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    a $L C.S. A. F . E. Form 30-D WORK ORDER AUTHORITY FOR REPAIRS ONLY OF EXISTING PROPERTY 6-1-27 J*os A n g e la s & S a lt Lake H a ilro a d Company M Of W___ Department_____ J*OS AngeleS________Division January 6, 192 7 Authority for the expenditure of $____IQ 260------------at L9 H Yeg&St Renew in M«a 3750* of 16” wood stave pipe line from Sta. 2 plus 39.4 to Sta. 39 plus ©9.4 and ml® repairs to portion between new pipe* as shown by detailed estimate (Forms 30-1 and 30-2) and plan attached hereto fbis portion of the main pipe line earising a ll water for Railroad and town purposes is In a badly deteriorated condition requiring constant attention of one man aid so me tines two to repair leaks and maintain pipe in operation* ffhia ie a minor portion of tiie entire line and immediate renewal in kind Should he *«>afle for protection of Railroad and town water supply* for (Description of Work) Necessity for Work; Work to be done under direct!on of Superintendent 1. Total estimated expenditures (F o rm 80-1) - - - - - - 2. Less— (a ) Estimated value o f Salvage chargeable to " M a te ria l on Hand— Store Dept.” 3. (6) Amount o f Insurance recovered chargeable to "Insurance Claims” 4. I l l ---- ---- r;.. ----- -— — ---- ----- — — -------------------- ----------- 5. Difference chargeable to Operating Expenses - - - - - - * 10 260 * 10 260 Calculations and Distribution Correct ORIGINAL SIGNED \JAN 181927 DATE General Manager's No. 0 109 Approved