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I agree.FREEMAN COMPANY pubfic/sts PLANNING TEXAN COPAGIRLS V Bonnie Steinle Called ?╟÷- Contract Out ~ Contract In ~ Ticket Out ?╟÷ Route&Arrival?╟÷ Connie Steinle Called ?╟÷ Contract Out ?╟÷ Contract In ~ Ticket Out ?╟÷ Route&Arrival?╟÷ Di Ann Conn Called ?╟÷. Contract Out ~ Contract In ?╟÷ Ticket Out ?╟÷ Route&Arrival?╟÷ 2102-B Nueces St. /0/2-C So/a So/lf so/*?√ß 9 2102-B Nueces St. /o /p.q same...... 1502-A W 13 So^ ?· So/l*F~ / 0/z.f AUSTIN GR2-8706 AUSTIN GR2-8706 4/ %/?·>/ AUSTIN GR 8-4462 So/*1 Braniff #23 at 8:37 AM, 11/3?╟÷arrive San Ant. at 9:10 AM-- change to Cont. #955 ?╟÷ arrive El Paso 11:25 AM ?╟÷ change to American Airlines #111 ?╟÷ arrive Los Angeles at 2:35 PM ?╟÷ leave Los Angeles on Western Airlines #68 at 7:10PM, arrive Las Vegas at 8:25 PM. Braniff #23 at 8:37, 11/3 ?╟÷arrive San Antonio at 9:10 AM ?╟÷ change to Continental #955 - lv SA at 10:15 AM, arrive Phoenix 1:15PM ?╟÷ leave Phoenix on Bonanza #6 at 3:30, arrive LV 4:10PM 9508 WIL SHIRE BLVD. ?╟≤ BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. ?╟≤ BRADSHAW 2-8611