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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-180


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    2. Police Department: Position Schedule Police Chief 42 Assistant Chief 36 Lieutenant 34 Sergeant 31 Patrolman 27 Mr. Kennedy stated the Pay Plan, as recommended allows for the meritorious increases for the fiscal year 1958-1959, based on length of service in position. He explained there are 41 less people authorized in the Budget for 1958-59 on a full time basis than were authorized in the Budget for the fiscal year of 1957- 1958. He stated that at the present time the City has less than the 533 employees authorized, so adoption of this Plan will not mean that any person will be relieved of his job with the City. He further explained that a check of the total cost of the proposed Pay Plan with the Budget for 1958-59 shows that it can be financially taken care of within the Budget. Mr. Kennedy advised that there was one other think that he did not include in his letter of recommendation - an explanation that the Pay Plan, as recommended, is a full four year step program. Commissioner Fountain asked the City Manager if he had talked to Mayor Baker by telephone on this recommendation, and if the Mayor agreed with this change in the Police and Fire Departments pay schedule. Mr. Kennedy stated that he did discuss this matter with Mayor Baker on Tuesday, July 1st, and advised him of his recommendation on the Pay Plan and asked the Mayor if he had any objections or suggested changes, and he further advised the Mayor he would like to request the Commission to approve this recommendation on July 2nd. Mr. Kennedy stated that the Mayor had indicated he had no objection to the recommendation, nor to the matter being placed on the agenda for the regular meeting of July 2nd for Board action. The City Manager reported on the Classification study, and stated that it is his recommendation that it be adopted as presented and amended. He reported that the Classification Plan provides a job description and classification for the different types of employment within the City. He explained that it also changes the names of the existing classifications so that they will coincide with the names used in private industry and other public employment, thereby making it easier for the City to secure information from the outside relative to pay and other benefits given an employee doing a particular type of work. He continued that the Classification Plan does away with 41 descriptions previously used by combining identical and similar work under one classification, and as nearly as possible doing away with descriptions for one person only. Mr. Kennedy requested that the Pay Plan and Classification Plan as recommended, be approved, and presented a proposed resolution for adoption. Commissioner Fountain moved the Pay Plan and Classification Plan, as recommended by the City Manager, be approved, and the following resolution as amended, be adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of Las Vegas has caused a survey of salary ranges and classifications of positions in the City service to be made; and WHEREAS, the survey recommendations have been received and studied by the Board of Commissioners; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners now desires to adopt new monthly and hourly pay ranges, and assign pay ranges to classes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of July, 1958, that the following schedule of monthly pay ranges, to be known as Schedule I, applicable to monthly paid employees, be and the same is hereby adopted: SCHEDULE I Pay Ranges in Monthly Amounts City of Las Vegas, Nevada Monthly Pay Range Range No. Step I StepIII Step III Step IV Step V 1 $ 126 $ 132 $ 138 $ 145 $ 152 2 132 138 145 152 158 3 138 145 152 158 165 4 145 152 158 165 172 5 152 158 165 172 180 6 158 165 172 180 188 7 165 172 180 188 197 8 172 180 188 197 206 9 180 188 197 206 215 10 188 197 206 215 225 11 197 206 215 225 236 12 206 215 225 236 247 13 215 225 236 247 258 14 225 236 247 258 269 15 236 247 258 269 282 7-2-58