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    V Mr. B» L. Adamsonf S2i0 st Bo * 2 9 Labor Matl. Total Bxcavation - common (Company) c .y . 150 $132.04 $ 3 *96 (extra force work) B ackfill c .y . 110 33.60 16.00 1.01 3.H. 5” W.I. pipe including 2 new 5" gate valves and fittin g s (Conpany) c .y . 2161 370 .21 1,320.50 (extra foroe work) 20.50 $1,897.82 Total ledger value o f stock yard pipe lines s $6,765.28 Th.6 stockyard water lin e was in stalled during origin al construction; a 4" pipe lin e 10 feet le f t o f and p a ra llel to main track extended from (approx.) the 16” supply lin e to valve box located at Sta. 6526+66.5, then 3” pipe extended westerly to stock yard. The 4 ” pipe lin e was replaced by 3” pipe in new location under operating expenses under Work order #5194, completed October 28, 1924. Ihe 3 ” pipe lin e was replaced by5” pipe lin e under Work Order #5959, completed January 15, 1926. Under this work order the 5” pipe lin e was capitalized and the 4** lin e which was orig in a lly constructed to serve the stock yard, was retired from capital account. (14) Round House, Store House and Shop Water Lines She 2 f" fir e hydrant lin e extending easterly from round house approximately 132 f t . , has been in stalled since date o f valuation, but as the record does not indicate charge to capital account to cover, it is assumed to have been put in under operating expenses. tt’ork Order #5937, completed April 30. 1926 Installed D&M Locomotive Gleaner on track #25 near 70,000 gallon water tank, on concrete foundation, and a ir , water and drain lin e s . (Pips lin e not indicated on station print) New 1^** black pipe water lin e. including fittin g s in place, l i n . f t . 55 $19.36 $10.33 $ 29.69 (20) Work Order 1649. completed January 1917 In stall water lin e to serve t o ile t constructed ju st north o f round house 3 /4 ” pipe lin e with fittin g s complete, in p la ce, from t o ile t to water lin e at round house, (estimated ledger value) l i n . f t . 50 $ 9.45 ( 20) : Prints do not show any water lin e connection to th is t o ile t building but as water supply is necessary and because detail of charges includes 50 f t . of 3 /4 ” p ip e ,it is assumed to have been connected to round house lin e . ^ork Order #1931. completed November 19, 1917. in s ta ll hot water b oiler and r e fillin g system