Digital ID
* June 10, I960 Mr. Kirk Braun, Chairman Miss National Press Photographers Pageant Box 1633 Portland, Oregon Dear Kirk, I am glad to know that everything is goin along nicely with the "Miss National Press Photographers Paieant" and I hope you have a real wonderful affair. I'm sorry that neither Mr. Entratter or I will be able to get up there to see these beautiful girls 3 there will no doubt be some very eligible candidates amon,? the entrants for Mr-. Entratter1s CopaGirl Productions ere at the Sands. Afggw! Wo -* would appreciate getting hill length and face pictvr ^ of eaon?╟╓0.~irl~-their age, ^dress - if they are single or parr, ed> and their background -preferring that the girls not havt"5 been in show business beuee. Our Copa girls are the highest 4.girls in any production in America?╟÷they average nearly $200 a week and they have a wonderful job?╟÷and we would like to offer at least a six wee?╟╓ or run-of-the-show contract to those girls what we select from the pictures and from personal interviews after we see them. ... ?╟≤ ?╟≤ > - ?╟≤ '?√ß ,Jgfe/ ?√ß?√ß*?√ß?√ß?√ß 1-. 1 I doh11 knew how we would work t^ie personal interviews because Mr?╜ .Entratter has to see each girl personally?╟÷but at least we would . like to got a look at the girls Jin. your contest as Jack did several years ago in Minneapolis whon he invited three of the girls to become CopaGirls at pretty good salaries. Anyway, we're all s|t for your arrival here on July hth. Just let me know the tiae of'arrival and we'll make sure that the new Miss National Press Photographers Queen and her chaperone will have a real nice time. Kindest regards, A1 freeman f/r