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Correspondence between Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saffir (Glencoe, Ill.) and Chic Hecht, April 22, 1987



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    April 22, 1987 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saffir 770 Elder Court Glencoe, Illinois 60022 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Saffir: Thank you for your recent letter regarding your visit to the Hecht Synagogue. Your kind remarks are greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you again in the future, and send along my best regards. ? Sincerely, Chic Hecht Senator Chic Hecht Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Dear Senator Hecht, Finally you are receiving a letter from us. When we were at the Hebrew University with Elderhostel we were shown the Hecht Synagogue. What a sublime sanctuary!! How tribal yet modern. Such brilliant architectural symbolism! Your family has given the Jewish people a sublime gift. it We read with great interest your coup in bringing Jesse 'Helms to Israel. Bible lover that he is, he started from aleph by first visiting Shiloh. We hope your efforts in taking Senator Helms on his first pilgrimage to Israel will result in good news. The CHABAD TIMES gave you excellent coverage in their Passover issue. We admire you for not forgetting who you are even though you have been elected to such an august body as the U.S. Senate. Kol hacovod! My Grandfather of blessed memory was a Lubavitcher from the days of his early boyhood when he was sent to study and help the old Rabbi Schneyerson who was blind. In Chicago, after his immigration, he belonged to the Lubavitch Shul and his rabbi was Rabbi Hecht, z"l, probably your relative. We contribute to the Chuppa Shel Zadokah that his wife maintains in his honor and memory. The Pollard case is a tragic one. How come the religion of all the other spies (American) caught by our government is never mentioned? In case you do not yet know much about Elderhostel, I am enclosing my paen to Elderhostel Israel. Israel needs company and this,.is gn exceptional way to go, Do you know Dr. Ralph Nurnberger, legislative liason for A.I.P.A.C.? If you meet him in the halls of Congress some time, please say hello for us. H e j_s a n exceptional person. Thank you for the Hecht Synagogue. Thank you for your valuable work. Our best wishes to you and yours for a Pesach kasher and a joyous holiday. 770 ELDER COURT - GLENCOE, ILLINOIS 60022 312-835-3.4-72 JOYCE SAFFIR Sincerely, After enjoying Elderhostel Israel twice, we want everybody to know that it is the best way to experience Israel, For one modest fee you can travel round trip to Israel via El Al, enjoy lectures at three Israel universities of your choice from a printed roster for one week each with no homework, no exams, but great pleasure. You live at three-star hotels or better, eat three tasty generous meals daily, enjoy field trips/tours in areas near the universities led by professor-specialists, feast on evening cultural events, redel in new friendships made in your group of Jews and Gentiles from all from all over the United States and of all occupations and talents. Elderhostel is an American non-profit institution specifically created for people over 60 years of age and their spouses, no matter what the their ages. It functions in colleges and universities all over the U.S.A. and abroad. Elderhostel address is 80 Boylston Street, Suite 400, Boston, MA 02116. Elderhostel Israel in Play 1986 was our twenty-fifth trip to Israel since 1954. We had done all kinds of touring, group tours, visiting, renting apartments, you name it, in Israel throughout the years. After all that, our stint with Elderhostel Israel was the best. We were not bored one second. The subjects offered were fascinating, the instructors were young and talented. Living within a university gives a feeling of being a real part of the country. Your amazing group becomes your family, with everyone concerned about the other. Singles who came with trepidation became one of the gang and loved- it* Everyone who becomes an Elderhosteler Israel is enthusiastic about it and becomes a salesman for the concept. You have a madrich/coordinator who is always available to show you the way to meals or classes. Your bus driver is skillful and avail-able to take you wherever the group is scheduled to go. There are no extra costs except for postcards, stamps, candy bars or other items of personal nature. Elderhostel Israel is the biggest metzia. It is produced by Israelis. Elderhostel Israel is the most perfect thing Israel does, if such a term is technically permissible. Elderhostel Israel has developed such an excellent program, that Elderhostel, Inc. has commissioned them to repeat the success in Egypt, France and Greece. After another independent trip to Israel in December 1985, we made our twenty-seventh with Elderhostel*Israel for the second time. It was the best of the best.' We are looking forward to our third Elderhostel Israel as soon as possible. - \ MS JCYCfc SAJ-FIR 770 ELDER CT GLENC0E IL 60022