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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    FREEMAN COMPANY pub/ic/sts -8- flne. If just for dressing in back, not worth the risk to this furniture. It cost f>35>00* Let?╟╓s not chance it, for effect ?╟÷ instead take that other couch* Bemie, from Presidential Suite, have housekeeper pull out the velvet white slipcovers we used on the Danny Thomas show, remember. Swell, will work just as well. Now ?╟÷ we need NBC personnel to wear their identification Monday and Tub sday, so when they need something from people here, we?╟╓ll move, not ask questions. Also, 3 stage managers to wear bright yellow caps or scarves so Sands personnel will know who is in charge of each group. Sood idea ?╟÷ Henry instructs production chief to set it up. Barbara Flshel, TV show secretary, says she can take care of it easily. Let?╟╓s go ?╟÷ check on frames for pictures. Do they mount easily, ??an they be moved quickly in case we have to substitute pics on the wall and on the railing? Bernie smiles softly -- will be done. Hadn?╟╓t planned It for quick switches, but will be done. Perspiration time. Camera blocking time, now. It's Mondsy . Henry is in production truck, checking camera angles, lighting effects. Quiet In the Copa Room. Cameramen standby your cameras. May we have Mr. Cole, please. Bill Finnegan, please show Mr. Cole his mark on the floor for first number. Nat, could we see your face a little higher please. Block. Check. Move. Light. Cue cards up. Cue cards down. Sands personnel - more - 9508 Wl LSHIRE BLVD. ?? BEVERLY HILLS, CAL. . BRADSHAW 2-861 1