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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 1997



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Congregation Ner Tarnid ?ran u n^np The Reform Jewish Synagogue of Las Vegas ...A Special Place to Belong CINT Annual CHANUKAH BAZAAR & DINNER ARE HERE! The AnnuaI CHANUKAH Bazaar spoNSOREd by SisTERhood will bE kit Id on SuNdAy, J^ovEMbER 2Jr6 iN Ths SociAl HaII. ThE Fun bEqiNS at 11:00 AM ANd will contInue 5:00 PM. We pROMisEd you tIie Best Ever Iast yEAR, ANd we qave iT to you. Kiis yEAR's will bE BETTER THAN Iast yEAR. A RaFFIe dRAwiNq will bE hEld to bENEFrr The SisTERhood CAMpERship PRoqRAM wiTh pRizEs ThAT iNcludE a bicycU, a TEUvisioN, ANd cookiNq Iessons From WilliAMs- Sonoma. As AlwAys, ThE PARTy Shop will bE pREpARiNq a MouTh-wATERiNq luNch, EspEciAlly For ChANukAh. ThE CiFr Shop will bE open wiTh a sensationaI seIection oF qifr iTEMs. You won't want to Miss ThE CROWNiNq oF Ms. NoodU Kuqsl, Ner TAMid's AWARd wiNNiNq contest! BRiNq youR FAMily, bRiNq youR FRiENds, to This yEAR's Fun ANd FestIve ChANukAh Bazaar. This pROMisES to bE a Better TIian Ever ChANukAh Bazaar wiTh MERchANdisE AVAiUbU From El PortaI ANd CIass ArtIstry, hANd'MAds dolls, COTTON cloThiNq, childREN's CUSTOM ROOM ACCESSORiES, pERSONAUZEd TRAdiNq CARds ANd Much more! SeveraI craFt TAbUs will bs set up For ThE childREN to CREATE hANds^ON iTEMS. Creating a Caring Community As I sit down to write this bulletin article, I do so with a great deal of pride. Our Congregation?s membership has reached an all-time high. Many new ^?-mbers have already become involved, and our religious school and ^Klxiliaries are all beginning the new year with new programs and renewed interest by our mernbership. (continued next page) ChANukAh FAMily DInner DecemBer 1 9 6:1$pM Your chsck is youR RESERVATION... SEE flyER iNsidE For dETAils! D on't forget l&bbf?s Book Review on Thwrsb&vj evening, ?Nov. 20th At 7i30? Worship Services 2 Message from the President 3 Notes from Our Cantorial Soloist 4 Director?s Spotlight 4 School News 5 B?nai Mitzvah 6 Kol Nidre Campaign Donors 8 Auxiliaries & Committees 9 NTTY&TNT 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries 11 Tot Shabbat 12 Tributes 12 Yahrzeits 14 c t S p e c i a l r( ) l a c c TJo N ieto at/ cVtybrsfitp Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrod & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman November 7 Billy Mahon Bar Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg sponsored by the Mahon Family November 8 Matt Mishalow Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Second Saturday Minyon and Torah Study BeitTefillah 9-1 1am Kiddush sponsored by the Mishalow Family November 14 Family Service with the Junior Choir 7:30pm Alternative Services in the Beit Tefillah Oneg sponsored by the 3rd Grade November 15 Nathaniel Borgelt Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Borgelt Family November 21 Tot Shabbat BeitTefillah 6:30pm Shabbat Services with ADL Guest Speaker 7:30pm Oneg co-sponsored by the Sisterhood and the ADL November 22 Scott Goldstein Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Goldstein Family November 28 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood November 29 Michael Treat Bar Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush sponsored by the Treat Family CoNQRBffA rioN Ner Tam id 1 am especially gratified by the reaction of our Congregation to my Rosh Hashana Eve sermon in which 1 called for greater volunteerism on the part of our membership. As you know, we passed out a special ?Volunteer Opportunity Form? in which we listed many of the ways that can you can give of your time to the Temple. As our President Bob Unger pointed out, when you five of yourself you receive a great eal more in return. There are few things more satisfying than making a difference in other people?s lives. To do so lifts beyond our own everyday issues and allows us to see "the broader picture." well. Our goal will then be to do a more formal needs assessment of the Congregation to create further programs. 1 anticipate that the process will evolve over the next two years. Most importantly, however, is that the concept of creating a Caring Community is to be the overriding philosophy by which we conduct ourTemple. My intent is that every committee and every organization will find ways to add to this concept, reinforcing and encourag?ing the concept to flourish as a way of life within our Congregational family. One very important aspect of this philosophy is the creation of our new committee, the Chesed Com?mittee. Chesed is the Hebrew word for compassion. This com?mittee will serve as the umbrella committee to help facilitate pro- ?;rams already underway at the emple by various constituencies be the Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Youth Group, Social Action Com?mittee and the like. But the committee will also be charged with creating new programs that will reach out to our members and to others in the Jewish community who are not affiliated. It is quite obviously a very broad agenda and it will undoubtably take us a while to get our bearings. But the most important thing is that we begin. So the question naturally is where do we begin? For starters we will take an inventory of the programs already in place. And then we will slowly train volunteers who will serve on Bikur Cholim committees (hospital visitation), help lead shiva at the home of mourners; and the calling of shut ins. There will be other programs that will evolve as 1 once read of a Congregant who told his Rabbi, ?You know Rabbi, I came to the Synagogue to learn Bible, and instead, much to my jcu^^ 1 found Torah.? This is what it is about...creating a climate where our love of Torah and of Judaism flourishes in every way it can. For Torah can be found in the simplest of acts, and in so doing make the most profound impact upon our lives. And the lives of others. So, 1 ask you once again, if you haven?t already made a decision to participate, please do so now. Bring in your forms or call the office for a new one. Let our Program Director, Jill Ginsburg, know oryour interest or contact our Chesed Committee chair, Debbie Palladino. Your offer of help is the greatest gift that you can give yourself and our community. May the New Year be for you and yours a good one filled with much joy and blessing. RaBBiSanfordA^seCrad NovEMbER 1997 HJob Unger President Drew Levy VP Administration David Mendelson VP Ways & Means Ira Spector VP Membership David Stahl VP Religious Activities Scott Stolberg VP Education Scott Dockswell VP Social Rita Goldstein Treasurer Ruth Urban Secretary Mel Hallerman Trustee Sylvia Beller Trustee Frances Klamian Trustee Jacky Rosen Trustee Jon Sparer Trustee Robin Greenspun Trustee Esther Saltzman Trustee Kenny Epstein Trustee Janis Rounds Sisterhood Jeff Markewich Brotherhood Sol Tolpen Golden Chai Dustin Tiep NTTY Jill Ewan TNT Jerry Gordon Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President IMichael Cherry Past President t)R. Bernard Farrow Past President Eugene Kirshbaum* Past President Leo Wilner Advisor *Deceased Torah Class offered on Tuesdays Haue you euer wanted to study the Torah? Well, now is your chance. Rabbi Aksel?rod?s Torah class has begun again for the fall. The class meets on alternate Tuesdays at noon for an hour long discussion. Sign ups are not required, simply come to the Temple and join the fun! next few classes are on nouember 18, December 2 and December 16. //// ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT During the High Holidays, our Con?gregants once again showed how much they care about their Temple and their Judaism. This year?s Kol Nidre Appeal was far and away the most successful ever. Each year the Board of Trustees has to predict the expected level of response from our membership to our annual appeal for help. We try to accurately project the amount to be raised and make annual budget determinations on that basis, this year our budget es?timate was exceeded by 30%. Our board is very grateful to all of you who gave to the campaign for your continued financial support. It is a clear message that Congregation Ner Tamid is strong, is providing the pro?gramming and services our Con?gregants want, and is in the hearts of its members. I must convey the appreciation of our Board of Trust?ees to Rabbi Akselrad and Bella Feld?man for the wonderful High Holiday services we all attended. We also greatly appreciate the hard work of our choir. They sounded terrific and featured many new soloists. Con?gratulations on a iob well done to all. 1 would also like to thank our Temple staff. Monty Willey, our Ex?ecutive Director, and his office and building maintenance staff were stretched to the limit during these last two months. It is easy to take many things for granted and the smooth operation of our facilities dur?ing High Holidays is certainly one of those things. Thanks to all for the extra effort. One of the Rabbi?s major themes of these High Holidays was getting in?volved in your Temple and Jewish Community. We have had a great response to the Rabbi?s plea. May?be next year I will be able to an?nounce that we have 620 committee members instead of just members. As I mentioned during my announce?ments on Yom Kippur morning, we have been able to make arrange?ments for all of our members to ?vol?unteer? to shop for the Temple. During this year?s holiday shopping eriod, the Galleria at Sunset Mall as agreed to sell gift certificates to Congregation Ner Tamid at a 5% discount. The gift certificates are as good as cash at all Galleria stores. However, they must be purchased from the Temple in ad?vance. Please help. This is the easiest way ever to participate in our Scrip program. We believe the total holiday spending of our mem?bership will exceed $1,000,000. As a result the temple could re?ceive over $50,000 during the next two months with very little effort on the part of the membership. Please order your gift certificates NOW! You may have noticed that the Sanctuary and Social Hall were completely full during Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre services. If the coming year is like the past two years, we should expect at least 200 more people at next year?s High Holidays. In the next three months we will be looking at ways to handle the crowds next year. This may involve splitting ser?vices into two sessions, limiting ex?tra tickets and non-member tickets, extended use of the Beit Tefillah and Library, video remotes or oth?er methods to be suggested by our members. Please let me know how you feel. 1 would like to hear from as many members as possible dur?ing the next few months so that I can get a broad perspective of member?s opinions as to the pos?sible solutions. Also, please let me know what you particularly liked or disliked about the handling of tickets, seating, the video system, parking, or anything else that came up during your attendance at this years High Holiday services. We will continue to try to keep im?proving the facilities and service to our membership during this impor?tant time of the year. $o5 c l (S p e cia l rf)NovEMbER 1997 laee ^To rJieloiUf M--------1^- h <z=JVate.*. j^Lom. ollt ClanhnnJnf. <^nfr>i.*J: I would like to extend a special THANK YOU to all of the members of our Adult Choir for an outstand?ing job during the High Holidays! 1 appreciate all of their hard work, wonderful attitudes and commit?ment to our music program. of singing solo pieces. MazelTovto all of you! I also want to acknowledge our wonderful accompanist Rhonda Greeson whose dedication and talent is crucial to the success of our performances. Peter Bugel Bonni Casale Cynthia Zeidner Dick DeFranco Dee Ann Emmer landi Friedman -any Rudolph -arry Sasso Catherine Scott ill Smith ackie Smith iarbara Rosenberg Sheldon Rosenberg Glori Rosenberger Michael Mehr Christy Molasky Maxine Molinsky Fern Percheski Marty Fessler Shirley Gellin Rhonda Glyman Frances KJamian Lizabeth Knight Nanette Spector Muriel Cumpanes Many of our members participated in octets and took on the challenge I Our Junior choir premiered at the Simcnat Torah celebration. The membership keeps growing each year and the group is filled with energetic children and they sound fabulous! I am so proud of all of our members and look forward to ayear filled with fun and new music to make some of our most joyous holidays even more exciting! If you have any questions about either of our choirs, please feel free to call me at the Temple. B?shalom, ?BeRa Executive Directed* Ni?< tliglit I would like to TAkE This OppORTUNITy TO TllANk My offiCE ANd cusTodiAl staFF For ThsiR woncFerFuL eFForts tIie Iast two mqntIis in pREDARiNq For tNe Hiqh HolidAys. With This yEAo's qROwrh oF 120 FamIUeS ANd OUR MEMbERship AT 620, All was hANdlsd whh VERy UttIe pRoblEM. I APPRECIATE ThE comments From The MEMbERs on how proFessIonaI ANd FRiENdly The staFF was. RAbbi ANd BeILa contInue to coNducT levEly ANd spioiTUAlly uplilriNq SERvicES. MANy MEMbERS hAVE SENT iN doNATioNS whrh woNdERFul praIse For Ths SERvicES They CONduCT. Our MEMbERs EXCEEdEd ThEM' seIves This yEAR whh a qRAcious ANd SUppORTiVE Kol NidRE AppEAl. It is woNdERFul to see ThE support OUR MEMbERs, NEW ANd old, CONTiNUE TO dispUy to our syNA- qoquE, our RAbbi, BeIIa ANd our BeARd oF Trustees. It is ThE MEMbERs ThAT MAkE CoNqREqATioN Ner TAMid A SPECIAL PLACE TO BELONG. A spEciAl ThANks to MikE ChERRy ANd ShERyl KoqAN For ThE eFForts as Ths ChAiRs oF Ths Kol NidRE AppEAl. ThE ovERwhslMiNq pace oF tIie Iast severaI MONThs did resuIt iN severaI errors on My part. In My ATTEMPT TO ENTER SEVERAI pEOpU iN The Kol NidRE booklET bcfoRE The dEAdliNE TO Ths pRiNTER, I iNAdvERTENTly OMiiTEd severaI NAMES. I will NOT MENTiON ThEM hERE, buT ThEy kNow who ThEy are ANd I hAVE ApoloqizEd TO ThEM pERSONAlly. ThANks AqAiN to EVERyoNE For ThsiR eFForts iN MAkiNqThis holidAy A SMOOTh ANd ENJOy' AblE OCCAsioN. Mbnty A brief message to say thank you to all who served as "Greeters" during Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Your dedicated help with the seatings before and during services made it pleasant for all who atended. The simple greeting at the doors made all feel welcome. Stan Barbanell Mike Dickerman Scott Dockswell Jeff Markewich Alan Markowitz William Feldman Gloria Helpern Steve Joseph Arlene Kagan The Stolberg Family Drew Levy Alan Mann Keith Alterman Darin Tiep Roger Ewan Jack Nitzkin Eileen Kollins Shawn Scott Bob Sasner You can see by the names that the Greeters were Temple members and not just from the Brotherhood. Thank you again! SQJIanTfatfumson 'jjo you nave ajdmity member or friend wfto is hospitalised? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Since there is no notification from the hospitals, please contact Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. C omqreqa rioN Ner TAMid NovEMbER 1997 chool News The growing body of educational research suggests that success in the classroom depends on how we transfer complex ideas of education into a framework our students understand. This skill depends on the teacher?s knowledge of both their subject and their students background. During our first month of school we tested our students in Hebrew letter recognition. We found thirty- five students that we felt would benefit in being part of a Hebrew Head Start Program. Many were simply weak, while others, having no background in Hebrew prior to this year, needed our help. We found that by participating in this program, the students needed our support to be comfortable in their trade level. Melissa Roth, aided by teve Newman and several won?derful volunteer parents, conduct?ed this six-hour seminar in two ^Sundays. According to our staff, aany of the participants have Sown amazing improvement. Conducting special programs in an already crowded facility has proven a challenge, with many of the students T>eing shifted around. Even our wonderful parking lot sale logistically was difficult. The parking lot sale was a great success due mainly to the hard work of Mr. 1 I 1 I NoVEMbER REliqious School CaLen^ar ReivhncIer SuNtUy Nov. 2 No R/S Nov. 9 No R/S Nov. 16 Nov. 25 Nov. 50 No R/S TtEsdAy WedNEsdAy Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 11 No R/S Nov. 12 Nov. 1 8 Nov. 1 9 Nov. 25 Nov. 26 No R/S Scott Stolberg, our Vice President of Education and his Committee. When we have a clear evaluation of our financial intake for this event, we will let you know. Thanks to our hard working volunteers who assist?ed with our parking lot sale. No worthwhile project can be undertaken without some adjust?ments and problems. Jewish education is not only worthwhile but necessary. Our staff has had to adjust to the enormous growth of our school and the many, first time Hebrew students.? Students have had to adjust to new materials, teaching methods, and our crowd?ed facility. We are now at a point in our school year when we are looking forward to a positive experience for all. November is a time to be thankful and 1 certainly am pleased with the efforts of the staff, our board, and the parents. I am pleased at the way our students are meeting the challenge of waking up on Sundays and coming here with the desire to learn. This is a holiday shortened month so please check the reminder box below for dates school is in session. JacqueHne^lee^gp Director of Education iiiilimiin i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i miiiiiitii It l 1 t 1 1 I I l l l l l l l l l l l l I I I l i I 1 1 I I l l l i l II ill l l I I l I l I I I If II II l l l l ^ I l l I I I I I I I l I I l l l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ? ? VM iJ|Ml)l .1 I I I I I I I I I I I JLhf ,l( III J 11111111111111111 Mmmi 11 y wm|1 l'Kl/111 'l 1,11 M * urn1" " M111 mi11 .......... IIjiiiliHilimM s v v i s 1Y1V1 nm i si m imv< ft ft ft i s n Hi i t i i i *1 wl i i lyuis ii i ill SCRIP 11"1 11 ? iii ? 11111 im. i i i ii I I I i nVi iii iii i i i fiti-iii i 11 r#X Wa have once again co: i??? V.'iP expanded our SCRIP |!1,1,1I iiiiVi ii i m 1111 ii iii iViV i i i i i)X i i i ml i ? ? MJU.I. ?1 * I i 1 lilXl 11111; |1 * i? i I |Y|Y|/ i i i i;r:i ? I OxocC ? 11i:X:X I l iXlYlX i i i<iVi)X II ?v?v?X 1 i i i)i i i i iViViV i i i i? ? * * ?>;>x i i i iii i i i iViV i i i i i i i i i i i t t i i i i i i i i i i i i i ii i i i 11 i i.i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i if iiii ii ii* ?YiY i i i i i i. i i i inf i i i I? 1 i i ii i t i imi program for you. <hi ? ? ? Not only do we provide ,lllll,1'1l the four major grocery i , ' stores in town and the enhanced program through SCRIPPLUS of resta u ra nts and clothing stores, but NOW we are providing gift certificates to the Galleria Mall on Sunset. These gift certificatesare available in the office and are good for any 1111,1 store in the mall. ' We order them twice ? a month. As always, you can reduce your Temple dues up to a maximum of $100.00 For every $100 pur?chase, $2.50 will be applied toward your dues reduction. 111 iYi i i i i #l i i i I)iiV i i i mi)i i i i? i i i tthh i i I I I I I I ii i i i i ii i i i i i i i i i m ii i i l1. iX?i i)ii 11 11111 im?? Mill wm* kiw,\ IlM 1 1 l hiify i i iii i i i ifcii i i i iii i i i iii i i iii i i i m i i iii}} i i i i i i i i in i i i ,1 i 1 . ? tjuiwi i No extra cost to you, ,??II, Y,' an excellent fundraiser for the Temple, and a money saver in dues. Get ready for the holidays and support the synagogue by purchasing SCRIP. Any questions, please call Monty E. Willey at733-6292. No credit cards please. 1*11:1 iitiiiiitiin iii........................... i Is i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iYm-t i iimIi i i i i i i i ri i i i i; 11 i mi ?? 111111 ? I l i |: i i ii iii III! II I I VI I l^^M i i i i v 11 IP1.1, J.I/1M 1 i m.., mil 11 fViYi i i i Xi i i i i iYi i i i (iYi iii iii i i i ii i i i I I i i i i ii i i i i i i i ?Miiiiiii*i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t i ..A. 111111 * 11 * 11111111 * 11111 vm uhim11? ................iii j r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i V Ai^ iift jVVVIU I I I I I I iii i i i i i i i i i i 11 i 1111 iii i i i i 11 111 i 111 i i i i i i i r 11 11 i y i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i r 111 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 111111 iiiiiiiiiiiii i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i Miiiiiiiiii NoVEMbER 1 997 c/t. Special rfilace /Jo (Belong, Second Saturday Minyon and Torah Study We are going to try a new program at Ner Tamid. Through the years we have had requests for Shabbat morning services as well as Torah study for those who cannot make the Tuesday noon sessions with Rabbi. Beginning on November 8th, we will have "Second Saturday. It will be an abbreviated Shabbat morning service, followed by information Torah study. We will meet from 10:00 am to 11:30 am, in the BeitTefillah. If you have any questions, please contact Eileen Kollins at 733-6292. Kfazel Tov to our 'November B?tuii MHzv&h Students ***** PJcasc come as we Are CAlled to the Tor Ah......... Please Note! Our Westeide location Religious School will meet at Sendorf Elementary School, located on Spring Mountain between Fort Apache and Durango. The class will meet on Wednes?days from 4:30 to 6pm. and will now include grades 4 through 7. All those interested, please contact our office and ask for Jackie Fleekop, our Educa?tional Director. Hi, my name is Michael Treat and I am thirteen years old. I am in the seventh grade at Hyde Park Middle School where I am in the Science and Math Magnet program. I have many interests, such as fishing, camping and going to bluegrass pick-outs with my family. My main interest is playing the bass. At school, I am in advanced orchestra and the jazz band. Next summer, one of my bands will be featured in a major bluegrass festival called ?Rockygrass? in Lyons, Colorado. I am looking forward to my Bar Mitzvah on November 29. It will be a great day shared with my family and friends. Hi! My name is Matt Mishalow. I am a seventh grader at Thurman White Middle School. I enjoy playing football, talking with my friends and going to the movies. I am very excited that my family and friends will be there with me to share this special occasion, when I become a Bar Mitzvah. My name is Billy Mahon, and I am a seventh grader at the Las Vegas Day School. I am quite active in the Boy Scouts and was lucky enough to attend the National Boy Scout jamboree this summer. I am looking forward to having my family and friends join me for my Bar Mitzvah on November 7. Picture and Article not available for Nathan Borgelt ^ C omqreqa rioN Ner Tam id My name is Scott Goldstein. I am a seventh grade student at Las Vegas Day School. I enjoy playing sports, hanging out with my friends and going to Maine for camp over the summer. On November 22. I will become a Bar Mitzvah. This means a lot because I will be considered an adult in the Jewish religion. I am excited that many out-of-town relatives and friends will be able to share this very special time with me. NovEMbER 1997 Welcome to "A Special Place to Belong!" ?Let Your House Be a Meeting Place? The Perkei Avot ?Ethics of the Fathers? has these printed words* All Israel has a share in the world to come, as it is said?And your people are all righteous: They shall inherit the land forever. They are the branch of my plantings, my handi-work, in which to take pride.? PC ^ We proudly tend to the newest of our plantings. We welcome these branches to our family. Mr. Mrs. Milton Brown Mr. (k Mrs. Bernard Farrow Mr. (k Mrs. Robert Fischer Mr. &. Mrs. Ira Miller Mr. Mrs. Peter Mcllroy Mr. (k Mrs. John Neff Mr. Leonard Goldstein Mrs. Fleta Oslinker Ms. Kelly C. Sant Mr. &. Mrs. David Shapin Mr. &. Mrs. Rod Scheele Ms. Karen Greene-Lewis Mr. *k Mrs. Jack Lazar Mr. Mrs. Joel C. Hoffman r Ms. Janet I. Evans Mr. Jk Mrs. Michael E. Daitch Ms. Viola P. Blazer Dr. Carol L. Caplowe Mr. (k Mrs. Michael Tashman* Mr. Brett Primack 2k Sue Goodloe Dr. 8. Mrs. Ross M. Tonkens Mr. 2k Mrs. Matthew T. DushofF ? : \ ? Mr. 2k Mrs. Ismael Rivera Ms. Harriet Schaefer Mr. 2k Mrs. Michael Milano Mr. 2k Mrs. Vance Glanz Mr. Murray Weidenfeld Mr. &. Mrs. Michael K. Levy Ms. Patricia S. Messinger Mr. 2k Mrs. Abraham E. King Mr. 2k Mrs. Mark Goldberg Mr. 2k Mrs. David Cohen Mr. & Mrs. E. A. (Bob) Sasner Mr. 2k Mrs. Brad H. Torchin Mr. 2k Mrs. MarkT. Gillies Mr. 2k Mrs. Gaiy J. Gilman Mr. &. Mrs. Alan P. Weinstein Mr. Ronald N. Serota Ms. Anita Getzler Ms. Deborah R. Margolis Mr. &. Mrs. Martin Esbin Mr. 2k Mrs. Harold L. Stralser Mr. 2k Mrs. Bruce M. Herman Ms. Loren Wender Mr. 2k Mrs. Bernard I. Glicker Mr. 2k Mrs. Jonathan S. Goldner Mr. 2k Mrs. S. Robert Hartman Mr. 2k Mrs. Harvey L. Weiss Mr. 2k Mrs. Rand C. Capp Dr. 2k Mrs. Ivan L. Goldsmith Ms. Gloria Golberg Mr. &. Mrs. Barney Ales Jon A. Galane Mr. 2k Mrs. Jerry Engel Mr. 2k Mrs. Mark Golctberg Ms. Pamela M. Lellouche Mr. 2k Mrs. Jeffrey A. Jacob Dr. Mark Drucker 2k Jill Ginsburg Drucker May their roots grow strong and proud for this is a ?Special Place to Belong.? fynaejintii Membership Committee Volunteers Needed!I! CNT Holiday Gift Wrapping at the Galleria Mall November 21st - December 24th Open ALL mall hours Call Aydie Unger at 454-9331 to sign up ASAP! NovEMbER 1997 c t Special rPlace CJo (Belong. Kol NidRE CAMpAiqN Donors We would likE to ThANk ihs folloWINCj pEOplc FOR TkEIR MOST qENEROUS CONATION TO ThE Mol NidRE CAMpAiqN.. ThE FollowiNq psopU MAds ThsiR pUdqs aFter tNe Kol NidRE BoOkUt WENT TO ThE PRINTER OR MAds AN AddiTiONAl pUdqE ON Kol NidRE EVENiNq. Our CAMpAiqN was very succesFuI This jiear. Over 700 pEopU CONTRibuTEd TO OUR CAMpAiqN. TkANks TO EVERYONE For ThsiR doNATioNS. Sam AksElRAd HoWARd & MAdEliKE AdlER Barney A Mary AIes KErrh & SANdiu AIterman J.P & ChARMAiNE AyAchE LAURiN Baum Kenny & LaurIe Berman CliFr & Bobbis Bernay MichslE BSnSmow EllEN BiRNbAUM F. Boyett MARk & BETh BROMbERq JESsicA BuUvsky HSram BuchMAN Karen CANqolosi vid & CaroIyn Col MichAEl & MAdElyNE Cowan MaIcoIm & Lois Doctors MARk DRUckER & Jill CiNsbuRq DRUckER MATThEW & JsssicA DushofF Arnee EdqEWORTh Harry & Miriam EhRlich Harvey & LiNdA Eisner Jerrjt ENqsl Laurie ENqEl Donna EpsTEiN RicbARd Fenster AlysoN Fine RobERT & SuRivA FischER MARk & WencIy Cilliss Dennis & KAThy CillMAN BERNARd & FRiEdA ClickER y' I.W. GiNsbuRi Rudy & Irene Cold RobERT Krause & DoROThy Cold Art ColdbERq & MarsIia del VaUe Ivan ColdsMiTh LEONARd & FIeta ColdsTEiN DAvid ColdwATER BARbARA CrEENSPUN DanIeI & RobiN Creenspun DAvid & PATTi Cross PauI Levine & ELmne Cross MichAEl & Doreen Gust Mr. & Mrs. Barry HeIFetz Lenny & HeIen HERZoq CiiiqER Jaeger MARk Jonah MichAEl JoNAh MARk & LoRi lUbiNs ArIene Kaqan Jossph & ChARloTTE KaIiN Cary & Janet Kantor HaroU & SeIma Katz UwiN KishNER RichARd & Frances KIamSan Stephen KoIUns DENNis & LAUREl LARdENT HoWARd & Nancy LayFer RANdy Lazer Pam LeIIoucIie MARviN & Karen LevSne AlyssA Levy CEORqE Li PSHAW HeIen MAck Steven MAck Stuart MANdslbAUM EIIen STERNhill Martin & RonnIe Grower PATRiciA MESsinqER ANdREA WaIIer Miera Cary & ShERRy Mayman K. Sam & Gertrude MoMave Larry MoNkARsh JohN & MARilyN Moran JuSTiN MORqENUSTENZ MeI MusseIman HaroU & D' VoRRE ObER FIeta OslinkER AUn & L?iane PerImutter ThE PsssiN FAMily LisA Pin Lehman ChARloTTE PoIUts & Stuart Indiq Brett & Christina PiiiMAck AriJiur & Rirrh RAchild Nat & MlAy RAichElU Steve & EIaine REiNiNqEN JiM & CloRi RoSENbERGER MARviN & Janice RosenthaI DonaU Ross Steve RowlANd & DeeAnn Emmer ZAchARY & SamantIia SaItzman Steven, Molly, Maria, & SaraIi $ANdERS Ths SchEEU FAMily Doree SchNEidER Scott & Lee ScliREtbER DAvid SchuqAR DiANE SchwARTZ Trevor & Frances ShEldoN Ron & Sue SIocum Cary & ShERRi SNobsl Al SmItIi Herman Stone LilliAN TassIer DonaU UNqER AiidREW & RuTh UnbAN Stephen & Karen WaIsIi EllioT Wasserman Douq & ShERyl Webb Phillip & ShinlEY WeIner DAvid & JoAnN WEiNGARTEN AIan & HaUna WaxIer JohN & Jodi YouNq CyNThiA ZsidNER EarI ZEiqEl MarIene ZiNkow ATTENTICN ALL NEW 1991 ? MEMBERS Lew 199? Temple members are ccrdicilly ii vited te attend Cergregaitiem Ner Tamid'9 s NE1 Hi hi 11 Li iiii m tc be 1 f 1:1 Nev. 1C at ?:CCpm at tbe bene ef Bcb &. Aydie HJriger 1899 1 ilKl 111 Lr. (Creep Valley) A K.S.V.E. te Ira Specter^ 798-19 Id by Ncv, 1C ?Tfum&ou Havurah Dessert Party On October 19, we held our annual Havurah Dessert Party. The purpose of this event was to allow all members, new and old, to become affiliated with a Havurah. Members from existing havurot were in attendance to provide helpful hints on how to proceed with establishing relationships, activity planning, and communica?tion. Many new havurot were formed and ongoing support will be available as a resource to members. An array of lavish and creative desserts from our participants were served throughout the night to sweeten the excitement of meeting so many new friends. CONQREQA TioN NeR jAMsd NovEMbER 1997 AUXILIARIES & Sisterhood Xews Dear CNT Family, Fall is definitely in the air, and with it comes the excitement of all of the upcoming wonderful holidays. We have much to be thankful for, and I am especially thankful to all of the wonderful ladies who worked so hard to make our paid membership luncheon the huge success that it was this past month. We had over 100 in attendance and it was wonderful. While we dined on a great meal prepared by our Party Shop, we were serenaded by the musical artistry of Randy Pagel, Choir Director at White Middle School. At this writing we have 57 new members. VPs Bette Stahl ??nd Dotty Henkin have done an jtstanding job this year, our mem?bership is somewhere around 200! My sincerest thanks to all who have paid their dues (it?s not too late to still join or renew), and to all those whose continued efforts make our Sisterhood the largest and most successful in Nevada. Speaking of the Biggest and Best, our annual Chanukan Bazaar is right around the corner. Mark you cal?endar for November 23rd. We?ll have lots of great food, many won?derful vendors, a great raffle to benefit Campership, and of course the annual ?MS? Noodle Kugei Contest! Allow plenty of time to shop and dine! Don?t forget Rabbi?s Book Review on Thursday evening, Nov. 20th at 7:30, this will be the first general meeting of the year, dessert will be served. I am looking forward to seeing you all at both of these great upcoming events. Shalom and ??Thanks for your support? Janis^cnmds In October we held only one regular meeting on Thursday, October 9 in place of the October 2 and October 16 normal meetings. This change was necessitated by the observance of Holidays which occurred on these dates. On October 9, we were enter?tained by Bobbie jean Denny and Company. In November we will hold our regular meetings on Thursday, No?vember 6 and Thursday, November 20. The meetings begin at 11:30 am. A bagel brunch will be served at a cost of $2.00 and entertainment is also provided. Love &. Shalom, SofcoCpen, President *~W oJetT&cK^veir > ^Karen 9Kprvin cjeviiie are very happy and excited to announce the engagement oj their son, (JejJrey to Susan (Piffen on Octo&er 2, 1997. 3 fflH&iHOO D IHSjuffU! by Jeff Markewich, Brotherhood President I want to start out by saying that I appreciate all of the time that Brotherhood volunteers have given to the synagogue this past month. The projects have included: ? The building of the best Sukkah in town. (thanks to the 15-20 members who helped.) ? High Holiday Services. (The Ushers and Greeters did a great service to the congregation) ? Religious School Yard Sale. (Thanks for the help setting up for the sale) Congratulations to the congregation as a whole for the incredible attendance and enthusiasm during this High Holiday season. Rabbi Akselrad, Bella, and our choir also did a fantastic job throughout the holiday season. Thank you. Sincerely, Jeffreys. Marf&vicfi P.S. Make sure you send in your Brotherhood dues for the 1997- 1998 season. ( / (Special r()la cc (Jo (Belong. A November 1997 NerTamid Temple Youth Leads Congregation in Worship NTTY has had a great month with many new participants. We are excited by the attendance and look forward to another action packed month. On Tuesday, November 4, we are going to return to Ultrazone. Ultrazone is the ultimate in lazer tag. This event is free for all who attended last time and only $10.00 for all others. Do you want to go to the Stage Deli at the Forum Shops at Ceasers Palace? Once a year we have the opportunity to lead the congregation in worship. NTTY?s creative service is on Friday, November