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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    E. i. HAYES, President R. W. HAINES, Treasurer D. M. HAYES, Secretary ?╟úALWAYS ENTERTAINMENT PAR EXCELLENCE*1 "HOME OF THE HAMBLETONIAN?╟Ñ BOX 182 DU QUOIN, ILLINOIS September 23, 1963 Mr. Al Freeman The Sands Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Al: I have yours of the 19th., and have today directed a letter to "RED SKELTON, " again expressing our true sentiments concerning his performance here on Labor Day night. Accordingly, I am enclosing it herewith for you to examine and feel free to use as you see fit, if indeed you find it to be along the lines that you undoubtedly expect. in writing this letter, I have found it difficult to keep its length within the realms of normally good taste, and so i am accordingly advising you that it will be entirely satisfactory with me if you edit it as you see fit and delete or add to any of its contents. With kindest regards, I am Yours very truly, DU QUOIN STATE FAIR ?·JH:fm.