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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    It is roost encouraging to note that some of the strongest opposition to this perversion of popular taste and this assault upon decency has coroe from the batter elements of the entertain- ment world itself* These managers, producers, and artists know full well that entertainment need not be vulgar or dirty or suggestive in order to be pleasing to the American public. It is roost unfortunate that the few wno care little or nothing for moral standards should be permitted to dishonor the entertainment profession and bring Nevada into disrepute, making her name a byword and a hiss throughout the nation. I write this letter on the feast of our Blessed Patroness, Our Lady of the Snows. May she, whose immaculate purity is whiter than the snows of the Sierras, have us in her keeping and pre- serve us from this particular evil. We pray that she may protect our children, above all, from its foul influence. For our part, both as Catholics and as citizens of the Commonwealth we love, let us do all in our power to keep Nevada a decent place in which to live and to rear our families. With a heartfelt blessing, I am Your devoted Shepherd in Christ, +Robert J Dwyer, Bishop of Reno.