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Hadassah-Shoshanim meeting minutes, January 8, 1996



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    SHOSHANIM GROUP - HADASSAH General Meeting - January 8, 1996 The meeting was called to order by President, Sherry DeArmas, at 7:30 p.m., in the home of Judy Mack. Chapter Advisor, Sandy Hyman, and Chapter President, JoAnn Geller, were introduced by Sherry DeArmas. The remainder present introduced themselves and stated their positions and membership status in Shoshamin. No minutes were read as the previous meeting was a social party for Chanukah in the home of Harriet Smylie. A brief Treasurer's report was given by Sherry DeArmas as Marcia Marx could not be present. The previous balance was $75.29 in addition to a check from Chapter in the amount of 108.00 minus an outstanding check of $32.00 the current balance stands at $151.29. Vice President - Education, Ramona Luckman, gave a report on Hadassah's support of health awareness. Programs for self-breast exams and diagnosis of osteoporosis were mentioned. Cards with instructions for self-examination were passed out to those present. Interest in a presentation regarding osteoporosis was shown for a future meeting. Lori Lipman-Brown was introduced as Nominating Committee Chairperson. She explained the positions on the Board that would have to be nominated. The slate is to be announced sometime in February. Volunteers for the committee were called for. Jackie Fleekop, Kathy Menache, Harriet Smylie, and Judye Skorina volunteered. Lori will contact regarding a meeting of the committee. The Youth Aliyah Luncheon will be held at the Port Tack on West Sahara on Sunday, February 25th at 11:30 a.m.. The cost is $25.00 for the luncheon serving Salmon or Pasta Primavera. Our group will be organizing the event again this year. Volunteers Marcy Simon, Ramona Luckman, Leah Sichel, Judy Mack, and Kathy Menache will be at the door greeting and selling raffle tickets. The suggested price of the raffle tickets is $5.00/each and three (3) for $10.00. Sherry Mayman requested that each member bring two (2) good items for the raffle at the next meeting. It was emphasized how important these prizes are and that we are all responsible for the success of this event. An explanation of Youth Aliyah was given and member Leah Sichel volunteered to speak as a graduate of the Program at the Luncheon. Lori Lipman-Brown will also speak telling us of her recent trip to Israel. The program will include a fashion show sponsored by our own Irene Friedman. Chapter Advisor Sandra Hyman suggested an Ima/Abba raffle for the group. Individual donations of $18.00 (Chai) or as many increments of chai could be made by a member in honor of an event, Mitzvah, honoring achievements, good and welfare, etc.. When the collection of funds reaches $1000.00, a raffle for the honor of Ima will be held. Each member will have as many chances as the number of chai donation they have made. This idea was received well and initiated by the membership present. The first donation of chai was made by Lori Lipman-Brown, in honor of her girlfriend, Lori Noble who survived a life-threatening emphysema attack last weekend. M&M bags with specifics about Hadassah attached were passed out to those present. Each person read aloud the information for all to hear, while we all enjoyed the candy! The next general meeting will be on February 5th at the home of Marcy Simon. The March general meeting will be held at Kathy Menache's. It was brought to the board's attention that regular meetings will be scheduled. The next board meeting will be Monday, January 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Irene Friedman. The Dollar Raffle was drawn with a pot of $42.00. Lori Lipman-Brown won and donated her $21.00 winnings back to Hadassah.. The Las Vegas Chapter has grown to a size that requires reorganization. The greater membership will be known as Las Vegas Chapter with smaller groups comprising the whole. At this time Las Vegas Chapter has four groups, Shoshanim, Tikva, Aviva, and the formerly named Las Vegas Chapter suggested as the Shamash Group. This will allow for better administration .ad the encouragement of new groups to form. A special thank you to Sandra Hyman, Advisor from WOW (Women of the West), and to Judy Mack for the use of her beautiful home. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Harriet Smylie