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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 16, 1996






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about bylaws, leases, and judicial council majority opinion.

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    uac000871. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President Joe Laxague STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 26-28 Monday, September 16,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. Terry A. Moore Studies Senate President Pro-Tempore Sliawna J. Campbell Liberal Arts Leia Fleischman Fine & Performing Arts Laura Zurek Hotel Administration Joaquin F. Trujillo Business & Economics Jeremy A. Aguero Hotel Administration Heather Anderson Business & Economics Frank Lideros Engineering Kyle Lopez Student Development Veronica Perez Liberal Arts 'fargaret Persch ealth Sciences tViltiam Price Communications Todd Rasmussen Liberal Arts Andreas Roell Business & Economics Robert W. Solomon Education Michael Atherley Business & Economics Derrick Bruce Hotel Administration Ryan Marth Science & Mathematics David Fisk Education I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL A. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT HARTER ADDRESS TO SENATE III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director reports 1. Entertainment and Programming Director Castillo; 2. O.S.I. Director Hamilton; 3. Organizations Board Director Bonghi; 4. Nevada Student Affairs Director Valera; 5. Student Services Director Tolbert; 6. Elections Board Director Reed; B. Senate Committee Reports C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports D. Business Manager Report E. CSUN—Residence Hall Liaison Report VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Nomination/approval of applicant for the open Senate seat for the College of Student Development (no action at 26-27); B. Action Item: Election of a student representative to the Dean Search Committee for the College of Urban Affairs from nominees SENATOR RASMUSSEN, SENATOR MOORE and Lyle Persch (tabled at 26-27); t/i GO *—1 u> —o VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of expending an amount not to exceed $500.00 to co-sponsor a debate between the UNLV Forensics Team and the British International Debate Team, the event is to be held September 16, 1996 at 7:30 p.m. in the MSU Ballroom, to be encumbered out of the fy 96-97 CSUN 2702 (GenAcct) (as submitted by SENATOR PRICE); CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA. 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 26-28 / SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Elections Board Policy, as written by Elections Board Director Wavie Reed; C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of performance agreement/contract for the Zookeepers; D. Action Item: Introduction/Nomination/Discussion/Approval of CSUN Elections Board members: * Shawna Campbell Aaron Honig Michelle Williams ShaMarcus Simmons Amanda Han Shawn Roth Cornelious Anthony Chambliss, Jr. E. Action Item: Introduction/Discussion/Approval of $3,621.00 for the expenses for KUNV's Transmitter site at Black Mountain for the months of October, November, and December; to be encumbered out of the CSUN 2703 (KUNV) account; * CO C-. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of amending the CSUN Constitution as Eg go follows: — Article V. I. Remuneration 4. Executive officers who have been re-elected to the same Executive position shall not be eligible to receive the advisory stipend. [4 is now 5] G. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of amending the CSUN Constitution to read as follows: —_ r- 3.-.••0> _5? L . CO u; 4 < . _ ™c-toi -n,.,; r UJ O-rt^E I S X>- 5 TTi o S "0p-0 -n2 : m°c /< p-° cn/ < m Article VI. B. Composition The Senate shall consist of twenty-three (23) representatives. Each college shall receive at least one (1) seat. Each Independent school shall receive at least one (1) seat. The Independent Studies Program shall collectively receive at least one (1) seat. The [remaining] seats shall be apportioned according to the percentage of CSUN members enrolled in each College, Independent School, and the collective Independent Studies Program. 1. The apportionment equation shall be done as follows: College Enrollment X number of Senate seats (23) University Enrollment 2. Enrollment totals shall be obtained from the previous Fall semester enrollment. H. Action Item: Discussion/Action regarding Judicial Council Case involving SENATOR CAMPBELL; 2 SENATE MINUTES 26-28 / SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XI. ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank and Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex, and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. * Items marked as such have been passed by the CSUN Executive Board, on Tuesday, September 9, 1996.. OFFICIAL NOTICE: When applicable, any formal Executive Board/Senate approval for all heretofore and hereafter appointed nominee(s) are to be contingent upon necessary receipt of required grade point average verification(s). -rCroOj v, C O Sc6^ 0-o a r~% U> OS ^j-j»w "n i Sec < i o tyZ >• "n 5' w * f n J 3 ,«•<*.*• . * RECEIVED <>' CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFCS. > UNIVERSFTY OF NEVADA LAS VECAS AUG 21 II M AH'96 SENATE BYLAW 19 ELECTION BOARD POLICY (Effective: November 12, 1987; Revised; Januaraiy 25,1990; March 11, 1992: October 7,1992; July 17, 1996) I. PURPOSE To plan, supervise and certify all elections held under the auspices of CSUN7 UNLV Student Government IL STRUCTURE The election Board shall consist of the following: A. The Director, who shall be nominated by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate. B. At least three (3 \ but no more than ten( 10) CSUN members, at least one (1) ofwhom must be a Senator. m. DUTIES, POWERS, AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ELECTION BOARD A. The Director 1. The Director shall abide to Article IX, Section D of the CSUN Constitution. 2. The Director shall vote to make or break a tie. 3. To present the Election Board Policy, Election Calendar, the Candidate's Handbook, and the Candidate's Packet to the CSUN Senate for approval. 4. To certify the qualifications of all potential candidates who wish to run for CSUN positions. 5. To submit to the student newspaper a complete list of candidates, their biography, and the office in which they are running- prior to the election. 6. To organize and coordinate the candidates debates. 7. To contract with an agency outside CSUN for the electorial process and to provide for the voting and tabulation of ballots. 8. To file records of election results including the total number of votes for each ^rvtiHntp 9. To submit to the student newspaper, the names of candidates and ballot tabulations following the certification of results. B. The Board 1. The Board shall review and approve the budget prepared by the Director. 2. To review and revise the Election Policy as necessary. 3. To act as the original hearing board for complaints concerning election violations. RECEIVED CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS STUDENT GOVERNMENT OFCS. UNIVERSITY CF NEVADA LA'S VEGAS AUG Z! II m AH '96 4. To maintain complete written records of minutes, complaints, violations, and other documents. 5. To enforce the provisioo3 of the Election Policy, the Candidate's Handbook, the Candidate's Packet 6. The Board shall certify' CSUN Elections within one (1) week of the closing of the polls. 7. The Board shall conduct referendums. 8. The Board shall determine petitions for initiative proposals and recall elections. 9. The Board shall approve the apportionment of all Senate seat3 one (1) week prior to the beginning of the filing date for Senate elections subject to Senate approval 10. The Board shall establish the rules necessary for the conduct of elections. 11. The Board shall establish and collect a fee, not to exceed $30.00 per candidate, to ensure compliance with election rules, and to retain a fee, or a portion thereof for noncompliance. 12. The Board shall circuit the polls on election day(s) as per assigned by the Director. 13. The Board shall be responsible for the ensuring the polls are operational and dismantled at the designated times. 14. Upon closure of the polls on the second day of election, the ballots will be collected and counted immediately. 15. The Election Board shall establish an operating policy to be approved by both the Election Board and the CSUN Senate. 16. Upon the third unexrused absence, a member of the Board shall be automatically terminated. I 1 Y • . i J I ••COMMUNITY RADIO 4505 MAA RS«YrLvlAct«N oDfU tNPhm«AI VCREoKnRWsSoAIliTYdY a teLOdAmF SSN tVuEdEVoGAnAUDS Ao. .f NtLhEm«A VUSA nVDivEAeGr sA8i9tSy1 5o4f t NH«r0r»2 d)» 739-3877 Reference: 10-year Lease between Broadcast Sites and Board of Regents, UNLV, made effective 1 June 1988. Subject: GJ^ Y E A R OF LEASE encumbrance for f.y. JULY 1996 - JULY 1997 a) Item fl28 - GENERATOR Rental. "28. GENERATOR. The parties hereto acknowledge that Lessor may provide an additional generator to service Lessee in the event of a power failure. If Lessor provides said additional generator, it is understood that Lessor shall have no responsibility with respect to any failure on the part of the generator to perform, but Lessor shall use its best efforts to cause the generator to properly perform in the event of a power failure.. In the event Lessor does provide said generator, Lessee's rental hereunder shall be increased from the then applicable rental by a sum equal to $150.00 per month commencing on the first day of the month succeeding the date Lessor provides said additional generator. r u : \ i V 9 i . - i r ' ^ ^ C Q M M U N I T Y RADIO 4503 MAA RS«YrLviAcn»N oDfU tNPhIeAV RCERoKmnSWIaToAYli Yd ataOLdFA SSN tEVumVdEAeOnDAtAsS . o. f NILhEoA VUSA ntVDivEAeGr sA8im9tSy1 3o4f N(7«0v2v)d «7 39 -3877 Reference: 10-year Lease between Broadcast Sites and Board of Regents, UNLV, made effective 1 June 1988. Subject: 9TH YEAR OF LEASE encumbrance for f.y. July 1 9 9 6 J u n e 1997 a) Item #6 - REt^T plus Increases Pursuant to Cost of Living Increases, quoted below. b) Item 87 - Rental Increases Pursuant to COST OF LIVING INCREASES, quoted below. . "6. RENT. Lessee covenants and agrees to pay to Lessor, without setoff, deduction or demand, at the address provided hereafter for notice or at such other place as Lessor may designate in writing to Lessee, rent per month on the first day'of each and every month during the term herein, an amount as set forth in Exhibit "B." In the event the term commences other than the first day of the month, said time between said commencement date and the first of the follow-ing month shall be prorated. "7. RENTAL INCREASES PURSUANT TO COST OF LIVING INCREASES. A monthly rental shall be increased (but not decreased) at the beginn-ing of the second year of the term hereunder and shall be increased at the beginning of each year^ thereafter (lease year being defined s 12 calendar months), said increase to reflect any increase in the cost of living based upon the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. City Average, Consumer Price Index as Amended for All Urban Consumers. The cost of living index figure to be used is the latest figure published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics on the date of i / U N V 9 I F M H ^ ^ C O M M UNITY RADIO 4505 MAA RSeYrLviActeN oDfU tNPhmeAI VRCEoKRnWsSoAIlTiYdY a tLOedAmF SSN tuVEdEVeGAnAtDsS Ao. .f NtLhmEeA VUSA nViDvEAeGr sAi8t9yS1- 5o4f n N(7e0v2a)d a7 39 -3877 Page 2. Reference: 10-year Lease between Broadcast Sites and Board of Regents, UNLV, made effective 1 June 1968 . Con't. Item 0 7 "application thereof. Said cost of living adjustment shall be paid on the first day of the month following the end of the applicable year, and shall be payable each month thereafter as adjusted for the balance of the then applicable period. The rental adjustment for the applicable period shall be determined by dividing the base monthly rental by the index figure as of the commencement date of the lease and that resultant figure will remai the multiplying factor for the adjustment in determining the then total monthly rental for each applicable period. i.e. (Base rental divided by index figure as of the commencement date of the lease equals the multiplying factor, times the index figure as of the beginning of each applicable period equals the then monthly rental for the then applicable period.)" Enclosure (h/w) 1. Exhibit "B." FY. 1996 - 1997 91FM COMMUNITY RADIO 4505 MAA RSYerLviActeN oDfU thPNmeAI VCREoKnRWsSoAIlTiYdYa t eOLdAFm S SNt VuEdVEeGAnAtDs SAo.f . tNhLnEeA VUSA nVDivEAeGr sA8im9tSy1 5o4f N(7e0v2a)d a7 39 -3877 Reference: Subject: 10-year Lease between Broadcast Sites and Board of Regents, UNLV, made effective 1 June 1988. ATH YEAR O F LEASE encumbrance for f.y. July. 1 9 9 6 June, 1997 a) Item <11 - Electric Power. "11. ELECTRIC POWER. Lessee shall provide, at its expense, power hook-up and meter for billing purposes from said service panel which exists currently. Further, as additional rent, Lessee shall pay on a monthly basis together with the base monthly rental stated herein, the sum of $700.00 for Lessee's estimated power usage. Each year, J or on about the anniversary date of the lease term, Lessor shall take a reading of the meter installed by Lessee and calculate the amount of power actually used by Lessee since the meter was last read. " Immediately thereafter, a settlement will be made between Lessor and Lessee as to the difference between the amount of power actually used by Lessee since the last annual meter reading and the total amount of the monthly sums paid to Lessor by Lessee since the last annual meter reading for Lessee's estimated power usage, Further, the monthly payment to Lessor from Lessee for Lessee's estimated power usage shall be Adjusted immediately each and every meter reading utilizing the following formula: DIVIDEND: Total Dollar Amount of Actual Power Used - Resultant: Figure Adjusted Monthly Payment By Lessee to Lessor for Lessee's Estimated Power Usage * 4503 MARYLANDU NPAIVREKRWSAITYY LOAF SN VEEVGAADSA. . NLEAVSA VDEAG A89S1 54 C702) 739-3377 A Sendee of the Consolidated Students of the University-of Nevada Page 2. Reference: 10-year Lease between Broadcast Sites and Board of Regents, UNLV, made effective 1 June 1988. Con* t. Item 11. "DIVISOR> Total Number of Months Since the Last Annual Meter Reading » " The adjusted monthly payment for Lessee's power usage shall commence the month following the date Lessor notifies Lessee of the above resultant figure and continues until the next annual meter reading. " FT. . 9TH Year of Lease 1 9 9 6 - 1 9 9 7 T University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government .— I < .o . rr o To: C SUN Chief Justice Steve From: Senator Shawna Campbell Date: August 22, 1996 Subject: Term of Office for Senators I respectfully request an interpretation of the CSUN Constitution, bylaws, and statutes regarding the term of office for a Senator who completes course work for his or her degree in August. I officially completed my course work for a bachelor's degree on August 15, 1996; however, I would like to retain my Senate seat for the remainder of the Senate session ending on October 31, 1996. According to the CSUN Constitution, elected officers: 1) Article IV, C,l: shall be matriculated CSUN members. 2) Article IV, C,2: shall have a cumulative GPA of not less than 2.5 3) Article IV, C,5: shall complete at least six credits per semester at UNLV with a per semester UNLV GPA of not less than 2.0;... 4) Article IV, C,6: Legislative officers must be admitted members of the college, school, or program they represent prior to the election. 1)1 have been a matriculated CSUN member throughout my term; I am also registered for a Liberal Arts course this fall, which would continue my status as a matriculated member of CSUN. 2) My cumulative GPA as of August 19 is above 2.5 3) Statute 151.02 states that" 'Semester' for all purposes not otherwise defined, shall be considered as two (2) calendar units, the first including the classes completed from January 1 through June 30 inclusive, the second including the classes completed from July 1 through December 31, inclusive." Due to my summer enrollment, I completed twelve (12) credits after July 1, 1996. According to the definition of semester given in the statutes, these credits were completed in the Fall semester of 1996. 4) Prior to the election, and throughout my term, I have been an admitted member of the Liberal Arts College which I represent. I would appreciate a decision as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration of this matter. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 To: CSUN Judicial Council From: Senator Shawna J. Campbell Due to a week break in deliberations, and the recent memo I received from Chief Justice Amend regarding matriculation, I am submitting more information for my case. I would like to refer again to Statute 151.02 regarding the definition of semester. " 'Semester' for all purposes not otherwise defined, shall be considered as two calendar units, the first including the classes completed from January 1 through June 30 inclusive, the second including the classes completed from July 1 through December 31, inclusive." Article II. Membership and Fees states "that all matriculated undergraduate students of UNLV, upon payment of registration fees, shall be members of CSUN until the beginning of the following semester..." For all purposes of grade verification done by the CSUN Business Manager, the semester statute is used; therefore, it logically applies as well to Article II. of the CSUN Constitution. Also supported by Statute 151.02 is the Senate requirement in Article IV. C5 that "Legislative Officers shall complete at least six credits per semester at UNLV with a per semester UNLV GPA of not less than 2.0;..." I completed 12 credits in Summer Sessions 2 and 3, subsequently completing 12 credits in the Fall Semester. According to Article II., I am still considered a matriculated student in the eyes of CSUN until January 1, 1997 regardless of my status with the UNLV registrar. Currently, I am still classified as an undergraduate senior by the registrar for diplomas have not yet been posted; I am not yet a graduate special student. I filed this case voluntarily in order to clarify the Constitution in regard to Senate eligibility, not because there was any concern over my eligibility. I would merely like to fulfill my obligation to my constituents by completing my Senatorial term of office. Thank-you for your extended consideration of this matter. Rt"»clV£D CONSCUCAFEC STUDENTS STUDENT GCV?.SN«£HT «FCS UMVESS? rr c- NEVACA L.-Vi V£jJAS SEP 10 4 2s PH 'SB Consolidated Students JUDICIAL COUNCIL MAJORITY OPINION In the matter concerning Item III.C. on the Agenda of the CSUN Judicial Council Meeting dated September 2, 1996: Request for interpretation by Senator Campbell, concerning eligibility requirements for Senators to hold office, the Judicial Council found that a Senator who has successfully completed their course work for graduation during their term of office is no longer eligible to hold office in accordance with CSUN Constitution Article IV,C,1. On August 15, 1996 Senator Campbell successfully completed the necessary course work to receive her bachelor's degree from the College of Liberal Arts. Senator Campbell argued the following: "According to the CSUN Constitution, elected officers: 1. Article IV,C,1: shall be matriculated CSUN members. 2. Article IV,C,2: shall have a cumulative GPA of not less than 2.5 3. Article IV,C,5: shall complete at least six credits per semester at UNLV with a per semester UNLV GPA of not less than 2.0;... Background University of Nevada, Las Vegas*4505 South Maryland Parkway*Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-2009*(702) 895-3477 CSUN Judicial Council Majority Opinion CONSOLIDATES? STUDENTS _.. • - 0 * „ - , 5TU0ENT GOVERNMENT OFCS. Re: Eligibility of Senators to Hold Office 'JNlVERS'Tt' 0" NEVADA Page 2 LAS V«AS SEP 10 <4 2s PH *36 4. Article IV,C,6: Legislative officers must be admitted members of the college, school, or program they represent prior to election." Senator Campbell felt that although she graduated, she still met the requirements to hold office since she had completed 6 credit hours during the semester as defined by Statute 151.02. Senator Campbell felt that this would continue her status as a matriculated CSUN member until the end of the semester as defined by Statute 151.02 and implied in Article II of the Constitution. Decision According to the Admissions Office, a student who is enrolled in classes after his/her graduation automatically becomes a graduate special student since the student has a bachelor's degree. A graduate special student is a non-matriculated, non-admitted student (See Exhibit A) . The Judicial Council found that in interpreting Article II and Article IV of the CSUN Constitution that Senator Campbell, upon completion of her course work, no longer met the eligibility requirements since she is no longer classified as a CSUN admitted or matriculated student. CSUN Judicial Council Majority Opinion Re: Eligibility of Senators to Hold Office Page 3 Additionally, action must be taken by RECEIVED .CONSOLIDATED STUNCWTC student GOVERNHENTOCOC t k l0seni?i ffl '96 President in accordance with Statute 310.02. Dated : This [ 0 day of October, 1996. ^ f v ^ % l^j Chief Justice Steven B. Amend Justice Keith W. McLain Justice Angel Rivas, Jr. ( UMIVERSITY OF \EVADA LAS VEGAS September 9, 1996 Chief Justice Steven Amend CSUN - Box 2009 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Veg—*a s, NV 89154-2009 r Dear Chief Justice Amend: I am writing this letter per your request during our telephone conversation on September 6, 1996. You requested that I explain the procedures the Office of Admissions and Records uses regarding graduating students. A student at UNLV has a STUD screen on our Student Information System (SIS) which shows their class standing. Upon graduation, this screen is deleted because the individual is no longer considered a student. If the student is enrolled in classes after his/her graduation, then a new STUD screen is automatically created. The new screen will automatically show the student as a graduate special student since the student has a bachelor's degree. A graduate special student is a non-matriculated, non-admitted student. The old STUD screen is eliminated when the Registrar's Office does a mass graduation batch job. The purpose of the batch job is to change all graduated students from student status to alumni status on SIS. This procedure is usually done four weeks after the August graduation date. However, due to the reorganization, this batch job has been delayed by a week. It is expected to be completed by Monday, September 16, 1996. Because of this delay, all seniors who were to have graduated in August are still showing senior standing on their STUD screen. However, by early next week, they will all be listed as alumni and their STUD screens will follow the procedure outlined above. I understand that a main concern is the concept of matriculation. For admission purposes, matriculated means that you have been admitted to a degree program at the university and are attending classes. There are only three ways to be considered a matriculated student - admission to the graduate college, admission to the undergraduate college for a first bachelor's degree, or admission to either college for a second bachelor's or master's degree. In order to be admitted for a second bachelor's degree, the person must complete our application for admission, pay the application fee, and have all college transcripts sent to our office. Only after going through this process would the person be considered a matriculated undergraduate student. I hope this information helps clarify this issue for you. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me directly at 895-1670. S i r r p r f > ' v Jonell L. Lucca Admissions Counselor Office of Admissions and Records 4505 Maryland Parkway • Box 451021 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-1021 • (702) 895-3443 TOLL FREE 1-800-334-8658 UNW September 9, 1996 Chief Justice Steven Amend CSUN - Box 2009 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 89154-2009 Dear Chief Justice Amend: I am writing this letter per your request during our telephone conversation on September 6, 1996. You requested that I explain the procedures the Office of Admissions and Records uses regarding graduating students. A student at UNLV has a STUD screen on our Student Information System (SIS) which shows their class standing. Upon graduation, this screen is deleted because the individual is no longer considered a student. If the student is enrolled in classes after his/her graduation, then a new STUD screen is automatically created. The new screen will automatically show the student as a graduate special student since the student has a bachelor's degree. A graduate special student is a non-matriculated, non-admitted student. The old STUD screen is eliminated when the Registrar's Office does a mass graduation batch job. The purpose of the batch job is to change all graduated students from student status to alumni status on SIS. This procedure is usually done four weeks after the August graduation date. However, due to the reorganization, this batch job has been delayed by a week. It is expected to be completed by Monday, September 16, 1996. Because of this delay, all seniors who were to have graduated in August are still showing senior standing on their STUD screen. However, by early next week, they will all be listed as alumni and their STUD screens will follow the procedure outlined above. I understand that a main concern is the concept of matriculation. For admission purposes, matriculated means that you have been admitted to a degree program at the university and are attending classes. There are only three ways to be considered a matriculated student - admission to the graduate college, admission to the undergraduate college for a first bachelor's degree, or admission to either college for a second bachelor's or master's degree. In order to be admitted for a second bachelor's degree, the person must complete our application for admission, pay the application fee, and have ail college transcripts sent to our office. Only after going through this process would the person be considered a matriculated undergraduate student. I hope this information helps clarify this issue for you. If I can be of further assistance, please contact me directly at 895-1670. Sip^relv Jonell L. Lucca Admissions Counselor Office of Admissions and Records 4505 Maryland Parkway • Box 451021 • Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-1021 • (702) 895-3443 TOLL FREE 1-800-334-8658 University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President STUDENT SENA TE MEETING 26-28 MINUTES Monday, September 16,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Jeremy Aguero Heather Anderson Michael Atherley Derrick Bruce Shawna Campbell Leia Fleischman David Fisk Frank Lideros Kyle Lopez Terry Moore Veronica Perez Margaret Persch William Price Todd Rasmussen Andreas Roell Robert Solomon Joaquin Trujillo Laura Zurek Ryan Marth C3 <=s ~ rn til " - o % !T;"4 JZ~ <. 1-<.1 JnO1i m'' 0 o Cf ' 2C''. ZS -r* O — OOI rn , <crj>3 >>- tO A— fJf , A. UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT HARTER ADDRESS TO SENATE III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes 26-27 are up for approval. Motion to approve made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR ROELL. Move into a vote. Motion passes 17-0-1. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN abstained. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS Dr. Harter will be speaking soon. 48 total people filed to run for the Senate seats, largest Senate election in recent history. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director reports CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MINUTES 26-28 / SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 I \ 1. Entertainment and Programming—Tailgate went well. The generator problems are being worked out. A concert on October 18, CSUN will be selling tickets for A Day on The Green to help the Thomas and Mack. This Sunday is the first movie in the movie series, Mission Impossible. 2. O.S.I.—'Tailgate marked the start of CSUN's responsible drinking campaign. She has been speaking with all of the Residence Halls. Would like to put together two Oozeball teams of the Executive and the Senate. Received a call from the Greek Advisor on campus who is holding a first year forum for freshman on campus to learn about what things go on campus, and would like some people in student government to speak about what goes on campus. ***Dr. Harter entered the meeting and addressed the Senate and answered questions. *** 3. Organizations Board— 4. Nevada Student Affairs— SBS 'J» a <=O<rn=- «^ at —— rf?, C X-'"-! j 1 mo -on t a- j 1' ' 5. Student Services— cr> 6. Elections Board—Informed the Senate of the numbers of applicants for each college for the elections. B. Senate Committee Reports SENATOR FLEISCHMAN-Agenda for Campus Safety and Awareness is out, meeting is September 23. SENATOR AGUERO-Bylaws committee met, has worked out a general plan regarding the advisor position. Will be meeting on a consistent basis every week with weekly reports at the Senate meetings. SENATOR CAMPBELL~Ad Hoc Constitutional revision met, minutes are out. C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports SENATOR MOORE-Attended the Faculty Senate committee meeting, will be attending the rest of their meetings for the semester. They are very receptive to student involvement. Encouraged the Senators to attend their committee meetings. SENATOR SOLOMON—Needs a proxy for his General Education meeting. SENATOR ANDERSON—Received a letter from the new Admissions chair for a meeting. Was the only one received the agenda, the other Senators did not, and therefore did not know to attend the meeting. D. Business Manager Report Business Manager Karla Kirk advised the Senate of the Executive Board expenditures for the preceding week. E. CSUN-Residence Hall Liaison Report No liaison at this time. Oin (/' 2 SENATE MINUTES 26-28 / SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)J Sunny Martin addressed the Senate on behalf of Campus Community and Development. Motion to move out of the order of the day to New Business, Item H made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-0. (NB) H. Action Item: Discussion/Action regarding Judicial Council Case involving SENATOR CAMPBELL; SENATOR CAMPBELL addressed the Senate regarding the item. SENATOR MOORE addressed the item. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE passed the gavel to SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE MOORE at 8:14 p.m. SENATOR AGUERO takes personal privilege at 8:20 p.m. Note: The Senate now sits at 16 Senators present. cH o SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE addressed the Senate regarding the item. — 1 n 1 1--r ryie . o." i— ;v:* - o Motion to move into a committee of the whole made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. tI——'i u>- 0 "» X V r-t-: m< -«. m p"! rt £ '::> Move into a vote. Motion passes 14-0-1. SENATOR BRUCE abstained. 132 "" m Vj o Ti SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE MOORE moves the body into a committee of the whole around cjS Of/>u t 8:30 p.m. Motion to move out of a committee of the whole made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR ANDERSON. Move into a vote. Motion passes 15-0-0. SENATE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE MOORE moves the body out of a committee of the whole, time unknown. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the item and the Senate responsibility of following a ruling by the Judicial Council, or making a ruling on the Senate's own decision. Motion to amend item H to read., "endorsement of the Judicial Decision for SENATOR CAMPBELL to