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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    A .& M . npc t r i m December 26, 1928. Mr. Leo A. McHamee, Attorney at Law, Las Vegas, Nevada. Dear Leo: IN RE: Upper Cottonwood B orings. Under our permit to appropriate the water o f Upper Cottonwood S prin gs, we are required to make p ro o f o f a p p lica ­tio n o f water to b e n e fic ia l use on or b e fo re February 21, 1929. I t w ill be necessary fo r us to make a p p lica tio n to the S tate Engineer to change the p la ce o f use from Sloan to Arden, and ch aracter o f sane from mining, m illin g and dom estic uses to r a ilr o a d and dom estic uses b e fo re we f i l e p ro o f o f a p p lica tio n o f water to b e n e fic ia l u se. X think you have data s u ffic ie n t to prepare a p p lic a tio n , and I am In c lo s in g you blue p rin t show­in g the old pipe lin e connection with Sloan and the new pipe conn ection with Arden. S ecretary o f the I n te r io r lo c a tio n maps coverin g our pipe lin e from the Spring to i t s connection with the old lin e immediately below Cottonwood S prings, but we can do that at any tim e. I t w ill be n ecessary fo r us to f i l e with the I f there is any fu rth er data th at you re q u ire , a d vise. Everything here as usual Your fa th e r F. R. McNamee i p p # i Cc to ®r. R* L, Adamson Mr. A. 3. Halsted