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I agree.turn 15, 15 15 0 v 23*5 -W$W$k§% V?&fe§ Offices* , ' Eleventh W&val Sftatriet .iaU M S g e * 30# ialifornia hear gif I %>£#yfcsg to y<and <Juae Jth, file imi~»8m/rd lre# tter* May 9Ktht e and our letter May 25th# file it 2>5, m3a<«5#77 regarding proposed contract for water service for fiso&l year 1951* We are returning herewith proposed agreement covering water service to the If&val Reserve draining Oentar, L&s Vegas, received -*! with your latter dun® Jth. We are, in' view of past esqperiehoe, not trilling to guarantee Kater pressnre. whit^t- we would he obligated to do under the spe&flcatioiis attached to the agreement,, however W are willing to contact for delivery ©f water at the gate pressure ae heretofore. Will you kindly, therfors, revise Seotloa h of the epecificatioiif to read! t # f- * * at a pressure of approximately 35 pounds per equart Ineh gauge.* Very truly, ycure, A. It* folger