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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LE MONDE decembre 1964 ?╟÷ Parang,, PIERRE LOUIS-GUERIN RENE FRADAY Mise en scdne de DONN ARDEN Costumes de FOLCO Decors de POST Musiques nouvelles de HARBERT g LANDREAU ?╟╓ ??SHH| Orchestrations de # ?╟╓?╟╓ Gbuyer P. DELVINGOURT/1 avec naturellemmt LES BLUEBELL GIRLS Lido. Paris (FOLLOWUP) Paris, June 22. A nitery mecea for locals and tourists, the Lido is still packed I nightly. And its new show, ?╟úQuelle Nuit,?╟Ñ is aS impeccably | fast, clean and. marked! at the sixth month as at the preem. Aside from a new aet, the layout has ( changed littlfe However, it may have added a patina of pace, dash and movement in its repetitions. Besides its inventive production numbers, interspersed with top j showcased acts, this classic . but fresh revue }s indebted to produ- cers Bene Fraday and.Pierre Louis-' Guerin for keeping Bonn Arden?╟╓s staging and choreography as brisk- as ever. It also explains why it can be seen several times withoutr The Bluebell girls are still .pretty and animated, wearing Foleo?╟╓s neat costumes well; the boys are as chipper in terp routines and the nudes shapely., Nelida, the 'classic bombshell pinup girl, con- i tinues to be the focus of many of the, numbers. ' 'The takeoff on swashbuckling operettas retains the right dash and dueling with a horse running full tilt op a tread--' mill is still a showy* bit. ?√ß There also, arb an Inca ritual i with' Sn earthquake throw in,'Paris - 1900 with the Cancan, elegant nuta- ?╟╓ bers showing off Paris, contpre end a train full of cavorting girts. The: snap and precision pf it all make the Lido one, of the top bortes of its kind. ?√ß ?√ß y,?╟╓ Rico suavely makes lighted can- dles appear at will, Gil Dwa charms with his recaleitant hut ?╟≤dexterous juggling aet and the Rudas Acrobatic Dancers (8) are as supple and dynamic as heretofore. Among other supporting-turns, Gino Donati is-whimsical arid be- guiling as the bel canto singer be- ) set by a fey stooge. The new' act, Cihibas (4),, is a, hrigW aero hit with'a female shill -adding fun hr trying to keep.. her.dressdpm.__ 'B'asfc,j