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ff Form A. F. E. 12A C. S. mm CO. A U T H O R I T Y F O R E X P E N D I T U R E Request N o .. m Committee, N e w York. Authority is requested for the following Expenditure for Investment in Road and Equipment. ? si Submitted. .192- -V° X President. a-22-2,000—u STATE FULLY CHARACTER OF WORK TO BE DONE AND REASONS W HY RECOMMENDED i f le u : la,* ¥«&&«, Nevada (la in M m l* KlfVICSi %Mf 1990* #f 6* east i n s coach watering m is; t a s U U St *»«w fhird«ofc « U r ncrcie# Iso nee and I960* #f 4* ft trifled clay pip# drain* 1» of 1980* o f S" ¥ *i. f i p « mm at hydrant#* To $wowid# adequate cs&mth water fa c ilitie s # delating coach hydrant# are o f 3.1st!tod capacity as»d « o n mut, ehiak, tog®User with tft# foot that they are located n o rth erly of wei# lin e sspI hoes c&sssei be la id acro ss » r1u track to eenre cam standing on side track u n til ami# lin e train# )mt« departed fro^sostly causes delay# of f I f teas to th irty artimte#* Beplaeesacai o f e x is tin g f a c i l i t i e s with. *mi» of s u f f ic ie n t else equipped si its isrprowed typo eeaah hydrant sereiso h«#e# with #*e##a*ry drainage is now leeatt ois between ,mlu wad pmcing track w ill enable cor ring ears ©ft either aide sr os- both tracks at the uw&# time. the Burdock se re ic e her la acre s a o lta ry Hta§t d evice sew In use ae no e a te r reiaain# Is hex o r hose to beeoete stagnant* .0. l e i l a B u d g e t * I t * J^reighi end Passenger Station#, e t c * 1. T o t a l estim ated e x p e n d itu re - - - - - 2. L E S S — Cost of removal of Property to be Retired chargeable to O peratin g Expenses 3. T o t a l a m o u n t c h a rg e a b le to In v e stm e n t in R o a d an d E q u ip m e n t - 12e s s — C r e d it to In v e stm e n t in R o a d a n d E q u ip m e n t f o r le d g e r / w O j<J\ v a lu e o f P r o p e r t y to b e R e tire d , chargeable as fo llo w s : - I REGISTERS J Operating Expenses - - $ j S a lv a g e - - - --------f t # -------- MA£ilSn925 Total ‘ " ? - $ 1 1699 5. A d d itio n a l a m o u n t c h a rg e a b le to In v e stm e n t in R o a d an d E q u ip m e n t 6. A p p ro p ria te d f o r e x p e n d itu re d u rin g calendar year 1 9 S £ _ . . . ------.«*!#?& i 699 1 &?9 $ a 4 2 9 - p . j : e . Approved by the MAY 28 1925 E . O . MAY 27 t ? .at New York, N. Y., MAY 2 8 1925 -i-E .... -......192- Secrelary.