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    Beafem Harbor, Mich Wed As Dice Clatter * * * Rita Haywor^^^^ MMymes Take 4th Matrimonial G^nMf In Las Vegas - BY JAMES BACOT&k t j LAS.jtrEG&S, Nev., Sep?╤^H?Θ╝AP)- VWhiljPb.earby crapshooters tri&d to mak#sevens and elevens, -X$fip$tey??! wort|kand JDick Haymes todaxvgam- bledipnce more with matrimony. Th|$34-year-old actress and her croon||L SBpwill recite vows each p&s ifflfl three times be2?·g&-;--in ??! ^mp^^eremony in the ^pd room Of thsi|ands hotel., ;*> t3is^t',*'#a*ge^sl,rank MacNamee 3will dggiciate at the gi^f-minute lltes. lack Entratter, general man- tfkei^m^ the Sands, will be the onlyl attendant. Photographers, and re- Jjibrters will outnumber the invited guests three to one. The ceremony will be at 11 a. m, PactncADfiylight t|^ g(l :]&jjii East-j ern Standard ^Tii^^C^ The unpretentious rites witt-fee a I quite a contrast to the screen star's lavish Frei^^i^^|<i^'. ".ib Prince Aiy Khan in 1949. Miss | Hayworth will not ev*h have a | new wedding gown. Stie sautifee would wear a blue, linen straight dress which she has worn be*- \ fore. Her head will he covered by a toast-colored trait of tulle and velvet. She will wear gloves to match the.hafcytt. Only guests invited are business and legal assodafcii of the couple. The only relatives "oh hand will be the bride's two>,da??ghters They are RITA3&ND DICK GET LICENSE: Rita Hayworth appears with Dick Haymes at tfjtecfimty clerk's office in Las Vegas., yesterday where they obtained a marriage license for their wedding scheduled today. (AP Wire- photo) , AlvlTllP^C !____ Rebec*g& 8, the offspring of Miss j Kayv^p^'s marriage to Orson Welles?* and the Princess Yasmine, ",lSfisJN?^sNet father a direct descendant of the prophet Moham-' medg: ?√ß?-;.'' .< WS&&S-; ^iklstlff that her father, Edouar-j do Cansino, a dancing teacher, was too^Wteyc working wit?½cMs classes! to atttea. FINAL BARRIER TO THE WED- DiN<j^fas| cleared yesterday when Haym6| capped a sevedhliinute di- vo?ceipg<siie from Norfi Eddington Myim-lialpes. Less than an hour later, he Irought Rita back to the courthouse^ where both nervously filled out- the marriage license forms. k^jJatafe^. 1 Both Haymes and Rita claimed permanent residence in Nevada, but said they will soon move near j Greenwich, Conn., where they are; looking for a hou^e. . H "All my work is in the east," the crooner explained. Miss Hayworth said she plans to commute tfetween the east coast and Hollywood for picture maki$j$X Haymes' career has received a much needed boost within the .. past six weeks. A spokesman j&affi Haymes was begging for -jobs until publicity spawned by i deportation action and his romance with Miss Hayworth brought him offers galore. He now has two solid years of bookings at double his former asking price of 14,500 a week. kShould the government win its deportation case against the Argentine-born crooner, what country will he and Rita then live in? **15bCoot going to be deported," he answered- "We both ii$end to live in the IJ^A." Immigration officials contend jfiaymesv still an alien, failed to ob- pt-in a re-entry permit after visit- pig Rita in Honolulu recently. THE CROONER SAID he will move into Miss Hayworth's suite at the Sands right after the wedding.; A reporter asked him if he had ever tasted any of Rita's cooking. "Who marries Rita Hayworth for eooking?" the singer said. _j COLUMBIA, S. C. Circ. D. 6-5^gV?║. 69,345 tRita, Crooner I Haymes to Tie I Knot Thursday f LAS VEGAS, Nev., Sept. 22 <7P) Rita Hay,vvoriJi, who. marnyi 1 Khan amid scentedj 4s'~ pools aridlpernatioMi wed Dick Ipgpaes in a The forincwf*' prince croo*er wijPbe marrl vada judged a three' mony attended only'i yers, her two daughl^, press. Miss Haywortlv 'saidl event will take o^ce^tW^me Gold Room of the Sands Hotel at 11 a.m. Thursday mUillWftl1-"-l "^ the MARIETTA,JpiO TIMES Circ. D.;jlj90 "%' Haymes, Hayworth! Wed Thursday Las Vegas, Nev., Sept. 23 ?╟÷(M ?╟÷ Dick Haymes, a crooner who has had plenty of trouble with wives and Uncle Sam, takes out a marriage license today with ?√ß Rita' Hayworth, a gal who has had her share of husband trouble. Haymes; and the glamorous ^crel^^^l^^teAluj^the wed- [aSyfeeTO-??i ?╜^feffe Pacific ! Daylight llie.%iat|ypust one aibur^teryhe gets a dififce from j Nora Edcpgton Flynn Haymes. The singer and the actress will be married tomorrow at 11 a. m in Sand^Jjifltpl, where both have beeli guesis for some time. It will be Mmage NdTC for both. los angele^Balif. dttfl' <rf the gayest and most interesting celebrations, held in S&tfhern California is the^lshermen's Fiesta sjgpnsored bjLthe San Pedfo Chamber of Commerce. Wondtif if any of the movie moguls wajig smart enonjgh to catc^som^h9ts of tlie colorful evein|as a badjj^ouB4tis*ya possible screen play, which could be ?╟≤ #r#ten about those intrepid men who literary lbull their Hvmg out of the sea. It would be s^etiicuiar in technicolor. The cerft^j^-old ceremony, in which the fishing fleet^'ilessed, w$& brought to this coun^^gfrom Europe. James Francis Car- dinalflfelntyre gav^thl blessing and earlier offidiSpi atya sGlfem.iljIgfci mass of thanks- giving|at the Mary Star d?·the Sea Pari^ ,.0n t^fplatformcivith the Cardinal were Major Poulsda and. Atty. Geh.. Pat Brown. Those girls froni fibe Slav colony at San Pedro, whose familie?║*aUyg^ork on the fishing boats, are really ^eautiOT^Jfj On alfrlear day with a slight breeze, as it was yesterday, it is fascinating to prowl around the stress-where the boats dock and the canneries turn Vdut those packaged slices and ehm^fcs of delicious tun$, etc. Hut don't ventuj^jjjjte^that area dn a windless smoggy day. The strdfag fish odor will take away your appetite for food that Nora Eddington pa^mes told me yesterday that she had.never refused to sign the little docu- m^t'tHat^'MM" she would not .contest Dick Haymes' divorce in Nevada, but s|^tjiought i|*< \ was bad taste to sign it.right after she gotjb^' y interlocutory divorce decr<?·^ ih Lo$>s&rigeles^Superior Court. "I wanted time to read it over," she said. "I don't like ,to sign anything .uniQjgj,! fully understand it. Everybody made a big thing out of the fact that I didn't sign it oni Friday and that was silly. How did they know what I was going to doJat^*?'*/^^?·^ She told me she wished Dick -and Jt&feHay- ?╟≤ worth all the happiness .in the world^M she hoped Dick would get out of hfeci^feigration troubles. Nora has^always been., a generous- hearted girl and sometimes to her own detriment, but she.said that'^l&^c she finds happiness, so who's, to criticize S||||fV Atty. Dave Marcus will go before? Federal Judge Ernest Tolmc|his morning to^ilik^for a papel of judges to nsieon whether or not Dick's constitutional rights are being jeopardized by the move, made by Jjp*local immigration officials, to deport him because of an alleged violation of the McCarran immigration Act. His petition' is about 300 pages f&ng so it isn'tisJpely Judge Tolin will give a ruling in the m|||er until he has time to read and study the pleilmgs. In the meantime, wedding plans are being made at the Sands Hotel in Lag Vfegas for Dick and Rita's n^ials^^^uMlayt^tlre: ceremony first was set for late afternoon, but^lita changed that. She said she wanted it in tb^ morning. I asked her if she had invited her5"boss, Harry Conn of Columbia Studio, but sh^i^&st laughed and said, "No comment." Mllir' ** How do you like that line in th|^t$ry out of Paris, about the Duchess of Windsor's reaction to Dior's short skirt program? The. .story quotes her as saying her skirts will stay 'longgfor a while, and then adds: "She sa|^\bwever, that she might chauge her mind after her new house is p&wW8$f'- Judging from that the duchess"7?Σ≤! .a one-track mind and can't concentrate on the tigftk pi her skirt while she's overseeing the homeMecorating. Or, maybe Dior didn't seek her advice before making his daring short skirt le%i: She's been highly touted as one of the best-dressed women| in the world, so maybe the famoiis dressmakeri should have given her the nod about his plan^f before he announced them. ESTA&PSH?·D 1888 /Q) BArclay 7-5371 PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU 165 Church Street -New York STEUBENVILLE, OHIO HERALD STAR Circ. D. 28,741 SEP%fe}953 iRita Hayworth IGambles Again j ITFitfe Matrimony LAS VEGAS, Nev. (#?╟÷While nearby crapshooters tried to make sevens ahd elevens, Rita Hayworth I and Dick Haymes today gambled once more with matrimony. | The^ 34-year-old actress and her [crooner, 35, will recite vows each [has i^id three times before, in a simple ceremony in the Gold Room jof the Sands Hotel; _ \ DistelcOuage Frank MacNamee will officiate at the five-minute Iperemony. Jack' Entratter, general jjlna(?·ager of the Sands, will be the .[Inly attendant. Photographers and ^reporters will outnumber the incited guests three to i one. Tlie unpretentious affair will be^ quite a contrast to the screen! 'star's .lavish, French wedding to Prince Aiy Kha.'.i in 1949. Miss Hayworth will.-not even have a I new weddin' f gown. She said she \ would wearya blue linen straight jdress which tke has worn before, j Her head wiEgbe covered by all :,toast-eolore.d jhai of tulle and vel-11 [vet. She will wear gloves to match i| the hat. m-gk-j - 1 j Qply guests ifevit'ed are business y knd legal associates of the couple, hi pThe only relatives on hand will be j> ]t!;i6 bride's twoc-' daughters. They hi lire Rebecca, 8, the offspring ofj, Imiss Hayworth's marriage to Orson f i Welles, and the Princess Yasmif^jj ,'3^ -. like her moslem father a'"'d|-j'i ijr'ect - descendant-svpf the prophet; I Mohammed. 9 ?╟≤.. .^11 |y FinaJ barrier tactile wedding wfis-\ iicleared yesterday when Haymesl ! copped a seven-mihute divorce^, dfe,^] ;cree from Nora Uddington Flyan*! j Haymes. Less than ai^faoul'tl^arc !he brought Rita baefc-feife-kedutt- j jj house, where both jie*'WJttsiy?$iilectj jjout the marriage ratisi j! Both Haymes':' a?? Eife : claimed j | ['permanent' fesidesd^My^v^a, j, Jj but said they \yili s^'" II Greenwich, Conn., \ I looking for a house. Sf NEW YORK, N.Y. I Worta^l^gyam & The Sun ^^ir?·W.g555,OI7 S?·gfe 1953 . I ,n Hollywood I Rita's Nice, \N^ Longer \Miss NaStf:- By ERSKINE JOHNSON. liAS V^^S, SepE^a.?╟÷ Eita Hayworth m& voted Hollywood's i No. 1 Miw.'Mftgtf' in the public relations deinSpment by *he Holty- w<?od Woh^SlgPress Club less than a year ago. ?√ß JjmW ] But she was Miss Charm of 1953 with the press a^J^as,Vegas press! , agents for her S^^JEotel riage to Dick tiS^mes?╟÷!%# surprising prod^kipn -of tihe,^ear | supervised by puSOCist Al Freeman j and Sands bosscJa^: Entratter. j "You have to be^lpta over the head to get her to smile for a newsi camera," her mptiefgbosses h^ve complamed. ' JW ^ Las ^^| she * smiled pretty, and oftea* j|li a batter^! of 18 photogi^apher^^ttrlng, the I li- cttise*r??aking out ?╜^emony.I '._[T\ |he r e s p o n d*H*?? Freeman's 1-day "Outlinft-t- ?╜fe. Events-^No ^cations O^jmr Pt^tWe m^S" scheduW^H^o'an actiess \mjjfe- for h^iNpf^.'director jp&lly sippM^ tS^ipa^ae and ?╟?^hed with impress- guys and dgls after the -'T- do"- ines- were s&ken in the Prfess f$i6m. of the1 Siids Hotel. g>y;>-:|fc :?╟?... ?√ß wf the wife of Aiy 'IppitJalfeiBL, tiMned down.sK^r^L^i^gure j ch*ks to tell he^ffte^td#Uthei j stoly of dark-h%?╜s$|pa G^ino, ^egpunana n^ffet ^usMncer I vb^^&came a S^d-^dre^f ilm j glamour queen and &&(ms?·ov a j time, a princessjpl , Mi33iat's my* p^i.te%fe||j^i'm J not taking aboufe^ry^itint about it," she snapped. * ^--.-i "Keep the piess p^Btographers ; away from me/' |||'?║ji>ld?√ß jgp- co- ] lumbia studio bosses for the last j eight years. '.# i^^i "Piclaires *$J|y*cji3dren? Defi i nitely NO!" ti&f% alWa^i.said. I But in;thfj|fe|t h^nds of Las I Vegas pi;esk:agent Freeinan, Rita ! wa,s glamorigt pjit'^r Awaiting .Dick's divorMp & ftggkrious suite at the 'SaBdKBQtei, ??permitted news photo^aphsaW- her' two daughters,c>|p)ecca, 8, and Yasmin, 3. >.ftjte ^fe^estrictions on any Ptefiu??^Jiaj^at\yord to tha press belor^&nOfter the|6reinony was! an eyepj^$ffi&r< fJin, Las Vegas to Hollyi^pod4B the feiviera vfaete sheie^-^ayed keep away Mm thmpiwo%mh' press2|j%- ^Mt. :m& wedding had no 'frhls * as R??a requested, but $ae ^gk-j^i a -ggessL jajwp*** ?√ß--'-