbell Fourth Grade Instructor Linda Chazin First Grade Instructor Marilyn Ciaburri Fourth Grade Instructor Patricia Clayton Library/Media aide Barbara Davidson School Aide/Foodservice Aide Arlene Donnelly First Grade Instructor iulie Doyle Librarian Sandra Edwards Kindergarten Instructor Steve Esbeck Head Custodian Allison Fletcher R.I.R Instructor Michelle Fowler Art Instructor Regina Goings Speech Therapist Gary Gray Fifth Grade Instructor Peggy Gray First Grade Instructor Roxanne Gums First Grade Instructor Fernando Gonzalez Custodian Sue Gurlides G.ATE. Instructor Sylvia Gutierrez Third Grade Instructor Care Halper Library Aide Betty Harris RE. Aide Leigh Ann Hladek Second Grade Instructor Paula Johnson Music Instructor Lisa Kasten Second Grade Instructor William Keairnes Fifth Grade Instructor Isabelle Kuntz Foodservice Manager Cari Leary Second Grade Instructor Roberta Long First Grade Instructor lackie Lysandrou Nurse Marsha Overholt School Clerk Donna Perkins School Office Manager lacque Perlstein Fourth Grade Instructor Shirleen Peterson Resource Aide Ann Scaglione Fifth Grade Instructor Shari Scheele Second Grade Instructor Karen Smith Third Grade Instructor Jerry Swan School Psychologist Susan Szepelak First Grade Instructor Suzanne Veno First Grade Instructor Nona Whipple Fourth Grade Instructor Tammy White Resource Room Instructor Sherry Whitmore Third Grade Instructor We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the School Dedication Committee and the Dorothy Eisenberg PTA for their help with this ceremony, the reception, and the School Dedication Week Activities. A SPECIAL THANKS TO: DOROTHY EISENBERG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PTA BOARD President Mashelle McDonald 1st Vice President lackie Richardson 2nd Vice President Donna Price 3rd Vice President Benita Ryne 4th Vice President Maureen lohansson 5th Vice President Linda Greco Membership Chairperson 6th Vice President Fredric W. Watson Treasurer Cherry Marshall Recording Secretary Arlene Donnelly Corresponding Secretary Candy Slepica Historian Rhonda Bales Martha Ratcliff A SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR COMMUNITY SPONSORS Dorothy Eisenberg PTA Plant World Please R.S.V.P By April 29, 1991 Card Enclosed RTeoc Feopltlioown Ceremony