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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes Index 2, 1911-1960: documents, item 614


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    Police Station Escrow - signed - 2/7/1946 Petition Lewis [not legible] Pioneer Heights - wadie addition approved - 2/7/1946 Payroll Claims - Claims # 680 to 688 approved - 2/21/1946 Police Station Site payment [not legible] - Placed in Escrow - 2/21/1946 Payroll Claims approved - # 693 to 699 [not legible] 700 to 702, 705 to 707 - 3/7/1946 Plumbing Examining Board - Recommendation approved - 3/7/1946 Publicity - add in [not legible] [not legible] approved - 3/7/1946 Petition [not legible] Nevada Industries - - 3/28/1946 Payroll Claims # 738 to 747 [not legible] - approved - 4/22/1946 Police Department Expense account - tabled - 4/22/1946 Payroll Claims # 752 to 762 [not legible] - approved - 5/7/1946 Payroll Claims # 768 to 776 [not legible] - approved - 5/22/1946 Permit Public utilities - Bonanga village special permit approved - 5/22/1946 Payroll Claim # 784 to 792 & 799 - [not legible] check for Leo [not legible] - 6/7/1946 Police Station Bids let - opened on July 8 - 6/7/1946 Payroll Claims # 802 to 809 [not legible] - 814 approved - 6/22/1946 Petition Sto set [not legible] - vacation of [not legible] ave. denied - 6/22/1946 Payroll Claims # 817 to 821 [not legible] - 824 & 828 [not legible] Leo [not legible] Salary for June - 7/5/1946 Petition J.C. [not legible] - Referred for Board to Planning Commission Denied [not legible] recommendation - 7/5/1946 Payroll Claims 835 to 842 [not legible] - 834 approved - 8/22/1946 Petition Re: York Building - Referred to City attorney for Recommendation - 7/22/1946 Payroll Claims # 850 to 858 to 859 - approved - 8/7/1946 Purchasing Procedure waived - compressor purchased - 8/7/1946 Payroll Claims # 864 to 873 [not legible] - approved - 8/22/1946 Petition: Zoning wardie addition - Blocks 2 & 5 - 8/22/1946 Payroll Claims # 876 to 884 Ordinance - 890 to 891 approved - 9/7/1946 Payroll Claims # 895 to 902 [not legible] - approved - 9/21/1946 Pawn Shop License approved - King Jewelry granted - 9/21/1946 Petition [not legible] Street - opening Refer Planning Commission - 9/21/1946 Police Station Contract - C.D. Bagnell approved - 9/27/1946 Payroll Claims # 905 to 914 & 920 to 923 - [not legible] approved - 10/7/1946 Petition Coolidge Street - Denied - 10/7/1946 Payroll Claims # 920 to 934 to 940 - [not legible] approved - 10/22/1946 Police Department - purchase radio Equipment - 11/13/1946 Payroll Claims # 959 to 968 inc. Ordinance 973 - approved - 11/22/1946 Payroll Claims # 975 to 983 inc. - approved - 12/7/1946 Police Building & City Jail - Change [not legible] # 2 to 3 approved - 12/71/1946 Police Station - Secured Payment - 12/7/1946 Police Department Motorcycles - purchased - 12/7/1946 Payroll Claims 992 to 1000 - [not legible] - 12/21/1946 Park Improvement - Travel stored [not legible] - 12/21/1946 Payroll Claims 1006 to 16 - inclusive approved - 12/30/1946 Police Department - Police Station 3rd [not legible] Report - 1/7/1947 Payroll Claims 1028 to 1038 & 1043 to 1045 - approved - 1/22/1947 Payroll Claims 1049 & 1057 - approved - 2/7/1947 Petition Meadows addition - Referred to Planning Commission - 2/13/1947 Petition - Re: [not legible] [not legible] - 2/13/1947 Payroll Claims - 1064 to 1071 approved - 2/21/1947 Payroll Claims - 1079 to 1090 approved - 2/21/1947 Payroll Claims - 1098 to 1105 & 1107 approved - 3/22/1947 Petition - zoning Pack [not legible] addition - 3/22/1947 Payroll Claims - 1108, 1115 to 1124 approved - 4/7/1944 Payroll Claims - 1125, 1132 to 1140 approved - 4/22/1947 Petition - Sewer extension Blk. [not legible] addition - 4/22/1947 Petition - [not legible] Daughters of [not legible] Pioneer - 4/22/1947 Petition - annexation of Westside - 4/22/1947 Petition - Parking 600 Blk. [not legible] - 4/23/1947