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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ¥La s2 3-V1e-g1a2s 8- July 23, 1953 Mr. C. ft. Cory - Las Vegas 60! \im, Reinhardt E. E. Bennett Will you please prepare usual form of refund agreement with Mrs. Ada L. Bearden whose address is 719 Shadow Street, Las Vegas, Levada, oovering construction of approximately 76? LF of 6* cast iron water mains and 12 LF of 6** fire hydrant connections to serve residential area e&st of Shadow Street, approximately 1000* north of Charleston 31vd,, Lae Vegas, Hev&da in location as in­dicated on Drawing A-1105 dated July 10, 1953, one copy of which is being furnished with this letter, the balance of required copies to be furnished by Mr. R. L, Adamson. The estimated cost of con­structing water mains and fire hydrant connections including over­head and supervision is $3130• SUBDIVIDER AGREES (1) Upon execution of agreement, to deposit the sum of 13130. (2) To locate said pipe lines. (3) To furnish easements where necessary together with title policies. (1) Upon execution of agreement and receipt of said deposit and necessary easements, to proceed with the construction of said water lines and fire hydrant connections. (2) To pay to the SuMivider at quarterly intervals 3j|fof monthly revenue received by it from con­sumers taking direct service fro® water mains constructed hereunder for a period of ten years from date of completion of said installation or until Subdivider has been repaid the actual cost advanced by him (exclusive of the cost of installing said fire hydrant connections) whichever first occurs. Other usual conditions. COMPANY AGREESI Enel. LRM/tp L. R. Haag