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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angelos, February 13, 1951 80-5 Mr. W. H. Hulsizer: (eo - Mr. R. M. Sutton Mr. Mm. Reinhardt) wo have received informal advice from Chairman Allard of the Nevada public Service Commission that the bearing on application of LVL&WCo. for increase in water rates in Ins Vegas will be postponed to April 3rd and 4th. However, X would appreciate receiving the material requested of you and Mr. Hutton by February 26th if It is possible to have It in my hands by that time so that Mr. wehe will be able to use It in preparing 1951 estimates. X think that the representatives of your offiee should arrange to be In Las Vegas on the morn­ing of April 2nd for a preliminary conference? f. Bennett WM. R„ FEB 13 1951 roe P M ^ - t£B i i i i I C E h m ^ m x 4.