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lineal foot of curb proposed to be constructed. The Street Superintendent shall require each applicant for a proposed sidewalk to deposit with the City Clerk the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars as a guarantee that the sidewalk will be constructed within thirty days after the grade stakes are set. The Street Superintendent shall give a receipt for the guarantee deposit and upon the completion of said sidewalk within the specified time and according to the specifications hereinafter referred to, shall refund the ten dollar deposit to the applicant upon the presentation of the receipt covering said guarantee deposit. Section 2. After the applicant has complied with the above requirements, the Street Superintendent shall issue a permit granting the applicant the right to construct a sidewalk and showing thereon the location, by lot and block number, for which the application has been made. Section 3. The Street Superintendent shall furnish an Inspector whose duties will be to check the forms of alignment and grade and see that the work is done in accordance with the specifications hereinafter referred to. The Street Superintendent shall be notified at least twenty-four hours in advance of the time when the work is proposed to be started. Section 4. In the event that the work is not carried on so that the rate of progress in laying a fifty-foot length of sidewalk in four hours, is maintained or the specifications are not complied with, then and in either event, the guarantee sum shall be forfeited to the City of Las Vegas. The following specifications and a copy of the standard sections shall be placed on the back of the receipt for the fee and deposit issued to the applicant. Section 5. Specifications for all concrete used in the construction of sidewalks, curb and gutter: Cement: Shall be a fresh Portland cement of standard brand. Sand: Shall be a clean, durable, mineral aggregate of which 100% shall pass a 3/8 sieve and not more than 5% shall pass a No. 100 sieve. Gravel: Shall be a clean, durable, mineral aggregate of which 100% shall pass a 2-inch screen and not more than 5% shall pass a 3/8 sieve. Water: Shall be suitable for drinking purposes. Mix: Shall be 1 part cement, 3 parts sand, 4 parts gravel, or the concrete shall have a strength of not less than 2000 p.s.i. at twenty-eight days when tested as a standard cylinder. Founda- Shall be gravel and sand wet and tamped to a firm foundation for a minimum tion: depth of four inches below concrete. Expansion Shall be of plastic material (asphalt) ½ inch thick for the full Joints: depth of the concrete. These joints shall not be spaced more than thirty feet apart. Curing: The concrete shall be covered with fine material, soil or sand free of lumps, within sixteen hours after the pour is completed and water-soaked thoroughly and the cover shall be water-soaked a second time within fourty-eight hours after the first soaking. This cover shall not be removed in less than ten days. Specifications for the construction of sidewalks in the residential area: Walk Section: Shall have a minimum width of five feet and a minimum thickness of 3 5/8 inches at the center and 5 5/8 inches at the edge. The Walk: Shall be poured in one course monolithic, struck off with a straight edge, edged with a standard edging tool, marked transversely ½ inch deep at about five foot intervals with a standard marking tool and finished with a steel float to a smooth surface. Specifications for the Construction of curb and gutter in the residential area. Forms: The outside form shall be eleven and one-half inches deep with its upper edge three inches above the crown of the street and the inside form shall be five and one-half inches deep with its upper edge two and one-half in- ches below the crown of the street. Curb and Shall be the standard roll-curb section Gutter Sections: The curb and gutter shall be poured in one course monolithic between expansion joints, edged and marked transversely with standard tools, and finished with a pre-shaped float or mule. Section 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in a sum of not less than Five ($5.00) Dollars nor more than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, and in case said fine should not be paid to be imprisoned in the city jail for one day for each Two ($2.00) of such fine unpaid. Section 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 8. The City Clerk is hereby authorized to have this ordinance published in the Las Vegas Age, a weekly newspaper printed and published in the City of Las Vegas, Clark County, Nevada, for a period of two weeks, that is to say, once each week for a period of two weeks.