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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Buy the Mercedes-Benz 250S and spend your $6400 on engineering, not status?╟÷ you'll sleep better at night. Owning the Mercedes-Benz 250S will be a tribute to your good sense, not your ego. You can reasonably expect to keep this car until it has more than repaid its cost by years of faithful service. Your investment won?╟╓t be eroded by annual face-lifts, slapdash construc- tion or cheap materials. Built for the long haul You pay for superior engineering when you buy the 250S. For instance, 16 selected gauges of sheet metal help form the 250S ?╟úunit" body. It is welded at 10,000 points, then hand-sanded, filed and in- spected for 3 hours. In all, it carries 48 pounds of pro- tection against rust (including 24 pounds of permanent undercoating). Not a barge If you are a good driver now, your 250S will make you a better one. It is an almost incredibly responsive car. One reason: the 250S measures two feet shorter than its major rivals. You thread through traffic with the agility of a sports car. And you ride on a fully independent suspension sys- tem adapted from a world-champion- ship Mercedes-Benz racing machine. According to Road & Track magazine, this suspension ?╟úoffers a combination of riding comfort and stability that is the standard for com- parison." Racing-car brakes Mercedes-Benz engineers fitted the 250S with the same brake system found on Grand Prix racing machines: 4-wheel, caliper-type disc brakes. Mr. Peter Grassl, Mercedes-Benz, Dept. S 220 158 Linwood Plaza, Fort Lee, N. J. 07024 Please send me the free Mercedes-Benz European Delivery Information Kit. Name ____________. _____ Address. City State____ guarantees more travel enjoyment- no crowds, no awkward schedules. When you return home, your 250S comes too. And remember that overseas deliv- ery saves you hundreds of dollars on the purchase price of your new Mercedes-Benz. For full details, see your author- ized Mercedes-Benz dealer. Or clip and send the coupon below now and get a free, fact-filled information kit. Racing drivers like the way disc brakes resist fading, even -in succes- sive stops from 100 mph. Disc brakes also resist the effects of moisture and dust?╟÷and they wear very slowly. Foiling fatigue No matter how far the destination, you and your passengers will arrive relaxed in the 250S. ?╟úThe seats are as good as any in the world," writes the Editor of Car and Driver magazine. One reason: They were designed, with the aid of orthopedic physicians, to support your body properly and thus ward off muscle fatigue. Inside and out, the 250S is a nit- picker's despair. The fourth and final paint coat is hand-sprayed and hand- rubbed. Even the underside of the dash is fully trimmed and finished. Going to Europe? Send now for free kit. You can order your Mercedes- Benz here and pick it up in Europe. Having your own car while abroad