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I agree.Pzazz and All That Jazz at Dl YLKUL ?╟÷ Themes of the musical comedy spectacular, "Pzazz! '68," now at the Desert Inn, blend nostalgia with high camp. One of the lavish scenes, above, features a. tribute to the artistry of Fred Astaire and his lovely partners. * * .*; | "Pzazz" and all that jazz. Hollywood's golden days. High camp and leather-jacketed hip- I pies! Tributes to Bing, Bob, and Dorothy, to Fred Astaire and his glamorous dancing part- Iners. These are themes of the lavish musical comedy spectacular now at the Desert Inn, 'Pzazz! '68" Scenes of the exciting extravaganza are interspersed with outstanding individual acts: the amusing Snyder Brothers; Frank and Denise Agostmo; Jeremy Vernon; Rudy Cardenas; and Galla Shawn. Bob and Ken Snyder have a refreshingly funny routine, with Bob frequently playing straight man to Ken's zaniness. Bob has the voice; Ken plays trumpet, drums and sax. Both clown and do impersonations. ! The Agostinos, Frank and Denise, blend pantomime com edy with amazing adagio-acrobatic dancing and strongman ; tactics. Frank is a former Olympic gymnast and ex-Ma- : rine. Jeremy Vernon is excrutiat- lingly funny in his impersonations of international airline \ pilots, and Rudy Cardenas exhibits his extraordinary skill as one of the world's finest jug- glers. Galla Shawn, who has spent most of her life around circuses, does a superb trapeze act using two trapezes. Produced by Frank Sennes and directed by Donn Arden, 'Pzazz! '68" moves along at a fast pace, blending nostalgia with psychedelic excitement.