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I agree.Pageant 535 Fifth Avenue New York 17, New York MUrray Hill 2-7700 July 1, I960 Mr. A1 Freeman, Publicity Director The Sands Las Yegas, Nevada Dear Mr. Freeman: I know you will want to see the enclosed advance copy of the August issue of PAGEANT in which there is a major article on Dean Martin. This is ?ǥDino the Great,?ǥ which begins on Page 44. As you will see, the Sands is prominently mentioned in the PAGEAM? piece, and reference is also made to Martin*s new picture Oceans Eleven which was filmed in Las Yegas, as you know. We hope you will want to do some tie-in promotion and publicity in connection with the PAGEANT piece. Please let us know how we can be of help. Cordially, Esther Burke publicity Director EB:v Enclosure P.S.: This is the issue that will be released on Tuesday, July 12.