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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - March 2, 1944 W 18-1-1-1 Mr. L. A. MoKamee: Referring to the letter from Mr. Kingsley eoneeming certain information desired In oonneetlon with the 1954 tax ease. I attach a list showing loans made by Lae Vegas hand and water Company to Railroad employes to build homes In Las Vegas showing date of agree­ment, name and occupation of employee, location of house constructed, and amount of loan. This list is separate from the 64 Company cottages constructed here for employes, the location of which I have shown on aay # 6 left with you yesterday. Under the arrangement made with Railroad employes shown on attached list, the employee purchased lot and deeded it to Las Vegas hand and Water Company under contract whereby later agreed to conetruet a house upon it, east to be repaid to Las Vegas Land p. Water Company in @0 monthly installments. References made to a letter dated December 5, 1912 from General Manager to Special Committee fully explaining method under which dwellings are constructed for employes. The original letter does not appear in the individual files which we searched this morning, but probably can be found in a general file *W 12-5-Loan to Employes for Building Homes* which I loaned to Mr. Strong February 16. X understand question has also arisen as to why the lands last of the tract were deeded to Las Vsgas Land and Water Company. There is a pert­inent letter on this subject in my file consisting of an inquiry from President Gray instigated by Hew York office in a letter dated August 1, 1929, copy of which X enclose as well as my reply, reflects