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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    VLa 2s 3V-1e-g1a1a9 - January 6. 195* Nr. C. N. Cory - Las Vegas 001 Mr. Va. Reinhardt Nr. B. E. Bennett Twin Lakes* 1V1i1l lyagoeu, plIenaos.e, wprheopsae raed udrsueasls lfoen 1t3 0o0f RTeofnoupn ad hA gHriegehwmaeyn,t wLiast h hVyedgarsa,n t Necovnandeac,t iooovnesr ta,n ndg pcroensssturruec trieodnu ocifn oga vsatl vIreo tno w asteervre n aTwlinna Laankde sf irs NVeivlaldaag-e1 .U nLiotc aHto.i o2n aonf ds paoirdt wiaont eorf n aBllnoac ksa n1d afnirde 2 hoydfr Baenetr sc onSnuebcdtiiviosniso na nd pyroeus asutr ae lraetduerol dnagt ev.alve will be as shown on drawings which X will furnish SUBDIVIDE* AGREES! materials to construct: ^ (a) Approximately 3362 LT of 8" oast Iron water nalna. (b) Approximately 3821 LF of 6* oast Iron water mains. (0) Approximately 130 LP of 6" oast Iron fire hydrant (d) Otno eb 1o2 I*n psrteaslsluerde I rne eduxiolstngin vga wlavtee oro maapilnet aet I nB opnlaanzcae Road and Highway 95. Trheed uooolantg ovfal cveon s(terxuocltuisnlgv es oafi dc woaatte orf m aoionnsa tarunodt plrnegs s1u3r6e L P of fire hydrant connections) is the agreed sum of S«h,862. 2. Bald water nalna shall be constructed of 8* and 6" Claes 1F5ed0e rBaAl Bsp eoacisfti Icartoino npisp wev apn td» 2s1 hTaylple b 1e. ' inA allo ooJroidnatnso es whialtlh beqeu aasls etnot .A BAA lStla fnidtatridn gCsl aasah a2l5l0 .b e Anlewl, v aallvl esbe lslh aolals bte Iron double disk, parallel seat bronze mountings conforming to AsVhWalAl stbaen doafr desa,s tn Iorto lne aosf atphparno 1p7ri5a tlbe se.,l sae nfdo arl ls avoahl vvael vbeo.x es Utinvlees so fo tthheer wCoimspea napy,p roavleld p ibyp ea v adluvleys a uatnhdo friitzteidn rges psrheasleln ta­Cboem mpaannyu foacrt Muureeldl beyr Ctohmep Panayc.i fiAcl lS tpatiepse lCiansets Isrhoanl lP ibpee bchel oeruibjnaeotte dt Io nt ahoeo oarpdparnovoael w aintdh aAoVoWeAp teapnecoelf olofa tSltoantae, ansdh all Ceilteyv aHteioanl ttho A buteh odreistiigensa,t eadn fde ys ah adlull bye a ouotnhsotrriusoetde rde parte asnen ta­ttihvaen o36f* thoef cCoomvpearniyn,g bouvte rI snu ncho weavtenert nsahlanlal. thAelrle wboer lkemaasn ­ship, material and Installation of said water nalna shall bisee adu rbejperotes teno ttahtei vaep porfo vtahle aConmdp aanoyo.eptance fay a duly author­