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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    March 22, 1943 W 6-6-1 Mr. Warren BullOeh Chairman, Iron County Draft Board Cedar City, Utah Dear Sirs This letter is written in connection with the Selective Service status of George R. Manning, formerly a resident of Cedar City but now employed by the Las Vegae Land and Water Company. I quote the opinion of our local Draft Board in a similar case? "Since your company furnishes water to all of Las Vegas, Nevada, and many additions adjacent thereto, and since this entire area has been designated as a defense area and many thousands of defense workers are employed here on defense work, in my opinion the work of your company would be considered an essen­tial activity. I am informed that you find it extremely difficult to secure competent men and that you are now laying thewater mains to many hundreds of new homes which are being occupied by defense workers. It seems to me that this would be suf­ficient to class the work of your company as an essential activity.® I am not entirely d e a r as to whether Mr. Manning is still under the Jurisdiction of your board or whether his papers transferred to Clark Gounty. If the former, I will appreciate your consideration and advice as to whether he is elassifiedas being engaged in an essential occupation. Mr. Manning is mar­ried, has one minor child and two other minor dependents of whom he is legal guardian. fours very truly, A. M. ft)LGER