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» V;' J t n j( V I-A 3 VEGAS LAUD and WAT SB COMP ANT. O a - / - / General Balance Sheet - Month o f September. 1919, ASSETS H I ITEM INVESTMENTS l o Beal Sat ate - Unimproved 1 1.1 Beal Bat.ate Owned 0ut3lde Clark's Las Vegas TSite 28 939.33 1-2 Unsold Lots C la r is Las Vegas Townsite 26 179*44 1-3 Investment In "Physical Property-Cal ifo rn la 203 029.98 1 Total Beal Set ate - Unimproved 257 148.75 1 2 » Improved Beal Estate & Miscellaneous Property 2-1 Pour Room Cottages 60 825*43 2-2 Pive Roan Cottages 66 186.98 2-3 Booming House 32 122*65 2-4 Rooming House Equipment 3 620.61 Linen 273.49 Blankets, Comforts,etc. 349.45 Purnlture. etc. 3 197*67 2-5 Hoepital Building 5 441.50 2-6 O ffice Equipment 799.71 g jp O ffice tarn. * Miscellaneous Property 799.71 2-7 Water System 16 509.86 2-8 E le c tric Rlstribut ing System 2 770.13 2-9 Work Shop 285.31 2-10 Work Shop Equipment 454.05 Work Tools, etc. 2-11 Water Service Connections 1 284.11 Total Improved Real Estate & Property 190 500.34 1 3» Investment in Securities 3-1 Anaheim Union Water Oo. Common Capital Stock 975.00 3-2 U.S.Govt. 4 Thi rd Liberty Loan Bonds 250*00 3-3 U*S. Govt* 4 Pourth Liberty Loan Bonds 150.00 Total Investment in Securities 1 375.00 1 TOTAL INVESTMENTS 449 024.09 CURRENT ASSETS 4* Material and Supplies I 4.1 Material on Hand 429.57 5* Cash 27 777.27 5-1 Treasurer 27 777.27 6. Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable 2 383.07 6-1 B ills c o lle c t ib le 716.27 6-2 W.R. Bracken, Agent - c o lle c t ions Total Current Assets 30 589.91 REFERRED ASSETS 7. Other Referred Assets 7-1 Advances fo r Construction Employes Cottages 2 726.20 7-2 Towns ite Contracts 5 168.31 7-2 Auditor 'a Suspense 200.00. Total Referred Assets 8 094.51 1“ UNADJUSTED DEBITS 1 8. Water Branchiae Expense 289.88 9. e le c tr ic Light System Branchiae 45.06 10. Insurance Premiums Paid in Advance Total Unadjusted Debits 685.69, • TOTAL ASSETS | __________________________________________________________